
Werewolf King, please don't marry me!

Rose is a beautiful nerd with a vulgar brain and absence of filter on her lovely mouth. Even With all the shortcomings of being loud and obnoxious, no one can deny that the girl was a genius who was graduating from the prestigious St. George University of California. She was blissfully happy living her normal life in ignorance of her family’s darkest secret until the very fateful summer just before her internship when she reluctantly had to go back to her hometown for some ‘unknown’ family crisis. Adding to the top of the list of ‘what Rose don’t want to do’ was the trip to the waterfall in the middle of the forest that her brother and cousin so generously planned. After another unfortunate incident, Rose found herself lost in the middle of the forest about to be eaten by a gorgeous golden-brown wolf but to her utter shock the majestic animal spared her life. Now with the new found hope of escaping the deadly forest, she started her journey to find her way back only to stumbled upon a horrific scene of a fight between her uncles and the same wolf which resulted in the wolf being extremely injured and her uncles running for their lives. Feeling pity for the poor animal, she went to see his condition only for the wolf to change in to a equally gorgeous man right before her eyes. Not even in her wildest dream she thought she will witness something bizarre like this. So, she did the only logical thing she could think of; She screamed like hell! She tried to run away, of-course but her conscious was killing her for leaving a ‘handsome’ dying ‘man’ behind. Being a medical student, she decided to treat him in private right under her family’s nose. He promised to pay back for her kindness. What a joke of a promise it was! As the GORGEOUS man she so generously saved and protected, revealed that he is the Werewolf King and also her mate? And she HAS TO MARRY HIM if she wants to protect her family and people! and How will she react knowing about her own true self? Will she be able to accept the truth or will she die in denial? Are you ready to embark on an adventurous journey of Rose as she found her true self and also her true mate?

Mahek_Salvatore · แฟนตาซี
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6 Chs

The deadly fight!

'What?' I was standing there dumbfounded.

'Am I invisible? How dare he ignore me? Why am I mad about being ignored by that giant wild wolf! He spared my life and here I am feeling disappointed! I seriously have lost it!'

I was dragged out of my train of thoughts when I heard noises from the other side.

"Not again! I am not going to be ignored by other wild animals! I mean I was fortunate that kind wolf spared my life but I can't expect such hospitality and good nature from every animal out there!" I said angrily and ran to hide behind the bloody tree who started all this and gave me a very gentle kiss on the head.

I was hiding behind the tree while keeping my hand on my mouth and refraining myself from causing any sort of noise.

What I saw in front of me blew my mind. I saw my three very nosy uncles, uncle Pete, uncle Levi and uncle William along with the three villagers David, Joseph and James whom I just met this morning were holding huge guns and torches on their hands. Uncle William was holding a real fire torch on his hand as well.

'Talk about being unlucky! I saw my uncles twice in a day, such a cursed day it is! They always bring me bad luck!' I thought while closing my eyes in frustration.

What are they doing in the middle of the forest at this time with those deadly weapons and weird torches? Are they acting in a drama? Or were they following that giant wolf? Are they planning to hunt it? According to the length and physique of the wolf, it can kill all of them in no time. But they have guns. That's a plus point for the uncles.

'I hope they don't hurt the wolf who just spared my life'

To this moment I suddenly realized.

'Why the hell am I hiding when I can just take their help to get the hell out of this scary forest'

But a thought stopped me again as my over dramatic mind was contemplating my chances of survival with them.

'I mean, they have guns. Real guns! Depending on the fact, how much they hate me, I don't know if they will hesitate to shoot me at all!! After all, it's not a good idea to enter a battle field when they are the only ones who are armed! They can kill me and bury me, right here and right now and nobody will ever know!' I can see the horrific scene passing through my eyes and then my logical mind suddenly spoke.

'But those villagers are with them too. They couldn't kill me in front of them, right?'

'Right?' I wanted to ask someone but the lack of humans were really bothering me for the first time.

'should I go or should I not? Maybe, I should just take their help. At last, they are my own bloody uncles! I mean my own flesh and blood. They won't really harm me physically, we always had completely harmless verbal fight. Harmless and fun!'

I know I am overthinking right now. They are my uncles, I have known them my whole life. Not like I have lived here with them but still! They are completely harmless. The wolf must have gotten closer to our house and that's why they must be trying to get rid of it. That's why I always say, you shouldn't live in such close proximity to a forest.

I just noticed that in my own personal debate they are already moving away from me.

Being overly confident, I got up from my place and finally started following their footsteps.

'Let's go and get some help from my always good for nothing uncles. For the first time in life, they will be helpful. I am so proud of them!!!' I though smiling like a fool.

'I am an idiot! What was I thinking? My uncles actually hunting a giant wolf? My Uncles?? My uncles are chickens! They must have brought those guns from a toy shop. Hahahaha!'

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I couldn't see what was happening just in front of my eyes. But a gun shot was enough to drag me out of my long chain of thoughts.

My eyes were as wide as moon when I heard a real gun shot. I again hid behind the nearest tree and tried to see what was happening from the shadows.

Three of my uncles with other three villagers were attacking the wolf now. But the wolf was just defending itself. I mean anyone who sees it can tell, it is just defending itself!! I saw the gun shot near his right leg resulting in a scar and blood started to flow through that wound.

'Oh My! That must have hurt a lot! Why are they doing this to a poor animal?' I couldn't believe my eyes.

Uncle Pete then took the fire torch from Uncle William's hand and tried to burn down the wolf.

My heart just skipped a beat! I wanted to stop them. I wanted to scream. They can't do this!! But yet again, I froze at my place in fear.

"Damn! Burn the beast!" said Uncle Levi in an arrogant tone.

'You are the real beast!' I thought angrily while throwing daggers at him with my intense gazes.

The wolf seems to turn angry from all the attack and finally snapped.

He attacked Uncle Pete first as he jumped over his head and the fool of the uncle fell back on his butt. The majestic wolf then turned towards Uncle James and head butted him, the poor uncle flew 10 feet and finally smashed into a tree which broke his fall.

Uncle Pete tried to torch the wolf again by throwing it sneakily on the wolf's back and the smart animal avoided it without looking back. The said torch fell on Uncle James instead and started burning his leg. I can see the fire spreading quickly from his one leg to another because the fabric of his pants.

'That's why I always tell you to not wear polyester' I chided him in this serious situation.

The stupid thought went out of the window when I heard uncle James screaming in pain. I shut my eyes closed to avoid the scene but the smell of burning flesh was speaking for itself.

I wanted to help, to do something for him but I didn't know what to do anymore.

'What if the giant wolf attack me instead?' I was contemplating my life choices.

I know this scene and my own cowardice will haunt me forever!

'But should I really help them after they have put us through!' my whole life of backhand comments and pure bully was swiping in my eyes like a very bad quality film.

'Don't they deserve it on so many levels?' I questioned myself.

I decided to just observe for now. No need to get killed over my filthy uncles.

Right at this moment the wolf was attacking Uncle Pete with his claws, tearing his skin apart.

"Yes!! Yes!! Do it!! Serve him right for calling me and my mother b*tch this morning" I said cheering in the dark for a non existing audience.

"But don't kill him"