
What! i was reincarnated in a yuri genre novel

Roy Wijaya is a young man who can live a normal life, until one day he moves into the world of a novel entitled "Ren's fantasy world" as an antagonist who will die miserably in the story. "Wait a minute, this is a Yuri genre novel" "Have I been reincarnated as the antagonist..... NOO... I don't want to die!!"

Tasiya_Putri · แฟนตาซี
65 Chs

if you can have both why one?

"Father's sword"

"What? Swordsmanship... you know that the Hilbert family are magicians but why do you intend to become a Swordsman?"

"Father just because I was born into the Hilbert family doesn't mean I can inherit the magic talent as well"

Lewis who heard that frowned and felt angry with what David said, David knew that surely his father would not accept him to become a Swordsman considering that the Hilbert family had rivals who were sword-wielding families.

The Graham family was the rival of the Hilbert family, the Graham family was one of the upper-class noble families that had the same popularity as the Hilbert family. The entire Graham family is a great swordsman. The name of the Head of the Graham family is William Graham, he is a Swordmaster who can only compete with Lewis Hilbert.

These two families had been rivals for decades, even the King of the Malvyn Empire always held a fighting competition every two years to show the strength of each family.

"I know you don't accept it, but give me one chance Father, if I'm not talented in swordplay I'll quit and become a wizard again Father."

"Hmmm... are you sure you want to be a Swordsman?"

"Yes Father... please give me a chance"

"Huh ... well, tomorrow morning come to the training center I will send a Swordsman to teach you. But remember you must not disappoint me understand..."

"Understood Dad, then I'll excuse myself"

"Yes... Okay, you can go."

David went to walk out of his father's office, on the way David remembered the system he had just gotten, and without lingering anymore David immediately tried to check it.


[Yes master]

"Open status"

After David said that, a transparent screen appeared in front of him, David intended to check David's status and better understand his talents and abilities.

[Name: David Hilbert

Gender: male

Mana: 25/50







Talent: Swordsman

SKILL: Fireball lv 1, water slash lv 1 ]

Huh... I thought David was not talented to become a magician because his mana capacity limit is only 50 and INT which functions to increase magic attack and defense is limited to 70 how can he only have two skills that are still LV 1? David, I think is a lazy boy... well, never mind.

David didn't want to worry about it and went straight back to his room and did other activities.

The next day David came to the training center to start the training session with his new teacher, after waiting for about 2 minutes the teacher finally came too, he was a tall man with brown skin and black hair. The man came over to David after getting close enough he started talking.

"Introducing my name is Adam, are you young master David, the one who wants to learn swordplay"

"Yes, my name is David Hilbert"

"Hmm... may I ask you something, young master"

"Hmm... what is it?"

"Have you formed a magic circle?"

"Ah... yes I have formed a magic circle but I can only form 1 magic circle"

"Then I want you to remove the magic circle before we learn about swordsmanship."

"WHAT!!! but why?"

Adam began to explain why David had to remove his magic circle.

In this world there are two different branches of energy, the first is mana and the second is Aura. Mana and Aura are two contrasting energies, mana is the energy of nature that is commonly used by magicians to use magic. first, the magicians will collect the mana around them and then begin to condense it until it is as thin as possible and forms a perfect circle. The more magic circles that can be collected, the stronger the witch is but not everyone can do it because there will be a limit for each person and if they are forced to do more than their body capacity, then that person's body will explode due to excess mana.

While Aura is an energy that exists within a person, usually it can be obtained by hard training or by meditating in a closed place and concentrating on the body to be able to feel the Aura if someone already feels the Aura within them they will collect the Aura at one point and begin to condense it into a strong and pure Aura. Aura that has been successfully solidified will form a star so people call it an Aura star. There is no limit in collecting Aura but to get and collect Aura is very difficult to do, the more Aura stars the person has, the more difficult it is to get the next Aura star. Usually, Aura stars are often used by martial arts practitioners, Swordsman, and others.

