

A tale about demons and humans the evil that embraces the earth without light darkness ruled "Agony , yes agony like music to my ears" said the Devil with a wide grin staring at the pit below him, will the devil take over the earth if so then what will happen to humans who will stop the Powerful devil himself

RHINA · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


The king of hell sat on his throne laughing at the lowly creature's below his feet who seemed drained of life.....'but they are actually drained of life they just won't die' thought the devil king

With a wide grin...''W-When did devil king leave"

''what.. you felt it too" ''i did the cold air of him vanishing from hell'' ''why would the king go to earth by himself or is he not going to earth" gossiped the two guards that guarded the devil's throne


"Mom, no Riha what is this it tastes like dog poop" "don't say that Ashley your sister's still learning how to cook a-atleast she tried" "tried to pollute my mouth with this uncanny food can you even call it food, I'm ordering pizza mom I can't eat this"Ashley walked out of the dinning room to her room ordering pizza on her phone " you ungrateful....ugh" Riha rolling her eyes continued" I tried to make good food for our family but you just won't keep your mouth shut, if you don't like my cooking at least don't call it dog poop in my face"

"I'm sorry....not sorry what don't you get Riha if I don't tell you the truth then who will isn't it better to have your sister tell you the painful truth at home than to have a stranger tell you that painful truth"



The devil finally landed on earth in his human form silver hair that reached his waist eyes dark as night wearing a plain black shirt and black jeans, he exude an aura of darkness that the humans around him couldn't help but be fazed by his beauty but frightened by his presence, like a dominant king he roamed the lands of the earth searching for whom he may devour

''Found you'' with a grin he let out a soft chuckle

A drunken man reeking of alcohol lay like a begger below his feet

"W-who are you'' the man asked

''oh me...'' he knelt on one knee placing two of his fingers on the man's forehead

'' I'm the devil.. may death come your way''

Smiling the devil added '' do you want to know how you die, I'll tell you anyway.. I've ceased all your organs from working and one by one each and every one of your organs would be poisoned until dust is made out of them''


'' you are not holy enough to stop me don't worry Mathias my demons will trouble you better down in hell"


Back at Ashley's home

''mom I'm going shopping Riha wanna come with me'' Riha glared at Ashley hard '' come on I'm just trying to make it up to you , okay fine I'll pay for everything just accompany me big sis.... please'' Ashley pleaded with puppy eyes ''fine'' Riha reluctantly agreed to Ashley's request rolling her eyes, they went to the park went for shopping and watched football matches live, later in the evening when they were having dinner at a restaurant Riha spoke smiling ''so this is your way of letting us bond as siblings huh,'' '' I guess you figured that out, but we still have one more place to go to'' '' really, where?'' '' down the haunted streets''

'' but that place is restricted'' Ashley pouted '' I just wanna explore'' Getting up from the table immediately Riha warned'' that place is dangerous and no I'm not going there you can go there if you want to but make sure you come back home alive''

Riha warned and left

Ashley's POV

Well there's no way I'm not going there, I walked through the streets going deeper but I started feeling scared because the deeper I went the more spooky it felt ''arrghhh'' I heard screams of a female ''arrghhh'' and screams of a male I jumped in fright but my curiosity got the better of me I walked in the directions of the screams '' agony yes agony like music to my ears'' I saw the tall back of a man with long silver hair reaching his waist then a pit below him full of flames and maggots with humans burning in it, it was a hellish sight the people were pleading for freedom but he stood looking at them below with a wide grin he then chanted again '' agony yes agony like music to my ears'' I didn't even realize when tears began to stroll down my cheeks as I whispered to myself in horror with a broken voice ''W-what is this, what kind of evil is this'' the man stopped grinning, closed his eyes then opened his mouth '' you think this is evil'' what bu- but I'm sure I whispered to myself is he just talking or does he know I'm here , my heart pounding in my chest just wishing I had gone home with Riha earlier

'' I had asked a question'' he turned around

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