
What's Wrong With a Gay Princess?

It's Princess Ash's 16th birthday today! She has to choose a prince to be her king, but Ash has only one problem...she's lesbian! As she tries to tell her parents the honest truth, the kingdom gets attacked! As Ash witnessed her kingdom's downfall, she managed to escape! Little did she know she was being followed. 20 year old Harumi-Chan or Sam blows her cover so makes up her identity and says she's headed the same way as Ash. On their way they meet 21 year old Aloïsia who catches Ash's eye, as well as Sam. They both need to lead Ash to her kingdom to marry Sam's brother Yu-han Chi. But—both fall in love with Ash! Will they keep Ash to themselves? Or will they let her marry Yu-han Chi and let him achieve his full power?

Angela_Levko · LGBT+
4 Chs

The King's Bodyguard

"Are you still tracking my sister?" A young man said, sitting on the king's throne of the Alyinthi Kingdom.

"Yes sir," Molly said.

"Good, where is she now?" The man asked.

"I don't know. I'm a house maid, I have never used this type of high-tech machinery," Molly said.

"Ugh! You stupid maidens don't know how to do anything!" The man yelled.

"At least we know how to cook you food and wash your clothes, unlike you, all you could do is get into a women's pants!" Molly shot back at him.

"You're gonna regret saying that," The man said sternly.

"If you kill me you won't have anyone to do your chores for you," Molly said, raising her head.

"Shit, I hate when you're right. Ugh! Take her away and make her wash twice the amount of dishes!" The man said.

"Bodyguard!" The man yelled.

"Yes, my royal highness?" A young woman said, running into the throne room.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" The young man yelled.

"I am the daughter of your royal bodyguard," The woman said.

"Why are you here!? I have called for my bodyguard! Not a lady like you!" The man yelled.

"My father is way too old, he will not be able to serve you. Unlike me, I am young and only 21 years old," the woman told the man.

"Fine! You will serve me loyally! Fail in any way and I will put you and your father to execution!" The man said.

"Yes sir," the woman said. "May we inroduce ourselves?"

"Do you not know who I am!?" The man yelled.

"Calm down Your Highness, I well know you but if I am too serve you I will need to know you to protect you," the woman said.

"Very well then, I am Yu-han Chi. I have traveled through space and time to conquer this kingdom. I am from the past and I was not known as anything so I have come to show I am the most powerful man in the universe!" Yu-han Chi said.

"I am Aloïsia, it stands for female warrior. Thanks to my name, I have sealed my destiny to become a female warrior," Aloïsia said. She was a beautiful woman. She had such dark red hair it looked a little purple. She had a red x-mark on her cheek; she wore a leather jacket on top of a black shirt, tight jeans, and long leather boots.

"Perfect. Aloïsia, you will permanently become my bodyguard," Yu-han Chi ordered. "As my first order to you, tell me where my sister is."

"Gladly, Your Highness," Aloïsia said. She took the tracking device and looked at the location. "She is in the eastern region of the Forbidden Forest, my King."

"Forbidden Forest!? How will she get out!?" Yu-han Chi yelled.

"Be calm, Your Highness, I will fetch them for you," Aloïsia said, calmly.

"Very well. Take this device, it will allow us to speak," Yu-han Chi said.

"Thank you Your Highness," Aloïsia said, taking a bow. She attached the speaking device inside her leather jacket and ran outside. She jumped on her black horse and patted her head.

"C'mon Midnight, we have a princess to catch," Aloïsia told her horse.

Meanwhile, Sam was leading Princess Ash towards her kingdom. What Sam didn't know was that they have gotten themselves strangled in the Forbidden Forest.

"Are we lost?" Ash asked Sam.

"We're not lost, I just don't know where we are completely," Sam said, smiling an innocent smile.

"Sooooooo, we're lost," Ash said certainly.

"Fine, yes, we're lost!" Sam admitted.

"Great," Ash said, laughing. Buddy howled and bumped into Sam.

"Sorry bud," Sam said, laughing.

Ash tripped over Buddy when he came to a halt and fell in top of Sam.

"We have to stop doing this," Sam said with a wink. Ash blushed so hard and stood up. She found a stream nearby and washed her face. Ash took a blanket out and wiped her face. She put the blanket back in her bag and walked back to her small group.

"So where to now—" Ash started but was interrupted by footsteps. "Who's there?" She asked.

Suddenly a horse popped out of the trees with a beautiful young woman riding it.

Sam recognized the woman and told Ash to stay put. Ash obeyed. Sam approached the woman.

The woman jumped off her horse and also approached Sam.

"Why haven't you captured her Harumi-Chan!?" The woman asked.

"Aloïsia, shut up! I was caught so I faked my identity. I was luring her to the kingdom but we got lost in this forest," Sam/Harumi-Chan said.

"That's because you're in the Forbidden Forest, idiot," Aloïsia said.

"Watch who you're calling idoit," Sam/Harumi-Chan said. "You will address me as Sam, you'll lead us out of here and to the Lithuanian Kingdom."

"Why there!? That's not even close to the Alyinthi Kingdom!" Aloïsia yelled quietly.

"We have to earn Princess Ash's trust, once that happens we will lead her to her—I mean Yu-han Chi's kingdom," Sam said.

"Very well," Aloïsia said. She approached Ash who was eating a roll on a rock. Ash stood up and faced Aloïsia.

Aloïsia held Ash's head in her hand and slowly licked her cheek. Ash blushed.

"W-wha—" Ash started, but then Aloïsia put a finger to Ash's mouth.

"You had frosting on your cheek," Aloïsia said smoothly and winked at Ash. "The names Aloïsia, how about you?"

"Alta," Ash said still blushing. Sam approached Aloïsia and took her to the side for a word.

"Not like that!" Sam said, not approving of what Aloïsia just did.

"The young maiden who works for your brother blurted out that the princess is lesbian, so I just simply made her trust me a little," Aloïsia shrugged.

"Don't you forget what my brother can do to you," Sam warned.

Aloïsia rolled her eyes. "Fine, jeez." Aloïsia approached Ash. "Wanna take a ride, Peaches?" Aloïsia said flirtatiously, taking a bow.

"Sure," Ash laughed. Aloïsia held our her hand and Ash took it. They both walked over to the horse and Aloïsia helped Ash on then got on herself.

"How 'bout me?" Sam asked Aloïsia.

"Walk the doggy over there," Aloïsia told her.

"Fine, but for your information, that's a wolf," Sam said.

"Wow, you made friends with a wolf?" Aloïsia asked Ash.

"Yep," Ash said proudly.

"That's impressive, Peaches," Aloïsia said.

"I have a name you know?" Ash said, chuckling a bit.

"Yep, it's Peaches," Aloïsia said.

"It's Alta! Ugh, I'm not getting out of this one, am I?" Ash asked.

"Nope," Aloïsia said, laughing. Ash also laughed. "She's so nice, why does she have to be the one who's gonna suffer with that annoying king," Aloïsia thought. "But I can't screw up or he will kill my father and I."

"C'mon Midnight, let's go!" Aloïsia told her horse. Midnight neighed and started to walk towards the Lithuanian Kingdom. Sam and Buddy followed...