"So the conclusion is that to become a Swordsman you have to remove the magic cirlce inside you and replace it with Aura"

"Does it have to be removed... can't we combine mana and Aura at once"

"That's impossible, Mana and Aura have opposite energies, if you try to unite Mana and Aura then there will be a collision of energy between the two and it can make you die"

"Hmm... well I'll think about it"

"Good, if you have removed the magic circle, meet me here"

"Yes Master"

David walked away from the training center, and David finally reached his room. There he began to think about Master Adam's words, he thought about whether to remove the magic circle in his body, even though David's magic circle was only one but it was a pity to throw it away considering that collecting and compacting mana was also not an easy thing. To overcome his confusion David decided to ask the system.

"System, is it possible to combine mana and Aura?"

[It is possible master but it will be very difficult to do]

"What are the chances of me succeeding?"

[About 50:50 master]

"Hmm... that means it's not impossible huh"

"Alright let's try it"

David began to sit on the floor and began to focus all his senses to feel the Aura, after a long time David finally managed to feel the Aura inside him, after that he tried to collect the Aura and concentrate it in his chest. A few moments later David began to feel resistance from the magic circle on his chest but this did not make David give up. Even though it was painful but he had to endure it to increase his strength to survive in this world.

The longer David tried to condense the aura, the stronger the resistance from the magic circle in his chest became.

"AHHH... UGHH..."





"UGH...no, I won't stop...I WILL DO ANYTHING TO STAY ALIVE...AHHHH..."


[The merge between mana and Aura succeeded]

[Successfully changed the storyline, survival rate increased by 3%]

David looked at the system notification with bated breath, he smiled that his efforts were not in vain.


After David said that he fainted and at the same time there was a very loud knock on the door and called David's name because he didn't hear any answer from inside. the person decided to break the door of David's room and it turned out to be a maid named Vivi, she came there after hearing David's screams and what a surprise she was when she found David unconscious on the floor.


In a room lay a young man who was in a state of unconsciousness, the young man was David Hilbert. David began to slowly open his eyes and he began to rise from his sleep. When he had just woken up suddenly came a woman dressed as a maid, the woman who saw David had regained consciousness and immediately ran there.

"Young master you are awake"

"Ahh... yes Vivi, did I faint?" David said while holding his head which was a little dizzy.

"Yes, young master... you have been unconscious for 3 days"

"What! 3 days?"

"Yes, young master."

David didn't expect that he would be unconscious for that long, it seemed like the side effects of the merge were great too.

"Oh... yes, young master, your mother said she wants to go and see how you are doing, is that okay?"

"Of course, it's okay, why not?"

"Ah... it's not that you don't like your mother's presence and don't want to see her face anymore."

Ah... I remember David hated his mother because he was born to a maid, he blamed her for that and told her not to see him again.

"It's okay, I'll allow it... you can call Mom here."

"Alright young master, I'll call Madam right now."

Vivi started running outside to call David's mom. After 4 minutes of waiting, a yellow-haired woman with light green eyes finally approached David. She was Bianca Hilbert the biological mother of David Hilbert.

"David how are you doing, is it getting better"

"Already Mom"

Bianca who heard David call her mom was surprised, all this time David hated her even to just call her mom he didn't want to. That made Bianca feel happy and started crying, David who saw that started to panic and asked his mother.

"What's wrong Mom... why are you crying"

"No Mom, I'm just happy you called me mom."

I understand David never calls her mom because he hates her, I don't know why David hates a kind mother like Bianca. I wonder what if she knew I wasn't her son, would she be angry or sad?

"Mom... I'm sorry for being mean to you."

"What are you saying David, you've never done anything bad to me... it's me who's sorry that you were born to a maid and that you've received so many insults from your other siblings."

"Mom, I promise that I will try to be strong so that you will not be insulted or humiliated by your family or other people," David said while holding Bianca's hand.


Bianca immediately hugged David with affection and David returned the hug.

"I love you, mom"

"I love you too David"