
What! I got transmigrated as miss Kobayashi!

"Hello my name is Yuki Suzuki and I am your average everyday Japanese male, or at least I was. It turns out that God is in fact real and very compensating but he has a strange love for genderbening people!? I mean come on I can handle dieing and being thrown into another world but did you have to make me a girl!? And most importantly why does being submissive make me excited!? God, definitely did something to me i wasn't always submissive was I? Yo, new Author here never really written anything( although i always wanted to but could never get the motivation or it was just plain bad) but i decided it was worth a shot and if anythig it is something to do for fun when im bored. Forewarning it will probably be really bad so if you are a picky reader i would avoid it, welp that is all i have to say. All mentiond anime's rights go to their original owners.

Bats3245 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Chapter 1

"Oooooogh what happend? My head is killing me". Pain just pure indescribable pain was all i could feel as my head felt like some one was twirling my brain like pasta.

I had laid on the floor for at least an hour or two before the pain finally subsidded enough for me to think coherent thoughts. 'hmm where in the heck am I and what happend to me'?

As soon as I had that thought it all came rushing back to me. My name is Yuki Suzuki(A/N Random name i came up with .) and I was your average Japanese male. Yes, I know I have a girly name for a male but my mother thought that it would be cute for her little baby boy to have a girly name. Sadly for my mother I ended up being anything but cute. Not that I was ugly mind you but as i had said average in anything and everything. Ranging from my looks to grades to even ambition, heck I could have went my whole life just watching anime. Eventually though I grew up got a job and a couple of friends and went on with my mundane life.

Until what I think was most likely the last day of my life. My day started like it usally did wake up go and go to work and go home to watch anime or read a novel, but as I was preparing to leave my freind asked me if I wanted to go out drinking. 'Well might at least have a little bit of fun every now and then right?' is what i thought but lo and behold look where that had got me.

Apareantly I had the great idea to drive home, even while I was drunk off the walls. Even going against my freids that had told me to stop and offerd me a ride home.

Well you can pretty much guess what happend next I swerved off the road and over a cliff and here we are!

Now comig to the fact that I am most likely dead or unconcious I am confused and scared! I mean who wakes up in the vast expanse of space and just goes " O welp looks like I died" NO ONE that's who.

Unless you are some otaku and are secretly waiting to die and have some random omnipotent being grant you wishes and go off on some magical adventure in another world while collecting a harem.

Well luckily enough i still had most of my memory unlike those MC's that seem to forget the life they had lived.

"Did i really die?" Just thinking of it is statting to make me feel down. I mean like come on I was only 28! They said life only goes up from there.

"Yes, pffft hahaha and it was quite the spectacle." What the heck some old man just popped up out of nowhere!

"Oi, old man you dont just sneak up on people when they are thinking to themselves!?"

"Haha sorry there, has just been so long since someone has ended up in my domain I just couldn't help myself as well as the fact you had such a ridiculous death." he said through laborious laughing and with an extremely smug face.

"Hais well it is all said and done now. At least someone is having fun out here." Like seriously where even are we?

"Hmm well the place we are located is one with many names, but to mortals I guess the best or most common names would be either the 'Void' or 'Limbo' the home of many lost souls." Although he said it with a calming tone I couldnt stop myself hyperventilating because while I already assumed that I might be dead the thought of going to hell and being tortured eternally dosent sound that fun.

Wait a second randomly dying, waking up in space, and some old man showing up and telling you your in the Void.

"A-Are you God!? A-Am i going to hell" h-holy crap im bantering with what could possibly be my ticket to reincarnation or my eternal doom!

"Hoho good judgment there Suzuki-san, I am indeed a God, but there is no such thing as hell haha well that dosent really matter anymore. What matters is what happens next." the old man now identified as a god said finally getting serious.

Although i would usally be pretty excited about 'what comes next' as i can guess what it is based on whats happend so far, I just really cant get excited. Realizing your dead and accepting it are totally different meanings.

I would never get to see my family again or my pets. I would never get to hang around with my buddies and goof off. I would never get married and have children. And lastly I would might never get to see the end of 'Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid.'

