
What Comes After the End?

Kimaz is reincarnated in a Prince's body, but sadly for him, the World he reincarnated into is heading towards its end. What will fate bring him after the end of the World?

HeavyLemon · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Creation of the New World

"Will the World really end? Tell Us!"

"Yeah! Why weren't we informed about it? Will you leave us to die here?"

A mass protest was going on in front of the Royal Headquarter of the Yellow River Tribe, the Biggest Tribe of the World.

While some people were seriously protesting, some were looking to catch fish in troubled waters. The inner desires of humankind had broken loose in the midst of the chaos, in front of the inevitable despair.

While only some people actually believed the whole 'End of the World' thing, the other tribes oppressed under the Yellow River Tribe had finally found the opportunity they sought for years.

Adding fuel to ordinary citizens' fire, those tribes promoted the protests and the various heinous crimes being committed by peoples, fueling the chaos.

The hidden desires of humankind surfaced themselves; rape, murder, robbing, looting, all sorts of things one could imagine were being done left and right.

Cities, towns, villages were on fire, wives being raped in front of the husband, parents being killed in front of the children. The lust, greed, jealousy, and rage hidden beneath the fake mask of humanity were torn open, and the humans showed their true colors.

In the Royal Headquarters of the Yellow River Tribe,

A man was watching all of it happen in a dark room. There were mirrors attached to the walls of the room that broadcast the things that were going on.

'Oh! So this is how people use Seals and Magic. Now there is a lesser chance of me getting exposed.' The Man thought as he attentively watched the broadcast. The man was Kimaz, transported into this world a few days ago in the body of the Prince of the strongest tribe; the Yellow River Tribe.

"Your Highness, shouldn't we try and stop this?" A man clad in black clothes from head to toe materialized out of nowhere in the room and asked him.

The sudden voice sent shivers all over his body.

'Fuck! Can't they appear normally? There is a fucking door right there!' Kimaz ranted inwardly as he calmed himself down.

'And how the heck am I even supposed to stop this? First of all, it was the damn psychotic Prince that caused all this!' Kimaz had much more to vent, but he couldn't show it to the man. So, he put on a composed face as he started imitating the Prince to the best of his abilities.

He slightly turned his head to the side as he answered the man in black clothes.

"Why should I stop it? I was the one who started it."

The man in black was clearly surprised by the words.

'Hehe... How was it? Blew your mind away, didn't it? Oh my god! I so wanna see his surprised face.' Although he had the urge to turn his head, he knew that it wouldn't fit into the character of the psychotic, sadist, and indifferent personality of the Prince. He didn't want to let a simple speck of mistake pass by.

"You don't mean…" His words trailed off as he was clearly surprised by the thing he heard. His words further increased Kimaz's urge to turn his head around, but he displayed a great amount of self-control.

The things happening were all according to the Prince's plan; to destroy the world before the Great Cataclysm does it. Personally, Kimaz wasn't a sadist who wanted to see the World burn, but when he came over, the World ending's information had already blown like wildfire all across the World.

The Prince planned to reveal the mastermind behind all the chaos as himself at the end, when the World was about to be engulfed by the Great Cataclysm, and have the last laugh in this ending world.

Kimaz also wanted to experience that thing but on a much smaller scale. So, he told the man in the black clothes that he was the one that did it all, especially after he asked that question. He couldn't control himself from bombing the man's mind.

In a cold voice, he continued.

"Yes, I was the one who leaked the information to the other tribes and the citizens. Or else, how do you think the information could spread this fast throughout the country?"

"But… why…? Aren't you the Prince? I don't understand…"

'Even I can't understand this sadist moron when I inherited 3 days of his memories, and you...? Have you even seen him for a total of 3 hours in your lifetime?' Of course, Kimaz didn't say it out loud as he continued his act with even greater proficiency.

Kimaz brought out the coldest smirk he could as he began to explain the Man, giving him the biggest shock of his life.

"Why? It's simple. I just wanted to see the true face of humanity before I leave. And, I may not get this type of entertainment ever again. I might as well enjoy it while I can."

As usual, his internal monologue was completely different.

'Wow, that felt great. I've always wanted to say something like this, like a big villain. I bet he's shocked beyond comparison. Should I turn my head to take a peek? No, no... I shouldn't act immaturely after spewing out those deep words. I have to maintain my composure.'

The man slowly raised his head while trying to make sense of it all. When he lifted his head, what greeted him was the coldest smirk he had ever seen. The words that came out of Kimaz's mouth felt like a heart-chilling voice of a Devil.

After a fierce back and forth, Kimaz could not control himself as he took a quick glimpse of the man. A huge uncontrollable grin appeared on his face as he saw the look of horror and shock on the man's face. It was sort of like his hobby to see different reactions on someone's face. The satisfaction he felt after seeing such a reaction was like ascending Heaven.

Kimaz's satisfactory grin felt like a Devil's grin excluding blood-lust to the Man as he quietly disappeared from the room.

Meanwhile, Kimaz, fulfilled by Man's reaction, once again began to watch the ongoing chaos on the mirrors while taking important notes in his mind.

