
WereWolf Curse

Ren and his friends, Nick Cave, Annalise Warden and other students are on a school field trip to the beach to do a clean up operation but an accident happened, a WereWolf attacked the bus and took Ren in the process while the bus goes over the hill. After a few hours, One by one students were taken away or turn by the WereWolf curse, Ren managed to get his hand on a time jump device went back in time to save his friends before the WereWolf invades and turn them but it was too late. Now Ren is set out on a journey with Laura his trusted protector to discover who and what he is, who created this Werewolf curse and why. There he will meet new people, enemies and allies, will Ren and his friends survive and unlock the secret of the WereWolf curse? Or will they suffer the same fate as the others before them. I'll also going to be making a season 2 of this if you guys like it tell me ^^

Darkness_Ren · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 8

I looked at the huge wolf that is glaring down at me with a furiously look on her face and I said in annoyance: "werewolves again..." Then I remembered Kaitlyn, "That robot I need to protect my friend Kaitlyn. She's pregnant"

Lisa: "oh? The girl that you left in the classroom that time?"

I nod: "yes.."

Lisa: "you know if you use the WereWolf curse.. You won't come back to your human self"

I looked down: "I know.. But it's a risk I have to take.." I open my eyes and I looked at the moon, I put my hand at where the moon where and change it to a blood moon then I looked up at the robot and scrape my face.

Kaitlyn POV

I saw Ren change the moon into a bloodly moon, it was unbelievable then he scrape some of his skin off his face and I gasped, then I saw black smoke surrounds Ren covering him instantly then it disperse Ren wasn't there anymore he was replaced by a big furry wolf it howled then leaped to the robot and attacked it. The robot shot bullets at Ren quickly but it bounced off him WereWolf Ren bite it's robot arm off, then the robot punch Ren away but it apparently didn't phase him as he ran back at the robot and scrape its chest which dents it.

Robot: "surrender!!" The robot managed to grab Ren wolf by the neck and choke him "you think that curse can defeated us. You are no match against us!" As I was looking at him in worry i saw other WereWolves running from every direction, I wanted to get out and help Ren but I'm pregnant and I'm defensive against them, I heard Ren howl again and the werewolves stopped and looked at the robot. The Robot looked at down at the werewolves "huh? Don't tell me-!!" The werewolves climbed up on the robot leg and body and began dismantling it from the outside, I gasped in total surprised, I can't believe Ren can command other werewolves.

They crawl up to the robot hand that is choking Ren and dismantling it helping Ren break free and he then goes to the robot neck with his whole mouth he rip off it's head and throw it on the ground. He howl in victory and others did the same, I was amazed to see that Ren victory over that giant robot then... The werewolves went their separate ways and I open the car door and looked at Ren and I yell out his name: "Ren!!"

I saw him looked at me and walked toward me slowly he was really taller than be and it was pretty intimidating but wasn't afraid of him instead I felt safe. He bow his head down to me and whimper sadly, I looked at him in sadness and please my hand on his nose and close my eyes: "it's okay Ren.. It's okay.." I reopen them and suddenly Ren changes back to his human form. He was kneeling down and shirtless, he looked at his hands and body with shock on his face

Ren: "h-h..how did I turn back..?" He looked at me with the same face expression "k-Kaitlyn..?!"

I answer in a panic voice: "w-what? Wait a sec..! I thought you said you can't turn back human when you turn to.. That!"

Ren gets up: "i-i don't know how but.. But you're eyes-!"

I cut him off: "wait what?.. My eyes? What about them"

Ren looks deeply into them : "your eyes are.. Like Pure white and shining.."

I looked at Ren eyes deeply trying to see my reflection from his eyes I saw my eyes are indeed shining white and I started to freak out: "oh my gosh!" I back away and put my hand on my head " h-how did I get like this? did I get bitten Ofc not then how? Am I a freak? Have I been experimented on?! "

I heard Ren trying to let me calm down while I'm freaking out: "Kaitlyn you need to calm down!!"

I didn't listen to him: "i-i can't if you-!!" but just then i saw a WereWolf that was sneaking slowly at Ren from behind. Seeing as I saw it probably wasn't expecting it So it quickly leap at him I didn't have time to warn him So I got in front of him, clearly I wasn't thinking straight. I yelled at it "don't touch my boyfriend!!" Suddenly there was a white shield that appeared and protect us from the WereWolf, the WereWolf was angry as it's planned wasn't successful it began scraping at the shield then the wolf turn to dust. I couldn't think straight and I began to feel dizzy and see blur.. "What.. Did i.. Just... Do.." then everything turn blank.

Kaitlyn POV End


I saw Kaitlyn do the unthinkable something that I didn't expect first I changed back into human then her eyes were white, im pretty sure it wasn't like that before now, a shield appeared in front of us as by her will, what's going on? then She fall down and I was able to catch her with my arms hold her close to my chest. I looked at her and she seems like she has really gone unconscious.

Lisa: "since when can q human have the ability to kill a WereWolf and just by protecting you and her?!"

I answer Lisa in my mind: (I don't know.. But her eyes wasn't white before..) and I realised something Kaitlyn said before (she said leave her bf alone while she came in front of me do that have something to do with that?)

Lisa: (hmm perhaps but do you think she meant you?)

I sigh: (I guess so-) I looked at her skirt pocket and saw something glowing "huh?" I reach my hand there and take out a Crystal

Lisa: (ah, this must be the falling star from the last war)

I ask her: "wait.. What, last war?"

Iisa: (I can't tell you just yet.. We need to get out of this country first)

I sigh: "alright.. You can just tell me after, where should we go?"

Lisa speak upset: "how should I know Ren? I don't know about the other countries in this world!)

I tried to calm her down: (okay okay I'm sorry.. I've only just known you for a day so I just assumed"

I heard her voice calmed down, she isn't upset anymore: (okay.. I accept your apology Ren)

I looked at the horizon and seeing like the sun is about to come up: "okay.. If this country is the only one that was infected maybe other countries isnt.. And we have to find where E-Tech headquarters is. I know they didn't leave this world they must have left this branch to go to another country"

Lisa ask me: (where do you think they will be?)

I answer while looking at Kaitlyn: "we're going to USA that's where they will be"

To Be Continue

AU: (Sorry for the delay. I've been busy with stuff. I've also been thinking of starting other stories but I won't stop this story and make a new one so I'll finish this one and season 2 so I can start the other stories, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter ^^)