
New Town - New Start


"Natalia! it's time for dinner honey. Come inside and get washed up." Mother said. I was swinging on my playset that came with our new house we bought 2 in a half weeks ago. We lived in a remote area just 15 miles out of town known as ' Loyalist '. My names Natalia, I'm the only child in the family, but you don't really need to worry. I'm not the kind of "only spoiled brat that gets whatever she wants" I'm actually raised better then that.

I got off the swing, but just before I was about to run to the back door I sworn that I seen something big and hairy that's a very dark figure. It was just after sunset so I couldn't really see it, but then I saw what looked like a person getting ready to pounce at the hairy creature.

Then when the person pounced it was so high and so fast that it took my brain a few seconds to progress what I saw. When I heard a loud thud, my mother came running out of the back door to see what was the issue. She screamed and ran for me and picked me up then took me back into the house. She put me on the sofa and looked at me with an expression of fear and sadness. I was confused by all of it. It all felt like a dream, like it's all just a bad nightmare.

"We're gonna be fine. You just wait here and I'll be back." She ran in the hallway. I heard the closet door opening and what sounded like some bullets being put into some sort of gun. As my fears were confirmed she ran out of the hallway with daddy's 12 gauge. He passed away from a murder a few months ago. that's why we've moved to a new location. Momma could no longer bare all the memories we shared at our last home. " Natalia come with me to the cellar now!" Mother said.

She grabbed my hand and we ran all the way to the cellar. She quickly pushed into the cellar and as I turned around to look at her, the fear in her eyes didn't quite mix in well with the other emotion I couldn't really comprehend what it was. " You stay in here! You here! Don't ever come out till' its safe! Till' there's no sound to be heard! If I don't come back... Just be my brave little girl alright? I love you so much! "

"Momma, what are you talking about? You're scaring me! I don't want you to go! Please! Sta-", before I could even finish my sentence momma closed the door quickly and as i listened I can hear all the bolts and locks keeping me inside. Which means there is no way for me to get out except that door. Soon, I heard gunshots in the distance. I began to whimper and cry, feeling helpless, and scared. Then, I heard a loud growl then I heard my mother screaming like a blood curdling scream so loud that I had to cover my ears.

"MOMMA!!!" I cried. Then a whole appeared with a loud thud. Some blood was spilling from it. The sight and the smell of salt and rust was making me feel really dizzy. Then out of nowhere I blacked out. I began to dream of a white furry angel that looked intimidating, but didn't seem to be malicious in anyway was caring me through the woods. The next thing I knew was that I woke up trying to figure out where I am. I was lying in a hospital bed, my vision a little blurry. I saw a figure sitting on my bed next to my legs. Just as my vision became clear it was a stranger, but for some reason I didn't feel threatened or scared of why he was there.

" Good you're awake. Once you're well and doing much better you're going to live in a home with new people. I'm very sorry about your mother. In a couple of days you'll be taken to your mothers funeral, but I must know where you think she would want to be buried." He asked.

Tears began to tackle my eyes just baring the news of my mother. " S-she would l-l-love to be buried by m-my father." I was trying my best to stay calm and answer clearly. My hands began to shake, my body became numb.

"Where's your father buried sweetheart?" He asked.

"He's buried far by Greenwood Grove. Just as few miles West from town." I answered shakily.

"Thank you very much sweet pea. I hope you'll heal from whatever you've been put through." He sounded like he pitied me. I didn't care much for pity though. I just wish my father and mother were with me. Back at our home. It was hard for me...