Yeah it is pathetic for one of my regrets to be not getting to see the end of an anime but I dont care. The emotions and comedy of 'Miss Kobayashis Dragon Maid' is something many new anime lack. The ammount of times I laughed and cried to it are immeasurable.

The only thing that I can't seem to like about it is Kobayashis passiveness. I mean like come on, a cute dragon girl is coming on to you and you refuse!? Blasphemy it makes me irritated just thinking about it! If I was Kobayashi it would totally be different!

'Sigh.' O well it is not like it matters anymore.

"Kuhum! Are you finally done with your monologue?" I couldnt stop myself from blushing I mean God heard my whole fervent speach!?

"Y-Yes God i am done please forgive me". I said with respect and a little bit of hope God would just forger the whole speach altogether!

"Haha no can do it would be a wast forgetting something so intresting no"?

suddenly he had an extremely mischievous smirk "and it gave me a great idea" the gut wrenching feeling I got at his obviously 'up to no good' face made all of my human instincts go off.

"If you think you can do so much better how about we try and see hmm yes this will be quite fun." I-I am lost for words i dont even know what to say.

"W-wait just a second god i have no intentions on being a woman and I didn't say Kobayashi did a bad job in her situation" like seriously how many regular humans can tame multiple dragons and have them co-exist!? Kobayashi did a fantastic job at keeping the damage to a minimum! "I just meant she should have been a little more accepting. And what about my 3 three wishe's."

"Eh well I have already decided you will transmigrate as kobayshi so how about this. I will not give you three wishes but I will give you access to all of Kobayashi's memories, as well as let you choose when you transmigrate. Plus magic talent so you wont be a regular joe and as a bonus I will also mix the world with a couple of other anime how is that?"

T-that is crazy but it is still manageable I guess, with my talent Tohru could possibly teach me magic the only problem is the other worlds god is mixing in.

"Any forewaring on the exta worlds god?" Although I doubt he will tell me worth a shot!

"Nope" god said popping the P " But dont worry Suzuki-san they are all mundande worlds without magic so the only dangers are the gods and dragons from 'Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid'."

whew that is a load off thank god it isnt Highschool dxd or bleach who knows would have happend.

"Your Welcome." 'Oi don't look so proud of yourself.' "Kuhum! anyway moving on when do you want to transmigrate Suzuki-san?"

'Hmmm well thinking about it i dont really want to be a child or go to highschool again and if i come to early I might miss Tohru at the start of the anime? Well it also cant be too late or Tohru would notice the change in personality, and while i could mimick it I dont believe myself that good an actor.'

"Ahhhh why is this so frustrating." like seriously why is this so confusing!? I might just rip my hair out!

" Haha dont worry Suzuki-san there is a perfect opportunity, Yes?" 'Perfect opportunity? what is he even talking about hmmm Oh Oh that is perfect I got it!?'

"I decided I will transmigrate the morning after Kobayashi invites Tohru to live with her!" This is pure genius! With this it wont be to late nor to early. And Kobayashi was way to drunk for Tohru to get a read on her personality other than her maid fetish! Which might be the only thing me and her have in common doubble win!

"Looks like you have decided" God said torwards me with a grandfatherly smile " Are you ready young Suzuki"

"Yes, and thank you for everything!" I said as i bowed. Even though i didn't get any wishes and it was pretty straight forward I still think I will have a great time!

"Well then off you go Suzuki or should i say Kobayashi?" Wait crap crap crap I forgot about that part! Even though Kobayashi loos like a male she is definitely a woman!?

"See you later Kobayashi haha" and with a wave off gods hand the newly named Kobayashi feel into a hole that suddenly appeared under her and seemingly swallowed her up . "I want reeffuunndd"

"Haha that was just as fun as Artemis said it was? I will start genderbening people a lot more now hoho." The god mused to himself as he left to go and seemingly confuse another poor male soul.

DONE! Haha i never thought i would actually go through with it haha. Well I am excited wohooo! Ah yea forewaring this was for fun so update's will be all over the place with the chance off a sudden drop soooo march on with hope

Bats3245creators' thoughts