
What's On Perpetrators's Mind

Aditya Evan is a detective in the city police Blue, on New Year's Eve, the police station received a report that there was a group of suspicious people in the city center. Not wanting a case that would cause many casualties, Aditya visited the location given by the reporter. To carry out a more detailed investigation. What Aditya did not know was, the beginning of his meeting with a girl on the new year's eve, changed his world instantly.

nuniaaa24 · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

New Year Countdown

Lust is a psychological force producing intense desire for an object, and the most primary one is libido.

It is very difficult for Aditya Daniel to find someone he has never met in such a large crowd as he is today.

Someone called the Blue City Police Station and reported that she saw a group of people behaving suspiciously.

Being a detective who takes on the night shift, Aditya must head to the location for further inspection, considering that this is New Year's Eve - if it is true that a group of people has committed a criminal act, then there will be many victims.

The location of the reporter is in the city center, where the blue city icon is located, the icon in the form of an eagle statue on the edge of the blue city lake, the voices of people talking to each other - while waiting for the new year to change made Aditya have to spend more energy to be able to focus on looking for a group of people who look suspicious.

After circling the area for two times, Aditya did not see a group of suspicious people. Finally, beside the restaurant by the lake, a group of people were seen wearing red hoodies and holding masks.

Are those the one that reported behaving suspiciously?

Aditya walks towards them to make sure, doing light interrogation - simply asking to gather information isn't wrong, for his job it's a normal thing to do.

"Hello, mate" Aditya admonished.

They were all focused on talking and turned their backs to where Aditya was coming, when they heard Aditya say hello, they turned around together.

The atmosphere became silent.

"Can we help you, sir?" Ask the one of them who looks the oldest.

Aditya is currently wearing jeans and a plain gray shirt, with his white sneakers. His current appearance was very contraction with the crowd in front of him.

"You guys, are you all attending a party this new year?"

"Yes, sir. We're all going to visit the New Year's party costumes. The club where the party is located is in the next block," answered one of the children who looked still in high school.

"We are waiting for our friends here, to enter the club together later."

Actually Aditya wanted to ask the age of the children, night clubs normally have a minimum age limit of 21 years, looking at their faces, Aditya is 80% sure they are not old enough to enter a club.

But don't want to ruin someone's happiness, and remember that now is the time to celebrate New Year's Eve. Aditya thinks of ignoring procedures this time - after all, they will still have to deal with the club guards to enter the club later.

"Then, have fun," said Aditya before moving away from the crowd and walking back to observe the area.

Quite tired of walking, Aditya finds a position that is quite lonely. Taking the mint candy in his pants pocket, he ate the candy. His eyes remained focused on the people in the area.

Sugar in candy, is very helpful to increase energy in the body. As the principle, sugar can be digested quickly and easily broken down into glucose which is later used as energy.

Aditya considers whether the suspicious person the reporter meant is one of the group of people who will attend the costume party?

For people who've never been to a costume party or don't know the world of cosplay-ing, they can be pretty intimidating.

In fact, his instincts told him to come to the costume party. Although he couldn't tell whether he wanted to go to a party - purely because he wanted to watch the people there or satisfy his curiosity.

In this area there are no real guards, because this place is indeed a crowded place during annual events, security in this area is quite guaranteed. Seeing the two guards of the area passing him to patrol, Aditya finally couldn't help himself.

"Fuck it, I am going there."

Aditya looks back, towards which some of the children have gathered. They were out of sight, but the club they mentioned was only one block away from this place, it wouldn't be that hard to find.

And it was true - some people who were seen in costumes were walking towards one place, for a party that was quite crowded, it didn't seem like there was a long line to get in. But at the door there are men and women as doorman, everyone who wants to enter - their arms are stamped first.

Tickets like that are actually a bit old school, the last time Aditya attended an event with such an admission ticket system was when he was in college, and 7 years have passed from the last time he was a student.

Are old concepts becoming new trends again?

Currently Aditya is watching from the side of the club building, too focused on the club and its visitors. Aditya did not realize that several restaurants and pubs on the block were closed, and only that club was open.

Not in a hurry, even very casually - Aditya stepped his foot towards the club door, saw that the people who entered were also getting smaller, naturally, the countdown was five minutes left. The essence of celebrating the New Year in a public place is to feel a countdown together with other people.

And of course, the chance to kiss the people next to you.

The building where Aditya previously stood is right next to the club, but you need to go through a small alleyway which is the boundary between one building and another in order to get to the club.

