
What's wrong with having a harem while hunting aliens

A man who died from a lightning strike finds himself in the world of Gantz. --- There are characters from other anime/manga, but they won't affect the plot much.

ImmortalCockroach · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
45 Chs

Sorry, I was drunk last night

Glancing at the sleeping Leonora, Lee picked up his phone and sent two SMSs to Akane and Kishimoto.

He explained in the message that he couldn't make it because he had to assist his aunt in handling a physically strenuous task.

This task left him completely drained and thus unable to make it tonight.

Indeed, he assisted his aunt in exercising until he became exhausted. And he would gladly assist his beautiful aunt again.

He originally promised to help them train and get used to weapons.

However, Leonora's unexpected visit caused him to alter his plans.

He didn't wait for them to answer his message. It was likely that they wouldn't notice his message since they were probably sleeping at this time.

Lee put down his phone. He then tenderly embraced Leonora, feeling her warm and soft body. He gradually drifted into a tranquil slumber.


"Hmm~!" Leonora moaned contentedly as she shifted her position and snuggled up to Lee, lying on his chest, still only half awake. It had been a long while since she enjoyed such a comfy night's sleep.

After a while, she lazily opened her eyes and noticed a presence beside her on the bed, prompting her to stir. At first, she assumed it to be Alice, but as she lifted her head, she was surprised to find it was Lee!

Her pupils shrank in shock as the vivid memories of the previous night came flooding back to her.

"Oh my god!" Leonora cried in shock! She actually did such a scandalous thing!

She seduced her nephew and had sex with him! How could she possibly confront him after this? And what about her daughter, her husband, and even her deceased sister? How could she ever face them again?

If anyone were to know about this, it would ruin her and her family, and more importantly, Lee's life would be ruined as well. He just recovered from the shock of his family's death!

As Lee was jolted out of his sleep by her sudden cry, he opened his eyes to greet his aunt with a lazy smile. "Good morning, dear aunt," he said with a hint of drowsiness in his voice.

Looking at Lee's handsome face, this face that looks quiet and handsome while sleeping is really cute.

She had a sudden and powerful urge to draw closer to him, to envelop him in a warm embrace, and to shower him with tender kisses that surged within her heart, causing a searing heat to spread throughout her chest.

"Lee," she began, struggling to suppress her overwhelming urges. She stood up and looked at him with trembling eyes.

This wasn't the first time she had felt such an inexplicable attraction.

"What happened last night was a mistake; I was drunk, lest I forget what happened," she added, avoiding direct eye contact with Lee, who looked on in surprise.

Lee's eyes widened in astonishment upon hearing her words. He had envisioned various possible scenarios, but her words caught him completely off guard!

In the past, he has often used this phrase, usually after one nightstand or when the other party wishes to start a relationship with him. For example, Akane.

He never anticipated that one day he would hear those very same words directed at him, and he was momentarily stunned by the irony of the situation.

Since she decided to use his classic phrase, he would do what other girls do when they hear him say it.

Lee's drowsiness dissipated as he rose to his feet, butt naked, his gaze fixed intently on Leonora.

"What do you mean?" he demanded. His voice was tinged with a hint of anger.

He wanted to give himself a pat in the back for his acting skills.

Leonora's voice shook a little as she talked, having a tough time looking at Lee. She didn't want to make him sad, but even if he got mad at her, she was sure about doing what she thought was good for him.

"I have to say, what happened was all because of me, and I take all the blame. I know it might be hard for you to forget, but I'm asking you to try. Let's move on from this not-so-good thing," she said, trying to keep her voice calm.

Seeing his sad face made her wish she could hug him tightly, kiss him, and promise to give him her whole life. No one knows how much she loves him!

Even though her feelings were all over the place, she decided to push down her emotions for Lee and hide them inside. It was for Lee and his future. What happened last night should never be known.

"Hah! Are you saying the thing that happened was a mistake? Then what about the other time?" Lee shot back, his eyes turning red.

His face revealed the pain he felt, as if the person closest to him had let him down. "I get it now; you see me as something you can use and then throw away whenever you want! You did it before, and now again," he said, his voice showing a mix of emotions.

