
What else can I say?

She works hard to achieve fame and power to avenge her beloved one from the person she thought killed him. While trying to achieve her plan, a sudden turn of fate changed her life. A day that she finally has to decide what she wants, confusing choices suddenly lead her life into something unexpected.

Little_Fatty · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

New Problem

As Su Xiao Qin entered the company, the employees in the lobby looked at her like they saw a dead person. They looked like they were mourning for her. She looked at her assistant. "Assistant Gu, did someone die from the company?" she asked him.

"No, President Su." He stepped closer. "It's inconvenient if we talk here."

She looked around and the people kept gazing at her. Maybe this is not the right place to talk about the things that her assistant wants them to discuss. As they entered her office, Gu Ding Yun gave him a flash drive. "President Su, someone leaked our next design."

As Su Xiao Qin attached the flash drive to her computer, CCTV footage caught someone snooping inside her office and that's the Director of the Designing Department, Fu Xia. "Another mole is working in here," she said. "Tell the legal department to file a case against Fu Xia. Also, tell them not to let her get away with this." She added while tapping her table.

"But, President Su, the design of our company has been leaked and I'm afraid that we won't be able to pass a new design before the deadline. And that design would cost millions; it will create a big impact on our financial accounts."

She smirked at him. "Tell the design department to meet me after ten minutes."

He bowed to her and said, "Right away, President Su."

After ten minutes, all the subordinates from the design department attended the meeting except Fu Xia, who leaked the design. Su Xiao Qin stood in front of them and looked at them one by one. The employees can't even look up because they know that it's their department's fault.

Su Xiao Qin kept gazing at them but she finally couldn't take the quiet because no one wanted to say anything. "Well, I believe that all of you know what happened," she told them calmly. "I know that not all of you are related to this incident but I also know that some of you helped Fu Xia steal the document of the design and of course, I admit that I put down my guard."

Then some of the employees looked up but some of them still couldn't lift their heads. Su Xiao Qin smiled at them. "You also know that you signed a contract about keeping the matters in the company as private but still some of you can't make it. To those who helped Fu Xia, I ask you to submit your resignation letter this afternoon to the PR department and also make sure you resign, or else, I will sue you for breaching the contracts and let you pay a hundred times your annual salary," she commanded them while gazing to the guilty employees. "To all who can continue their work, take overtime but don't worry, I'll double your salary this month. That's all, go back to work, everyone." She went out of the meeting room and went back to her office.

Gu Ding Yun entered with a cup of tea. "President Su, this is your tea." he put down the cup on her table and decided not to disturb the president anymore, so he turned his back and was ready to leave.

But then, Su Xiao Qin called him to come back and asked him to be seated. Su Xiao Qin looked at him. "President Gu, how's the thing about Xiang Bo?"

"Mr. Xiang is living in his mother-in-law's old house. I also discovered that it was him who posted your sudden visitation in the hospital."

"Did he find out something else?"

"Don't worry, President Su. I already deleted all the possible evidence that can harm your brother." her secretary reassures her. "Also, one of my men tracked down all his criminal records and we have the evidence that will help us to make him back off in case he tried to leak any information about what happened seven years ago."

"That's good." Su Xiao Qin nodded. "Also, I found a small recorder under my desk yesterday and I investigated it, only to find out that Xiang Bo planted it."

"Should we keep him silent?" Gu Ding Yun asked while wondering about the next move of his boss.

She shook her head after taking a sip of her tea. "No, you should observe Hua Cheng for me this time." She gave him a folder. "I think he has something to do with this design. For those designs, we better get a better one as soon as possible."

Gu Ding Yun read the content of the folder. "So, I should let him know who he is."

"Act carefully. Plan your steps and don't let him notice you. Hua Cheng is a very clever man so don't let him catch you by your own trap." she warned him.

"Yes, President Su."

After her assistant left, Su Xiao Qin dialed a number. After trying to contact this person for a long time, that person finally picked it up.

A cheery voice can be heard from the other side of the voice also the loud bass of music. "Xiao Qin, it's been a long time since you called me."

"I apologize for that, Wei Ling," she said while smiling. "I have a favor to ask you and I know that you can help me with this one."

The echo of the music is much louder than the voice of Su Xiao Qin, that's why Song Wei Ling can't even hear her. "Sorry, Xiao Qin. I can't hear you. I'm at a party right now; I'll call again after the party is finished." After that Song Wei Ling hangs up.

At the party, the guy who was dancing with Song Wei Ling asked, "Wei Ling, who is that?"

Wei Ling keeps dancing while drinking. "An old friend of mine. I bet she needs my help this time."

"Is that man who ate ice cream with you when you were still a kid?"

Song Wei Ling glared at him. "You know what Ci, you are too invasive," she said while drinking. "You're too boring. I'll leave you now. Call me if you need anything."