
What's wrong with having a harem while hunting aliens

A man who died from a lightning strike finds himself in the world of Gantz. --- There are characters from other anime/manga, but they won't affect the plot much.

ImmortalCockroach · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
45 Chs

Equivalent exchange

As they walked side by side she kept on looking at his hand from the corner of her eye. She wanted to hold his hand many times but she couldn't gather the courage. Suddenly she felt Lee's strong hand grip hers, she glanced at her side and saw Lee continue to talk naturally as if something lewd like holding hands was a perfectly normal thing to do.

She held his hand tighter and couldn't help but beam from ear to ear. The feeling was indescribable, like a garden of flowers blooming in her heart

They stopped at a stall selling crepes. Lee ordered chocolate and Saeko chose strawberry crepes.

"These are surprisingly good crepes," Lee said, of course, he didn't think that they taste good, but he just has to say that.

"Really? let me taste it," Saeko said and opened her mouth to take a bit from his crepes."Hmm, it's not bad. Do you want to try mine?" she offered, with a small blush on her face, imagining that they just shared a kiss through the crepe. Should she keep these creps later as a collection?

"Sure, why not," Lee chuckled, taking a big bite from her crepe. "It's sweet," he said before running away, laughing.

"You ate all of mine!" Saeko shouted, chasing after him. "Stop!"

"Like I would actually stop just because you asked!" Lee called out, still running ahead.

After a playful chase, Saeko and Lee finally slowed down, catching their breath as they sat on a bench in a nearby park. Saeko's cheeks were flushed from the exercise and she breathed in the fresh air, still giggling.

They sat in comfortable silence for a while.

"Today was fun, thank you for being with me," Lee looked deeply into her eyes and said, he did have a lot of fun playing with her.

"I should be the one thanking you, this is the first time I had this much fun since I was a child," Saeko blushed when she met his eyes, and hurriedly explained. She indeed didn't play much since her mother passed away. Her father was a serious man and he always pushed her to train harder.

Lee took Saeko's hand and gazed deeply into her eyes, she also looked at him in a daze feeling that her soul was being sucked into them. She leaned over instinctively seeking his lips.

"Ring Ring"

Suddenly, the sound of a ringing phone shattered the atmosphere. Lee reluctantly pulled away and glanced at his phone. "Sorry, I need to take this call." he apologized.

Saeko nodded feeling disappointed, her hands clenched wishing that she could kill the insensitive person who called at this moment.

"I'm so sorry, Saeko. Something urgent has come up and I need to leave," Lee said regretfully, he felt bad to abruptly leave her like this, but the call was important and he need to hurry.

"No worries, I've had enough excitement for today," Saeko replied with a warm smile, she wasn't insensitive to make a fuss. She knew that she wasn't in a position to make demands or request more from Lee.

"My apologies again, Saeko. I'll see you tomorrow as planned," Lee said, giving her a nod before hailing a taxi and departing. He still needs to visit her tomorrow to train again with her.


Saeko watched the taxi drive away, she felt a sense of loss as it disappeared from sight. Upon returning home, she quickly made her way to the laundry room to search for Lee's training clothes.

"Found it!" She grabbed the pants and put them in her face and took a deep breath smelling his scene.

"Lee-kun~" Feeling intoxicated, she hurriedly returned to her room. With Lee's clothes on her nose, she threw herself onto her bed. Her breath became heavy and her hand slowly moved down between her legs.

The fingers of her left hand reached her crotch naturally, and her thin fingers began to play with her clit in a circular movement. Her pussy was wet and her nectar was running down her thighs, soaking the bed sheets.

Then her body trembled a few times.


In the taxi, Lee looked at his phone and frowned. The caller was Akane, who was sobbing on the other end and urgently seeking his help.

Lee's feelings for Akane were complex. He had no interest in pursuing a romantic relationship with her, yet she is the only person he knows who accompanies him in that room, not to mention that they just had sex a few days ago, he felt a little bad over the way they had parted ways previously.

She also helped quite a lot in the last hunt, so he can't just ignore her when she asked for his help.


The past few days have been the bleakest in Akane's life.

On the day she stormed out of the hotel, she stood outside, hoping Lee would come after her. Although she was upset, her anger wasn't as genuine as it appeared.

Akane had hoped that her dramatic exit from the hotel would lead to Lee pursuing her and begging for forgiveness. And then she would generously forgive him if he accepted her as his girlfriend.

Then they could then live happy life. However, as time passed by and he didn't appear, she realized that her plan might not have worked. She wanted to return and scold him for being heartless, but her pride prevented her.

After leaving the hotel, she had to walk back to her apartment as she had no money or phone with her. However, in her apartment, there was a corps waiting for her and as a normal woman who never experienced the cruelty of society, she missed up when dealing with the corps inside her apartment.

