
49. Begining of Love and Heartbreak l

When Max entered the kitchen , unlike before, his temperament changed drastically. Before he looked like the next-door brother , easy going but now he is like a king sitting on his throne full of pride and confidence. If someone presents here at the time, they couldn't dare look straight at him. He radiates an aura that makes viewers afraid and revere him. 

Here Max as if he entered the home court. Everything in the kitchen becomes so familiar to him as if he spends centuries cooking here. He knows the positions of all the things in the kitchen to the extent of nano-meter accuracy And it's when he is not fully able to use cooking skills to their fullest potential. The horror of god-level skill is shown again.

"So what should I cook for her?"

Max himself doesn't feel that hungry because of enhancement in stats. Although by logic it is supposed to make him more hungry because of this, the existence of mana fills most of his biological needs. If not for mana, Max will be hungry most of the time because his body consumption will also increase with enhancements. Equivalent Exchange is the absolute law in this universe. 

"Pancakes will be a good choice. That will give her sufficient protein and calories to make up for last night's consumption."

After Max thought a little, He choose to make pancakes because currently that's the best choice of food for her to recover her lost strength quickly. After all, she's gonna need it for the events that are going to happen next.

Max opened a refrigerator to get eggs and butter and gathered all necessary ingredients on the counter. 

There was an egg, sugar, milk, oil, vanilla essence, all-purpose flour, and baking powder. Max also prepared utensils beforehand like a large bowl, frying pan, whisker, etc.

Max looked at a counter and was ready to start cooking. Just like before his temperament changed again, if before he was like a King seated on a throne ruling a kingdom. Then now he is like an incarnation of the god of war who is ready to fight a battle until his last breath. As if everything he owes was put in this trial. Now it's not like simple cooking but looks like a final life and death battle. Everything he has, even his soul is put onto a line.

It's like saying fight every battle as if it's your last one. In Max's case, he will cook every food as if it were his last one. That will guarantee the quality of the food.

Max picked a blow and gently broke the egg in it, then added 1/4 cup sugar, After that followed by 1/2 milk, then 1.5 tbsp oil, 1 tsp vanilla essence. After adding all this in a bowl he started mixing it.

He mixes it in ultra-fast speed and yet his movement doesn't look hasty at all. There is a gentle feeling of rhythm in it. It's like a Musician performing a symphony, Like a painter encapsulating the world, Like a poet depicting the beauty of a lover. 

There is harmony in his every action like a work of art. It's so mesmerizing that the viewer doesn't even care about the food. as long as they can just see this action they will pay any price for it. 

After mixing all ingredients as one body, one soul, Max adds 1 cup of all-purpose flour and 1 tsp of baking powder in a mix and whisk it until he gets the right consistency. Ideally, it has to maintain a crucial balance between solid and liquid in the batter, And with Max's skill, It was a piece of cake for him.

He then ignites the gas and puts the frying pan over, adds a little oil, and waits until it's heated up. Flames were on medium-low.

After the pan is heated up, it's ready to put the batter in it. Max took 1/8 of a cup(approx.2 tbsp)  of batter and put it in the middle of the heated pan. 


The moment the batter touched the pan there was a sizzling sound and air bubbles started forming on the upper surface of the batter. These bubbles form it because of a baking powder, Which will make these cakes more fluffy to eat. 

After a minute or two bubbles stop forming on the surface of a cake, Which was an indication to flip the cake upside down. After seeing this Max flipped the cake, What was seen after turning it was a tantalizing golden brown color.

Now Max just has to wait for 1 or 2 minutes before taking out of the pan. Later Max repeated that same process for some time and stacked each piece on top of the other. Until he made identical stacks of pancakes.

For Max, he felt nothing as what he was doing was a very casual thing but in reality, it was nowhere near "casual" as Max thought.

This whole process is like some work of art that these mortals are too stupid to comprehend. If someone records and uploads this scene on social media, There is no doubt that it will break every record in it and people will go crazy for it.

But why does Max think it's a casual thing? Simple, When we have something in day to day life we take that for granted. For example our opposable thumb. Most people live their everyday life without realizing how amazing and important their thumbs are. Without them, Human civilization might not even exist. Our thumbs are a miracle of evolution and a gift of nature and yet we don't give half a fuck about it.  We just know they are important and just couldn't fathom how important.

The same thing happens with Max, Although he knows how great his skill is because of the experience and knowledge that comes with his skill, His vision already transcends the mortal's vision that's why he failed to grasp the effect it will have on a normal person. It's a pity that no one is here to see it.

"Okay, it's done."

Max put a square piece of butter on top of each stack of cakes and poured maple syrup on it. Because Max had already taken butter out of the refrigerator in the beginning, it was at a perfect temperature. Hard enough to maintain a shape but also soft enough to easily cut by fork and knife.

After that, he picked up both plates and headed towards his bedroom, Where Helen is still sleeping.

"Come on wake up aunty Helen."

Max called Helen out to wake her up but he already knew she was woken up long ago just pretending to be asleep to hide her embarrassment. She couldn't have the courage to face Max.

"What is that aroma?"

