
Chapter 1: Remember that day

Remember that day..when we first made eye contact. I usually look away quickly, but I couldn't take my eyes off of you, Ian. We became friends that day, when you walked up to me and said "What's up! I'm Ian." That wide smile on your face and your wet curls bouncing around after you got finished running. "Oh hi, my name's Essa." I responded in a low tone but tried not to seem nervous. "Nice name! Wanna come to the park after school with some friends of mine?" He asked. "Okay, I'll see if I can." I said, not trying to seem desperate. "Hope you can make it Es!" he responded with a smile. I couldn't believe he called me Es, the only person that called me that was my sister. The bell wrung and I quickly went to class.

This is a short chapter because it's like a introduction to the story. The other chapters will be longer. The next few chapters will be about Essa's backstory with Ian then going back into the presents. Hope you enjoy my story!!


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