Amidst all the chaos and violence going in on the outside was a boy with a calm face. He was walking through all this with a calm look on his face like he was going on an evening walk. His clothes were dirty, and his body was full of bruises.

When looking closely into his eyes, one could see flames of fury and rage. Even when feeling such rage and fury, he could perfectly remain calm on the outside, not showing a speck of emotion in his eyes.

'AAARGH!!! How did this happen? How can I, the Prince of the strongest tribe of the World, end up in this state? And those guards? How dare they deny me from entering the royal headquarters?'

The boy was actually the true Prince of the Yellow River Tribe, whose body was now in the hands of Kimaz. He tried to enter the royal headquarters to find out what happened, but the guards kicked him out before he could even get near it.

Fortunately for him, the protesters arrived in the nick of time, and he escaped with his life. A commoner, which the Prince was now, trying to enter the Royal Headquarters of the Strongest Tribe was a blasphemy upon the might and power possessed by it.

The guards were ready to kill him, and the body he had now was powerless to do anything. Using his supreme battle expertise, he managed to evade some fatal attacks, but he couldn't do anything more in the face of overwhelming power.

When he was about to be killed, the guards were blown away by the protesters, and he managed to drag his injured body out of the scene and hid away to recuperate.

Luckily for him, the boy possessed an unnamed Seal related to Healing, and he managed to slowly heal most of his serious wounds. Now, he was wandering around in this chaos he caused. But the more he looked at it, the angrier he got.

"I am the one who did it. I wanted to have the last laugh in this world. Now I became the one who I was supposed to laugh at. Is this Karma? FUCK KARMA! I HATE IT ALLLL!!!!"

He screamed at the top of his lungs, but his voice was deafened by all the chaos going on around him.

Back Inside the Royal Headquarter,

Two Persons materialized again in the room Kimaz was in. They wore the same outfit as the man before, but one of them seemed like a female.

The feminine one spoke, "Your Highness, the time has come. The sphere of the Hourglass is about to be filled."

'The Hourglass, huh...?' In the three days of memories that he inherited from the Prince, there were several instances of the Hourglass being mentioned and discussed.

"All right, I will check it out." Kimaz stood up and left the room normally, unlike many other people that had visited the room. For a second, Kimaz wondered if it was a norm to enter the room like that, but since he didn't know how they did it, he could only leave the room normally.

The one who informed Kimaz about the Hourglass stared at Kimaz for a long time and only came to her senses a few minutes after he was gone.

"Let's go." The other one said in a hoarse voice as he noticed that she had come out of her trance. The girl was embarrassed as she realized what she had been doing. Fortunately, her mask was hiding her flushed face, saving her further embarrassment.

After she regained her composure, they left the way they came, leaving the room empty with scenes of chaos playing on the walls.


After walking a while, he arrived before a huge wooden door. Inside was the Four Constitution Hourglass.

Pushing the door, the Four Constitution Hourglass was revealed in front of his eyes. Even though it had been mentioned in the Prince's memory, it was his first time seeing it.

The Hourglass was different from the normal Hourglasses, unlike anything Kimaz had ever seen; it was far from Kimaz's definition of an hourglass.

'Can you even call it an hourglass? Oh well, as long as it measures time, I guess.'

There was a huge sphere of glass in the middle with four small spheres attached in four directions; up, down, left, and right. The small spheres had sand that poured into the middle.

"This hourglass is something else, alright!" Kimaz murmured as he was amazed at how the Hourglass functioned. It supposedly used the Four Laws that constituted this World. In the left sphere was Time, in the right sphere was Space, in the top sphere Spirit, and in the bottom sphere was Gravity.

The sand in the hourglass wasn't normal either. It was the legendary Panorama Sand, an ethereal material used by the Heavyweights of the past to bypass the Fundamental Laws of the World. Most people nowadays had no idea what it was, and those who knew didn't know how to use it or even keep a hold of it.

The Panorama sand absorbed the Four Laws and floated in the big sphere in the middle. There were now only little grains of sand in each sphere, and the big sphere was about to get filled.

Nobody knew what would happen after all the sand gathered in the middle, but one thing was certain: the World would end. That's what the Yellow River Tribe deciphered from the ancient text they found with the Hourglass.

After finding the Hourglass thousands of years ago, they only managed to figure out what it meant recently. The persons involved in the research were quite shocked at discovering it, but the Yellow River feared the chaos it would create if the info was released, so they killed every researcher who participated in the project.

Up until recently, those who knew about it could only be counted on one hand. They were carrying an immense burden on their shoulders. When the info was released, they were relieved as well as worried, but they realized it was all unnecessary. The World was going to end anyway, so what was there to worry about.

One by one, Four other peoples entered the room that Kimaz was in. They were the original people carrying the burden of the World. None of them spoke with one another; they all wanted to end their life in silence.

At last, the last grains from all the spheres poured into the Big sphere. For a second, there was no reaction from the Hourglass, but all of a sudden, the Hourglass emitted a bright light enough to illuminate the whole World.

When the light disappeared, all that was left was the Hourglass in a vast field of nothingness all around it, ready to start the creation of a New World.