
Chapter 2


It has been three days since Asha and Kyle broke up in the mall. Yes everybody, out of all places they decided to break each other's hearts in a damn mall.

And since my best friend is heart broken we've decided to have a little vacation to my beach house that I inherited from my parents. We aren't rich and I don't even know where they got that from but I'm happy they left it to me. At least I still have something to remind them of.

I've talked about this to Zain and he also planned to have a little outing with his friends in a nearby resort. I love that over protective man so much. Note the sarcasm, people.

Anyways me and Asha are in her car since the beach house is like four to five hours depending on the speed and the amount of times we had to stop for some gas or snacks.

"Hey, you saw those hot transferees?" I asked her while she's munching on some dried watermelons and I'm driving. We took turns in driving.

"Where?" She asked back and started looking out the window.

"Gurl, if I could just hit your brain. I just did. I meant in our school. God, Asha I always heard the phrase 'Love is blind' not 'heartbreaks makes you blind and stupid" I said sarcastically while giggling which turned to a full blown laughter and she joined me in.

"I hate you." she said, wiping her nonexistent tears.

We stopped at a mall first to do some shopping and we also bought our food for the night. Fast forward to a few more hours and we're here! The house is a two-storey white modern with glass windows and doors. Not really applicable if there is an apocalypse. The house is clean since I called someone to clean it.


My head is pounding. After eating our dinner I really couldn't take it so I went to drink some meds for it.

"Amber, I'll just go ahead and sleep first. My headache isn't leaving me." I told her.

"Oh umm, I'll just check on Zain if you know, there are girls in his room or something." she said jokingly which I just nodded to. These two are so possessive of each other and they both won't admit it.

This isn't my first time in this house so I know which bedroom I should use.

I entered the room and decided not to turn the lights on or else it'll worsen my headache. I saw the curtains are drawn back so I went to shut it. This is the product of watching too many horror movies. I become paranoid with every little thing.

I notice there are lights of a motorcycle and Amber rushing out the house. I squint my eyes to have a better look on who is the guy on the motorcycle. But I still can't see him properly.

"Turn your lights off, dummy. Asha might wake up." I heard Amber scolded the man. Oh it must be Zain.

I shut the curtains and went to sleep.

**I am standing at a basketball court and Kyle was suddenly in front of me. We stare at each other for what felt like eternity. He's smiling at me and I felt like the happiest person alive.

Suddenly his face contorts into a look of pain and his brows scrunched up together.

"Asha, y-you need to listen to me. . ." He stuttered out.

He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. I notice he is holding onto his shirt which is drenched in blood.

I screamed and look around asking for help when I saw someone's back. I don't know if I should approach him or run from him.

I woke up panting and drenched in sweat. My dream was so vivid, for a moment I thought it was real.

I went downstairs and found Amber opening up take out orders.

"You went out?" I asked her looking at all the food she ordered. There are burgers, fries, coffee, and juices.

"Nope, I ordered online." she said and gestured for me to sit down.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked while taking a bite on the fries.

"I don't know, Where'd you wanna go first?" Amber said.

"Hmm, want to go jet skiing?" Amber suggested.

I couldn't shake off the feelings I had in my dream. I felt like that guy I saw is really familiar, I just couldn't pin point who he really is.

Amber suddenly snap a finger in front of my face which made me come back to reality.

"Earth to Asha. What happened to you?" She asked. I told her about my dream and she just listened to it attentively.

"I know that you still love him and you are just trying to be happy for the people around you. But why don't you talk to Kyle one last time? Maybe he really does wanna tell you something." She said.

"Maybe after our vacation I'll call him." I said feeling a bit more relieved about my dream.

After eating, Amber decided to meet Zain first. So we decided to go to the resort they are staying at and it looks like they had bonfire last night because of the burnt out woods and ashes scattered on the beach.

Upon entering the resort we noticed there are a lot of cops. Some are talking to some people and there are others looking around. I looked at Amber to ask her if she knew what's happening but I saw her eyes darting at the whole place really fast like she's looking for something or someone.