
Easily angered

After finish taking care of all the people around him and making sure they won't be able to rush at him again, he turn to face Gary who was currently on his knees pleading.

Even after taking care of all of them, the anger in him doesn't seems to have die down as he walked forward towards Gary.

Seeing the face of Gary, his anger double up as he throw a punch with his full force towards his face. The moment Gary raise his face again, another punch was what greeted him causing him to fall to the ground.

Looking at him, Kiran could see blood pouring out from the corner of his lip, but he seems not to care about it as he throw another fist, but instead of connecting this time around, it was block by someone.

"God what type of strength is this, are you planning on killing him" said Caleb as he clench to the fist with force so as to reduce the pain he was feeling in his hand.

"Dude what are you doing, do you want to kill him?" Asked Mikey as he hold him back.

With Mikey and Caleb already knowing the place Kiran and Gary was going to, it didn't take them long to reach there, but what greeted them was not what they expected at all.

Mikey and Caleb could see Gary minions all lying on the ground in pain and Gary himself being at the back of them with Kiran being in his front and throwing punches.

Thinking that he was only going to throw that one punch, they let him be, but seeing as he didn't stop after that two punches and was about to throw a third one, they quickly sprinted towards him with Caleb now blocking the punch.

"Let go of me Mikey, I have to wipe that smirk off his face" said Kiran in anger as he try to free himself from Mikey.

Looking at the bloodied face of Gary, Mikey was wondering where the smirk was that Kiran was talking about.

"You all should stand up now and leave" said Caleb as he could see that Kiran was determined to continue attacking Gary.

Need not to be told twice, they all quickly stand up from the ground and ran out of there not caring about the pain they were feeling.

"You told them to escape, why did you do that?" Asked Kiran in anger as he look at Caleb.

"Chill man, what's your problem, what's happening to you" replied Mikey as he tightened his hold on him.

"Kiran, what's the matter with you, you could have severely injured him, how will your mom feel if she was to receive a call of you injuring a student" said Caleb as he look at him.

Hearing the word of Caleb about his mom, he manage to control himself and subside the blazing anger inside of him.

"You're bleeding" said Mikey as he look at the hands of Kiran.

Opening his clench fists, he could see blood dripping down from them, but no injury was in sight.

'How come my hands are covered in blood, I didn't hit him that much' said Kiran inwardly as he think about what about.

Thinking back to the fight, he remembered he felt a slight pain when he clench his hands when being held by Mikey. And knowing that he didn't receive any blow from Gary and his people only means it was self inflicted.

'Was my fingernails able to pierced through my skin, but how come, the skin on palm is considered one of the thickest skin in the part of the body, and why is there no injury if it was able to?' Asked Kiran to himself inwardly.

"Here, take and wipe the blood off your hands, so we can go to class" said Caleb as he pass his handkerchief to him.

"Thanks for stopping me you two, I really don't know what's happening to me for some days now, I just get easily angry with small matters" said Kiran as he take the handkerchief from him and wipe the blood.

"Is character change also among the changes in puberty, I think I will go check on it after school" replied Mikey with a small chuckle.

"Let's go, I'm sure lesson has started" said Caleb as they all start walking back to their class.

'What's happening to me, if Caleb wasn't there in time to stop me, then would I have injured him?' Asked Kiran to himself as a slight cold breeze pass him causing him to shiver slightly.

"You know you could have gotten expelled if it was principal Sarah and old Brilliance high, right?" Said Caleb as they continue walking.

"I know" was the short reply from Kiran as he remembered the last time he has gotten into a fight in school was four years ago and was in the tenon of principal Sarah, almost warranting to him being expelled.

"I do miss principal Sarah, she's a good principal unlike our current one, it's a shame she got transferred" replied Mikey.

"I'm sure we do miss her, if she was here I'm sure no one would be confident enough to bully others" said Caleb. "But seriously dude, you have to learn to control your anger, this isn't like you, you hardly interfere in people's business".

"Maybe you should go to a yoga class or something, anger management class is also open" said Mikey.

"I'm not doing anything of such, I will solve my issues by myself" replied Kiran.

"Okay then, suit yourself, make sure not to go get into fight in this state, seeing as you can't control yourself anything can happen and Caleb and I wouldn't always be there to stop you" said Mikey.

"He has a point Kiran, don't do anything you will regret, so just stay away from any commotion" seconded Caleb.

"I know, you two can stop your lectures" replied Kiran as they enter into their class.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Man_Marvelcreators' thoughts