The authorities soon arrived, and after their investigation, they determined that her boyfriend was responsible for the murder.

The news quickly spread, and many people learned about what happened, including how she cheated on her cuckolded boyfriend. This led to vicious rumors being spread by her plastic friends.

The news spread rapidly at the school, as her ex-boyfriend was once a teacher there. This morning, the school director called her to inform her of her dismissal, as the rumors surrounding the situation could potentially harm the reputation of the private high school where she taught.

And to top it off, a few hours ago she received a call from her family cursing her for bringing dishonor to their name and disowning her as their daughter.

Losing both her job and the support of her family left her feeling alone and overwhelmed. The only person she could turn to in her hour of need was Lee.

In Akane's mind, her fight with Lee was just an obstacle to their happy life. She always believed that they would end up together. She thought that as long as she showed her love for Lee, he would eventually be moved and accept her.

The taxi arrived at a serene café, and Lee stepped inside. In a corner, he spotted Akane, with her head down, looking at her phone. Compared to the last time he saw her, she looked haggard with dark circles under her eyes. She didn't seem to get much sleep.

"Akane, it's been a while." Lee greeted her awkwardly.

"Lee-kun!" Akane raised her head to see the young man who had been occupying much of her thoughts. At the sight of him, all her pent-up emotions and grievances erupted and she launched herself into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

"It's alright, everything will be fine," Lee didn't know what happened to her, but he comforted her first. Thankfully, the café was relatively empty, otherwise, people may think that he was a scumbag.

Even though he is indeed a scumbag.

After Akane calmed down, she and Lee took a seat and she shared with him all the events that transpired in the past few days.

'You Could Not Live With Your Own Failure, And Where Did That Bring You? Back to me.' Lee resisted saying the sarcastic remarks that had come to mind. He wasn't a purple-colored alien obsessed with balancing the universe.

Lee frowned and asked, "You should have seen this coming. Why didn't you call me when you were dealing with the corps?"

When they were still in Gantz's room, Lee was already planning how to help her deal with the corps, but she left and didn't contact him again.

Akane looked apologetic and took hold of Lee's hand, imploring him. "I'm sorry for my impulsive behavior. I have come to understand my mistakes and you are the only one I have left. Please help me."

"Yes you understand now, but at what cost?"


"What can I do for you?" Lee asked, his voice gentle. As long as it wasn't troublesome he wouldn't mind helping her.

Akane's tears began to flow again as she explained her situation. "I'm scared to stay in my apartment after what happened there, so I've been staying in a hotel. But now, I have no place to go."

Lee nodded and told her that he could help her with that. He has many empty properties he can lend her where she could stay until she finds a new job.

Once they left the coffee shop, Lee and Akane got into a taxi. They arrived at one of Lee's properties, which was a spacious and fully furnished apartment.

Upon arriving at Lee's property, Akane was greeted by a luxurious and spacious apartment, fully equipped with all the furnishings and amenities she could need. Lee took the time to give her a comprehensive tour. He also told her that someone would always come to clean the apartment every week. This way, she didn't have to go through the effort of cleaning this big apartment herself

"You can make yourself comfortable. If you need anything call me." After finishing speaking, Lee turned to leave. He felt awkward dealing with her, on one hand, he didn't want to have any romantic relationship with her and on the other hand, he was somewhat reluctant to just leave her.

"Wait!" Seeing that Lee was about to leave, Akabe became anxious and her hand involuntarily grabbed Lee's right wrist.

Lee looked at Akane strangely, and said "Do you need anything else?"

Akane didn't answer, but moved closer and kissed him.

At first, it was a light, pecking kiss, then it developed into a deep kiss as if she was seeking his warmth.

Using his tongue, Lee parted Akane's thick lips and entered her mouth as he wrapped his hand around her waist.

Instantly, Akane felt it, a pleasure that blanked her mind. Almost every cell in her body was rejoicing.

She felt as if her whole body was experiencing multiple orgasms at the same time. The pleasure she was experiencing seemed more spiritual than physical. It was as if she had achieved some sort of Nirvana.

Her body twitched repeatedly as she was climaxing. The pleasure was more blissful than anything she had ever known.

After breaking the kiss she collapsed on Lee's chest exhausted.

"Does it feel good?" Lee asked. This was the second time he had used his ability while kissing someone.

"Hah, hah, hah... it feels good. Don't stop kissing. I want more." Akane gasped for breath, her eyes blurry.

Seeing her like that, Lee smirked and carried her to the bed. "Let's try the quality of the bed. You wouldn't want back pain later."


Two hours later, Lee left the apartment in a cheerful mood.

Last time he gave Akane his virginity and today he took her other virginity.