While walking down the small alleyway to the club, a woman moaned.

As Aditya approaches the club, the moaned sound becomes even more audible. In the middle of the alley, Aditya turns his head to the side. There was a man kneeling, with his head on the thighs of a woman in blue dress. One foot of the woman is on the ground and the other is on the shoulder of the kneeling man.

There are people who get quickies at a place like this.

Not wanting to disturb them, Aditya resumed his steps. Without realizing it, the girl in the alley realized that Aditya saw what they were doing.

Entering the club, Aditya was quite surprised by the atmosphere in the club, everyone who came wearing costumes, only him wearing a mask. The doorman gave him a mask for him to use. Because this is a costume party so all visitors have to use something to avoid appearing like everyday people. Rules that must be followed by all visitors.

From the outside, this club doesn't look too big, maybe because the structure of the building is not wide, but it turns out to be extending backwards. Being in this club feels like time stops, and the sound from outside is not heard at all. Like a soundproof room, with music this loud, Aditya while waiting outside, doesn't hear anything at all - if there is any live music.

It can be concluded that this building was designed for people who need privacy. Aditya doesn't even remember the name of the club before entering, only a symbol on the door. Aditya observes the room in this club, the entrance is set as the second floor, where the entire floor area is only for the veranda which surrounds the entire room and the stairs to the third floor which is the privacy room and to the ground floor which is the dance floor.

Aditya is behind the veranda looking down, everyone in different costumes dancing with each other, enjoying live DJ music.

The music suddenly stopped and a countdown number appeared on the stage backdrop which turned out to be an LCD. Everyone shouted together to screaming the countdown number.

Ten .... Nine .... Eight .... Seven .... Six.




The voice that grew louder did not make Aditya scream counting down the numbers to welcome the new year's, like people in the club, even now he feels like he has a barrier with the people around him.

It was as if what these people celebrated had nothing to do with him. Up to the last two countdowns.


Aditya feels someone tapping his shoulder.


Aditya turns his head towards the hand.

Happy New Year. Shouted everyone at the club.

The collar of his shirt was pulled and someone passionately kissed his lips. Having not had time to return the kiss, the girl who kissed him was already away from his lips. "Happy new year," the girl shouted before turning to walk.

Aditya notices that the girl kissing him was the girl in yellow dress in the alley, irritated. Aditya follows the girl from behind, before grabbing her arm and holding her cheeks, giving her a return kiss.

There is no woman who treats him like this girl, comes to kiss him and then leaves. Not only does a woman want an agreement, he also prefers an agreement between the two parties. Even though it was just a kiss, but - damn well it was still his lips.

The girl looked surprised, but after a few seconds, the two of them kissed each other back, as if competing to show who would be out of breath first. Aditya stuck his tongue into the girl's mouth, their tongues interlocked with each other, and the girl, seeking a comfortable position, draped her arms around Aditya's neck.

Seeing the girl's face turning red, Aditya removed his lips from the girl's lips, if this kiss continued his fear that the girl would run out of oxygen and pass out here. Not something Aditya wanted to hope to happen. But to his surprise, the girl bit his lower lip when Aditya wanted to keep their faces away. With the hope of being able to breathe more easily with each other.

Aditya patted the girl gently on the cheek while whispering "enough, you need to breathe."

Removing both of her arms from Aditya's neck, the girl blinked her eyes several times before correcting her posture.

Exotic skin, small but thick lips, blue eyes, shoulder length black hair, a very beautiful neck and three pierced earrings that make her look even sexier. Aditya was finally able to clearly see the visual of the girl he was peeking at was having a sexual act with her partner.

Seeing her now alone was shocking enough, a girl with a look like this would never be alone when she was in a club, a boy very willingly would come next to her to accompany her.

The girl looked towards Aditya's back, saw her eyebrows frown, her hand was immediately linked next to Aditya's.

A male voice shouted, "Hey! You can't just throw me away after what I did for you."

By now Aditya had turned around, and positioned himself to stand next to the girl as if they were a couple who came together in this place.

Aditya was just waiting for the girl's response, usually he wasn't like this, being busybody in a love relationship with someone he didn't know at all. Unless there is violence in front of him then he will act. But never in a situation like this.

!!! Schopenhauer, because of his suspicion of romantic love, thinks that it is annoying and dangerous. When a human being is in a state of romantic love, the lust for love is ultimately the main driver of all human behavior. Good and wrong behavior becomes blur.