
What's With This Charming Villainess?

[DROPPED] ーーーーーーーーーーーーー My name is Ushinawa Aiko, age 23. I love reading manga with my friends, I lived as a gamer, whether it's in the form of board games, video games, either shōgi or virtual chess, even in card games, online; that is, I'll likely have a good grasp in any game you face me with, as long as it isn't a first-person shooter, I'm not good with those. But all these game genres fall short to my favorite types of gaming, video otome games. I work as a part-timer, a night-shifter at a local restaurant near my school campus. Speaking of manga and otome games, I never really got into the 'Isekai' or 'Reincarnation' genre of literature. Sure, there might be many gems of written works all around the world, but if I hadn't seen any of those types of books, I would be more frightened in the situation I am in right now. I'm now inside the world of「Heart Nuisance」?! How do I know, you ask? First of all, there are very large banners of Gallic Roosters around this place-classroom, which in my previous world, were used as a patriotic symbol during the French Revolution, 1789-1799. Second of all, a blurry face seems to be in front of me right now. Well, put that aside, If I have to be honest, I wasn't really into capturing the male targets at ALL; whether you like it or not, I've always had a deep admiration for the game's villainess, the one and only「Emie Couture」. I can't believe I have a strange chance like this to meet this adorable woman, I'm happy. But still, what I know I should be looking after right now, is that: What lies in the future depends on my actions, so I'll be wary.

ctakuso · LGBT+
30 Chs

[Not A Chapter] Notice #2 - 03/08/2020 | Schedule

Hey, good news! My schedule's gonna be free, but like usual simultaneously(if you even understand me haha). My upload schedule will be every 1-2 days 6-8PM Manila Time now, and a major reason why I moved my schedule again, is because I'm finally out of the pickle that is Ch. 10! Jokes aside, I thank you for continuing to support this novel, as it's my first time doing this kinda thing. I'm really a beginner with planning and don't have good results especially because I currently post with a semi-open schedule.

Bonne journee, apres-midi, soiree, et nuit everybody! Happy reading, stay safe, sanitize. That is all.