

LOVE DID NOT HURT YOU YOUR CHOICE DID The story love life of a successful bachelor name Fred, he has his idea girlfriend well sketch on his imagination and soon he finds her but it all turned out to be his worse nightmares as he was faced with difficulty and challenges in his life... Please take out time to find out by reading and also vote for me. Note: English is not my native language, so you will find some errors, feel free to correct me by commenting, the more you read the better I become. I really appreciate your efforts for reading this far. Please continue to support me...

Austin_Fidelis · สมัยใหม่
41 Chs

Chapter 15

Standing up from bed, trying to shake off the rust and head out the door immediately. The five minutes it took me to brush my teeth and get dressed for a run wasn't enough to fully adjust to being up.

My knees and quads felt stiff as I head out on what should be an easy three to five-mile jaunt, and my legs felt rusty, my head was aching badly

Each night before going to bed, I would plan out my run and route for the day, put out workout clothes, and prep my lunch—and the coffeemaker if I wanted some for after the run. That way I wouldn't need to make any of these decisions from the depths of morning fog, but today I will be different since I could barely remember how I slept off.

My brain was starting to fire on all four-cylinder

The weather is often cooler in the morning, thus more comfortable for running. Running in the light of day may feel safer than running after dark. I run on an empty stomach unlike other morning runners, I feel more comfortable that way...

It never hurts to start your day on the good foot, literally! Today is another lonely day on this path but am used to it, my only neighbor does not see the need for a morning run...

After running some kilometers I noticed someone was behind me but each time I try to turn, I don't get to see anyone, maybe my head is playing tricks on me (Hallucinations), it must be the alcohol I took last night, I continued and in no time I got tired 'every day is not Christmas, it's not a competition ' i thought to myself turning round to walk back home and from nowhere someone ran into me with high speed and knock me down, it took me some time to stand up and find my balance. I stood up but I could not see him, again.

"He is lucky my knee still hurts, he would have gotten the beating of his life today" feeling very peeved at the moment I was struggling to get home with my almost fractured one leg

Getting to my doorstep I saw a letter on the floor

"Is it not too early in the day to be dropping letters?" I said before picking it up then I discovered a pack by the flower vase, I began to feel disturbed. I can recall making orders from any restaurant, I checked the pack properly before taking it inside the house. I was very anxious to know what the letter was all about or the pack.

I quickly open it to see what was written

"Hi, Fred

Have been watching you, and I have eyes on you everywhere you go. I bet your life is playing out well and mine is a mess because of you, I promise you will regret ever coming out of your mother's womb, and I will make you feel the pains I have been feeling in 29 years of my life. Am coming for you bro, you can't hide from me. The next time we meet I won't only knock you down but I will cut off your ears and piece by piece, I will rip you apart from the good life you think you are having now. You can run to the police if you like they won't save you from me.

You are just a pussy Freddy

# a#a#a#a#a"

For a moment I was confused, I can't figure out anything from this letter, I rushed to take the pack out of my house I quickly searched for my phone so I could call my mother it's morning already she must have woken up. Before I could get to the stairs I heard the sound of a car I quickly rushed to peep from the window who it was, I was terrified by the letter, I can't remember having issues with anyone and that's the worst thing, not knowing who you are fighting. Not having a description of your opponent is like a death trap already.

Suddenly a knock on the door, I was very scared to answer, I quickly rushed to the kitchen and pick up some kitchen knives, I hide them behind me...

Walking silently towards the door, I could hear the voices "Annie is that you" I asked

"Yes!" She replied

I opened the door to let her in but then the look on her face shows something is wrong

"What is it, are you ok? Who's car is that? Where is your daughter?

Talk to me " I said to her, tears were already in her eyes waiting for her to blink.

"Why have you been ignoring her calls? She called you all yesterday and you recused to pick up, I thought you were a responsible young man but you just prove to be like the others" a lady said from behind her

"Sorry who are you and what are you talking about," I said looking surprised

"Fred! This is Khloe my coworker and friend, why have you not been taking my calls, you got me scared" Annie said introducing I & Khloe but it seems she already knows me from the way she sounded earlier

"Your calls! I did not see any calls, I don't even know where I kept my phone since last night. I was about searching for it when you came knocking, I wanted to call my mom" I said trying to wipe her tears "why will I ignore your calls, I don't ignore people's calls. "I can't ignore your calls cause I don't know if it's an emergency"

"So where is your phone now?" Khloe asked with all seriousness like she was going to punch me on the face

"I don't know, I went to the bar yesterday with my homeboy and I can't remember making any call there at the bar, I had taken lots of shots of Jean Beam. When I notice I was feeling a bit giddy. I turned to Alex who was attempting to stretch his eyes as wide as possible, to tell me "he is feeling a bit waved", and I had to call it a night, I can't even remember how I drove home or how I was able to park my car in the garage. I still can't remember anything, I woke up this morning and changed into my shirt for my morning running, it did not hit me to look for my phone. i got back a little early cause I'm having a hangover, on arriving here I saw a pack just by the door..." I was explaining when Annie stopped me by saying

"I placed it there that was why I have been calling you since we could not have dinner together I decided to buy you dinner"

Now am confused, is she the one that also dropped the death treat note.

"Did you drop a note on the doorstep also?" I asked but she seems surprised

"Note!... I did not"

"Fred you need to properly apologize to my friend, she was worried about you all night that she couldn't even sleep, " Khloe said

"Ya...am very sorry, I will make up for it. Maybe take you out next week " I replied

"What are you holding a knife?" Khloe asked but I acted like I did not hear her

"We would be taking our leave now, I need to change and get ready for work it's almost 8 am," Annie said giving me a huge "are you not going to work today?"

"Sure I will let me look for my phone first so I could call my boss that I will be coming late, see you later Khloe, and take care of yourself Annie " I replied and shut the door

Again I opened the letter to see if it was directed to me, the name Freddy is not used by any other person apart from my dad. He is the only one that calls me Freddy, for this person to call me by that name then he must know a lot about me... Maybe he was the same person that planted the cam in the library, but the officer said it was empty like someone deleted the files inside. Nothing is making sense, the rubbers called my name, I found a planted spycam in my library the same day Annie went inside and now I was knocked down by an unknown man who came to drop me a death threat letter same time Annie came to drop food pack she bought for me...

I took off my shirt dropped the letter on my bed, I took a deep breath before entering the bathroom to bathe, I could not spend much time in the bathroom cause I was already running late.

I quickly jump into a nice black suit, one of the most expensive suits I have I must

Say, I wore my tom-ford noir fragrance... Am ready to go. I stretch my hand to pick up the letter then I found my phone.