"I don't blame you! It was my fault for thinking you deserved my trust!" Lee's voice shook as he talked, and a lone tear slipped from the corner of his eyes, which he quickly wiped away.

'Damn! it's too hard to squeeze a tear.'

"Wait, Lee!" Leonora's face changed when she saw Lee's reaction. Her strong resolve weakened at the sight of his tears. She couldn't stand to hurt him, especially not him, the most important person in her life.

She didn't want to hurt him. She believed Lee had no feelings for her and that he only slept with her because she had seduced him.

However, upon seeing him cry, all the thoughts about the consequences flew out the window.

"Get out! I don't want to see you ever again!" Lee snapped, turning his back on Leonora, unwilling to face her. He didn't want her to see his expression.

His face mirrored Kira's when he successfully pulled off his plan.

'All according to Keikaku!'

Leonora took a step closer, her hand reaching out to hug Lee from behind. "Please, Lee," she implored. "I know I've hurt you, but I beg you to listen to my explanation."

Lee didn't turn around; he remained silent.

In his silence, Leonora sensed a deeper pain. She felt she had wounded him, regretting her words. What had possessed her to say such things? Why has she been so timid and indecisive? How could she have overlooked Lee's feelings, worrying more about what others would think? As a consequence, she is going to lose him.

The idea of losing Lee filled her with despair, and a suffocating tightness gripped her chest. The thought of a future without him was unbearable; he meant everything to her.

"Please, Lee, give me another chance," Leonora pleaded, holding him tighter, her soft body pressing against his back.

Leonora held her breath as Lee stayed silent, the moments stretching into what felt like an eternity. Fear and uncertainty raced through her heart, wondering if he had truly chosen to leave her forever.

Just as she started to lose hope, Lee slowly turned around and drew her into a warm embrace, his arms encircling her with tenderness.

Feeling his strong arms and catching a whiff of his intoxicating scent, Leonora's strength waned as tears rolled down her cheeks. The despair she felt was now mingled with hope as she held onto him tightly, fearing he might slip away if she let go.

In the warmth of his embrace, Leonora felt that nothing was worth sacrificing this comforting sensation for.

Yes! Even if their secret was exposed, they could leave everything behind and start anew in a different country, living in seclusion somewhere in Europe. Her daughter was already grown; it wouldn't matter if she left her behind to be with Lee.

As long as she could be with Lee, nothing else mattered—not her husband, family, or even Alice! They weren't worth a thing! Lee was all she needed. After overcoming the emotional hurdle in her heart, Leonora began to plan their future.

Her thoughts became increasingly obsessive, her eyes seemed to glow with pink color, and for a moment, Lee saw her pupils turn into heart shapes!

Lee felt a shiver down his spine, but quickly shrugged it off. As someone with superhuman strength, what could happen to him?

He refocused on Leonora, who was desperately holding onto him as if she wanted to become one with him.

However, he had one lingering thought: How the hell did they go through all that drama while ignoring that they were naked?

They walked back to the bed in silence. Lee gently guided Leonora onto the bed, leaning over her, their eyes locked in a passionate gaze. Without a word, he kissed her deeply, and Leonora responded with equal fervor.

After breaking the kiss, Leonora opened her drenched pussy with her hands, inviting him to fill her cervix with his shape and dye her uterus with his color.


[If you want lemons, return to the last chapter.]


After a round of sex, the duo cuddled together Leonora was like a kitten curled up in Lee's embrace, feeling the warmth from his body; her face was filled with satisfaction.

Lee lowered his gaze, observing Leonora in a good mood, clinging to him.

Recalling the earlier drama, he found it somewhat amusing; he found it hard to believe how easily women fell for him.

However, the sense of conquest with which his beautiful aunt fell in love with him to the point of obsession gave him a sense of satisfaction and excitement.

'Being good-looking is sometimes a sin,' he thought.

In fact, if he wanted to, he could easily manipulate her if he messed with her mind. However, he didn't want to use his power on Leonora or Alice.

These two were his closest people. Though it was inconvenient for him to leave the house at night and he had to sneak around, he couldn't deny that he had come to like them quite a bit after spending time together.

He checked the time; it was already 11 a.m.

"I'm all sweaty. Want to take a bath together?" Lee asked the silent Leonora.