
What If !! A Harry Potter Fanfiction.

What if the day after Harry was left on Petunia's doorstep not everything happens as Albus Dumbledore hoped it would be. What if Albus Dumbledore doesn't know everything? Fate and destiny cannot be planned by one man based on a prophecy and assumption of human nature. An AU Harry Potter Fiction

NightOwlSd · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
5 Chs

This is Not a Reunion.

With a slight nod of their head, Mr. & Mrs. Evans stepped into the Dursley's household. Vernon's beady eyes narrowed at the sight of several neighbors' ogling towards his home or at the expensive car parked in his lot. He closed the door and ushered them inside the living room to re-join with their daughter. Both Mr. & Mrs. Evans stopped in front of their daughter whom they hadn't seen since their first grandchild was born.

"Mother," Petunia greeted with a slight nod of her head moving forward and greeting both her parents with an awkward hug. Mrs. Evans hold her firstborn a little too tightly, while Mr. Evans kissed her over the temple and hugged her close to himself for a little longer. Petunia did not refuse. No matter how much bad blood is between them, they are her parents and love her unconditionally and only want the best for her. Letting her go Mr. Evans said in a soft yet surprised voice, "It's good to hear from you Tunney. You surprised us with your unexpected call today morning. Unexpected but a welcome call."

Petunia nodded, "I am afraid the reason for my call was to be able to resolve a situation we- as in me and my husband have found ourselves in, and want to get rid of it as soon as possible. I also am afraid it seems I am to break the bad news to you as you both seem to be unaware of the situation and this in return has given rise to more questions for me than it answers."

Their heart sank in disappointment quickly however an unknown fear gripped both of them while alarm bells started ringing in their heads. Before Petunia could ask them to take a seat, a joyful squeal broke the silence and for the first time, the newly arrived occupant realized the presence of the baby in the room. Smiling for the first time, Mrs. Evans moved forward to pick up her grandchild whom she had last seen more than a year ago. But she stopped suddenly, as she realized that she is not gazing into the innocent watery blue eyes of her first grandchild (as seen in the pictures sent by Petunia occasionally) but was instead looking into the deep, emerald of her youngest grandchild.

Lily's son.


The fear rushed back tenfold. Automatically she raised the child and embraced him to her taking comfort in the fact that the child didn't reject her, even though she was an almost stranger to him.

Turning around she looked towards her husband who has gone ghostly pale and his face broke into heartbreak and grief. They realized the implication of Harry's presence in the Dursley household. That what might have happened to their sweet, lively, courageous Lily.

"When?" Mr. Evans asked in a shaky voice to Petunia. Petunia was shocked when the realization hit her that her parents had somehow already known or might have come to the conclusion of Lily and her husband's fate.

She ushered her parents to the sofa and watched how her mother, was holding on to Harry as if her life depends on it. Her father went down to sit beside his wife one hand across her shoulder which was shaking in silence at the loss of the most precious thing in life, while the little boy dozing slightly in the warm embrace of these new strangers. Jealousy raged inside Petunia at the very sight. That should be her Dudley showered in love not Lily's freak brat. In her envy Petunia failed to realize her parents' pain and that Harry is now all they have left of their youngest daughter. Her envy towards her sister and her unfounded anger towards her parents made Petunia indifferent to their grief or the sorrow of losing her only sibling. Her blood.

For what seemed like years but had actually only been few minutes both Mr. & Mrs. Evans composed themselves as best they could and looked to Petunia. "Today. We found him in the morning," replied Petunia coolly.

"Found him?" asked Mr. Evans incredulously. "What do you mean, found him?" he continued.

"Exactly what she said. Those freaks dumped him in front of our house as if it's an orphanage or foster home. " Snapped Vernon and immediately shut his mouth noticing Mr. Evans's eyes narrowing and face taking a slight red tint, not knowing what offended him more. His grandson abandoned outside a house on a chilly night or him referring rightfully to their kinds as freaks. Considering his late sister-in-law was one of them. Mrs. Evans on the other hand looked at Petunia and said "Explain."

Petunia offered the letter to her parents.

Both Evans leaned closer to read the letter.


Mr. & Mrs. Dursley.

With a heavy heart, I must inform you about the tragic and violent incident that resulted in the death of your dear sister Lily Potter. nee Evans. I must inform you in detail how it came to be. Since the past few years, our world has been in a constant state of war with one of the most dangerous dark wizards, Britain has seen to date - both magical and non-magical. Anyone resisting against him was targeted. The Potters being one of them. You must know that your sister and her family went into hiding for the family's safekeeping a few months back and had suffered the ultimate betrayal where the secret of their location was revealed to the Dark wizard. On the evening of 31st October, Lord Voldemort intruded and killed both James and Lily Potter. They both fought valiantly but regrettably fell before his wand. Intending to finish the Potter line Voldemort also raised his wand to kill Harry, however, his spell failed and backfired destroying him and miraculously little Harry lived. I believe that your sister till her last breathes fought to save her child and sacrificed her own life to save him. However, I regret to tell you that your nephew is not safe in the wizarding world as he would be sought by the supporters of the Dark Wizard who are still at large, hence as his only surviving blood relative, I request you to take Harry in your care as your own. The blood that Harry shared with his mother also runs in you, and it is now protected by a sacred-blood sacrifice which would provide Harry protection till he comes of age as long as he can call your home his home. The home where his blood resides. My hope that you would accept my request had been bolstered when I realized that your family home is surrounded by a blood ward erected & powered by your sister. It seemed to me that you and Lily have overcome years of differences if she had so readily performed such a highly frowned upon ritual on a non-magic dwelling. It is with this hope and the promise that for the next 10 years till Harry comes to Hogwarts you would not be contacted by any magical means I entrust Harry to you.


Albus Percival Brian Wulfric Dumbledore


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

End of Chapter 3.

Thank you for reading.