Helen wanted to pretend to be asleep but as soon as she whiffed the aroma of pancakes, She wasn't able to control herself at all. The instinct of hunger takes over her actions. She quickly sat up and hurriedly asked Max. She even forgets about the embarrassment. Right now she just wanted to find where that galvanic scent was coming from.

"Oh, this? I made you some pancakes, I thought you might be hungry, Here try it."

Max answered her with a sincere smile on his face. He put forward one dish in his hand to give it to her.


These words hit the softest part of her heart. She didn't remember when the last time Bob did this to her. She tried to recall but the feeling of disgust rose in her heart just thinking of Bob. 

"Come on, eat it fast or it will be cold."

Max breaks her chain of thought. He slides the plate in front of her and urges her to eat. He read her thoughts and knew the reason why she felt disgusted. Her affection for Max was already at 240, After last night's hard work, Second only to Takaki.

"Okay...Thank you"

Helen also wanted to dig it at the moment Max put them in front of her but out of shyness of lady and she didn't want to show her ugly side to Max she hardly controlled the urge, Now that Max said it again she couldn't didn't waste time,  She cut a piece and taken a bite.


The moment that piece of pancake touched her tongue, There was an explosion of flavors in her mouth. Her tongue felt violated, The flavor overwhelmed her body and soul and yet it didn't feel bad at all. On the contrary she loved this feeling. She felt like she was stripped naked and her whole body and soul bombarded by this flavor. She felt if euphoria and bliss has a taste it will be this one. 

"Ahhhha! muhh!"

A slight moan escaped from her mouth, She felt she had a foodgasm. There was even dampness between her legs just by taking a bite.

"How is it? Do you like it?"

Max asked her but she was in a state of nirvana. The only thing she wanted now was to eat those pancakes. Max also knows that he only says that to maintain his character design.

Here Helen was eatin-no devouring the pancakes. In the beginning, she at least tries to act sophisticated in front of Max but after the second bite, she isn't able to maintain it. She just started to inhale it as if she feared someone might steal it.

"Do you want this?"

After Helen devoured her share, She eagerly glanced at the other plate in Max's hand. This look was self-explanatory.

"That...Can I?"

Helen didn't want to ask Max to share but because of the temptation of it, She wasn't able to help herself. 

"Okay here, eat it you must be hungry"

Max doesn't mind much, He did know that this was going to happen and she needed the energy for the events that were going to unfold. 

"Thank you"

When she gets Max's green signal, She quickly takes a plate and starts gobbling. Although she realizes the hidden meaning in Max's words, She doesn't have time to care about it. 

"Max you should open a restaurant chain, You will become world-famous with this food."

After Helen finished eating, She told Max from the bottom of her heart. She was still reminiscing about the aftertaste. She did have doubts that Max buys it from the hotel. She didn't care if Max made it or not as long as he had that intention but after tasting this doubt she threw it outside a window. If there is someplace that can make this delicious food there is no way she wouldn't have heard of it. That place definitely will be world-famous or might be number 1 in the world.

"Well we do have a diner chain in our family, And after listening to your words, I guess I should give a second chance to my family."

Max gives her an answer with a genuine smile on his face. But invisible to Helen there was a sly smile on the corner of his lips. He led her by her nose.

"Yeah, At least try giving it a chance. After all, family is important."

When Helen heard Max was inspired to give second chance because of her words she didn't understand what Mac was talking about but giving a chance was a good thing at least when it didn't work out you can be sure that you gave your all and didn't regret it later. So she didn't ask much and went along with it.


Max said it in his mind, Just what Max wanted. She falls for it. Now he can proceed with his next line of action.

"Yeah you are right, family is important. That's why you don't have to worry about it, I will not tell anyone and pretend as if nothing ever happened between us."

When Helen finished speaking, Max took the initiative to pick up a plate and was ready to go out but before going he didn't forget to throw this nuke at her.

*Thump* *Crack*

The moment she heard Max's words she felt like her heart was crushed by a giant hammer.

"Wait, aren't I the one asked to do this?"

 She wanted to get angry and ask Max what did he mean, is she that easy but just as she thought about doing it, She remembers this is the thing she asked Max to do. She is the one who proposed this idea. She quickly came back to sense and wanted to stop Max but her stretched-out hand struck in mid-air. 

"Maybe it's best for both of us to forget about it."

She thought it is the best thing for both of them. She has a family to take care of and Max is still a teenager who has a bright future ahead of him. She didn't want to be an anchor for Max's future. She didn't want to hold him back.

"Sorry, Helen but I have to do it."

Max felt a little sorry for her but if he wanted to complete the world mission he had to do it. If he didn't do it there would be a problem getting violet and others. He has to give her little doses to make her accept it.

"System open notification."

Max shook these thoughts and asked for notifications. There was some notification that appeared during their section.


(A/N: Sorry Sorry, I don't have any excuse other than writer's block. Sorry for the late update again.

Oh yeah here is the discord link


I don't know much about how to use it but join and give me more ideas and recommendations there because some comments will be deleted by our novel system. do it there.

Also, like always thanks for reading and have a nice day.)