
What else can I say?

She works hard to achieve fame and power to avenge her beloved one from the person she thought killed him. While trying to achieve her plan, a sudden turn of fate changed her life. A day that she finally has to decide what she wants, confusing choices suddenly lead her life into something unexpected.

Little_Fatty · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

New Colleague

As she waits for her turn to be interviewed, Song Wei Ling starts to scroll on her phone. There, she saw Auntie Fu's message. Auntie Fu said that her father is looking for her but she doesn't have to worry since she doesn't say anything that she was in Beijing doing some business. That message gave her a sigh of relief since if her father knew that she had gone back to helping Su Xiao Qin, he would cause another ruckus all of a sudden.

Then someone mentioned her name. She entered the president's office. She sat on a vacant couch while facing the president. She looked at the president. He is not very handsome but he's comfortable to look at, also he has a cheerful aura.

She smiled at him, he did what she did. He checked her resume and looked at her seriously. "Tell me about yourself," he asked her.

"I finished my studies at Peking University HSBC Business School. I became an intern at one of the biggest technology companies, QX Technology. After a half month of internship, I learned many things about the main function of individuals in different fields. But sadly, I decided to resign to do a small business in the States to expand my knowledge in the business field."

"Does your decision about resigning help you broaden your knowledge in business?"

"Yes, it does." Song Wei Ling answered very surely like she was really into her role. "Planning and decision affect the outcome of the business and the business depends mostly on these aspects."

"Well done, you're hired," he said to her with a smile. "You can now start working tomorrow and report at six in the morning."

She bowed to him. "Thank you for the opportunities, President."

He looked at her. "Let me introduce myself formally. I'm Meng Shuai, the newly elected president of the Legacy Group," he said. "I'm hoping for harmonious cooperation with you, Secretary Song."

Well, the new president is easy to get along with. Based on the rumors, he shouldn't have become the president if only his brother was still alive since Meng Shuai is not capable of handling the family business. But his father has no other choice so he let him handle the business because he has a terminal illness and there's no other descendant left to inherit it. His father also knows that he shouldn't depend on him so he saved enough assets that will help him and his wife to live carefree even though the business crumbled.

Song Wei Ling's mission is to gain the president's trust and know the Legacy Group's new projects. She can't just trust those rumors; she has to plan her steps very well. To accomplish the plan, she also needs to take the trust of other higher-ups. The first one she needs to target is the director of the finance department.

She needs to know how much the amount of money will need for the project. It's a clue about what the next project is.

In the hospital, Su Xiao Qin is arranging the papers to help Su Zhi get discharged and be transferred back to the States as soon as possible. Auntie Fu was in charge of taking care of Su Zhi in the States while Su Xiao Qin couldn't find any person that could be in charge of taking care of Su Zhi.

Lots of private nurses gave up on taking care of him because they afraid if there's something bad happened when Su Zhi tried to escape from their sight, they would take the blame. And they don't want to take the blame for that.

The papers were processed very fast and tomorrow morning, he can be discharged. Su Xiao Qin also arranged the private plane and other papers that Su Zhi might need.

When Su Xiao Qin is taking care of Su Zhi's papers that day, Song Wei Ling decides to go to the convenience store. She entered and took a cup of noodles and two pieces of sausages and paid it at the counter.

After she sat at the chair in the convenience store, a young man offered her a coke. When she noticed it and she took a peak, it was the man who bumped into her earlier. She put down the chopstick. "You don't need to give me a drink."

He smiled at her. "It's my treat. Sorry that I bumped into you," he said. "I'm in a hurry because I went to an interview at the company and I got in. Thank you for that."

She nodded. "That's fine," she said as she continued eating and sipping the soup. "What department are you in?"

He held the Coke in both hands. "Well, I'm a new clerk in the finance department." he scratched his head after he said it.

So he's one of the members of the finance department and his director is Zhou Nian. If Zhou Nian can't help her when the time comes, she can use this young fellow to snoop around. Well, it's a great deal.

She offered to shake hands and as expected he didn't decline it. Who will decline her charm after all? She gets lots of suitors when she's at her father's care and of course, it will increase because her father won't be able to meddle in her business if she's out of sight.

She finished her noodles and grabbed the coke from the clerk's hand. She finished it with just one gulp. After that, she took her phone from her bag and asked him to scan the code. He was surprised that a girl would personally offer her WeChat code to him. He scanned it and added her. She also accepted it right away and she walked towards the exit of the store but before that, she stopped in her tracks. She glanced at him, "Thank you for the drink, and good luck to your job, colleague." Then she opened the door and entered the car as she drove off.