

What exactly am i ? is about a boy named kenji who has a curse that change his species everytime his mana overflowing but it stopped happening for a while so he thought he was free of it turns out it was sealed by his late mother who is the queen of deledas,his life is full of adventure as he tackles the abyss and found new friends in the midst of his lonelyness,but most of his friends are girls all of his male friends were afraid of women so they were just talk to him when his friends are away

Sano_Kaito · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

The Start

Where am i?

Kenji looks up as he sees the light

Kenji:my hands are small its not the same size

Suddenly he heard a voice of a woman

Seems like my baby woke up again maids get some bottles its gonna throw tantrums again

Kenji: (is that supposed to be my mother and what is this sensation) Babu babu

A fire ball forms in Kenji's hands it feels natural for him cause its his bodies way to dispose overflowing mana

Mother: Kenji calm down stop casting spells

Kenji:(oh well it feels good) BABU!

Kenji throws fire ball towards the wall, his mother calm him down by using a magic music,we cant tell you how it goes but its an ancient magic that can make any strong beast fall asleep

Kenji went back to sleep but the walls of his bedroom was destroyed

Mother: phew seems like he fell asleep again

Kenji's siblings were watching from the distance,Hiro and Haruki age 10 Astrea age 5

Hiro: seems like our little brother is more powerful than you

Astrea: No he's not its natural for babies to do such random stuff humph

Astrea turn her back on Hiro

Hiro: look at me when im talking to you

Astrea: humph im not gonna listen to you

The two started fighting But haruki stopped them

Haruki: you two stop disturbing my book hour you two cant keep a day without fighting

Meanwhile Kenji's father arive from the meeting of Kings

He goes to Mother after hearing what happened and decided to use a spell that will slightly change my appearance for time to time to suppress my aggressive magic casting when someone disturbed my nap time or if im hungry

5 years later

Kenji was 5 year old now and he started reading at age 2 that surprises Haruki cause he often found kenji reading stuff about swords and magic,Kenji is always in the library while his twin siblings is going to train for the Oakroot Academy a school that trains future mage knights and adventurers

Kenji: man i wish i could join them but im bussy reading stuff here

Kenji turned his face towads the table,suddenly Astrea appeared out of knowhere and pulled kenji out of the Library

Astrea: Lets play tea party

Kenji: no

Kenji continue to read while Astrea pulled him upstairs

Kenji: (what am i supposed to do here? I know ill cast this new magic i learned )

Clone, creation:voice recording see device

Its not perfect but that will troll her

Kenji went back to library and continue reading about ancient magic and Art of swords he could found

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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