
The First Day, The First Night

(Roughly three months ago)

It's 10:30 p.m. of night, the last night of our university. Although I am at home right now, I can't believe what I just did half an hour ago. A place full of trees and shadows, with rain enough romantic to cloud all your rational mind, a swift of gentle breeze in between, to chill the hot sensations of that night, were two people full of passion and the hopelessness of never meeting again in sight....

Earlier that day;

Finally, the four frustrating years of unbearable academic torture is over. Oh, so much I have waited for this day! [Yeah I know, I took that major myself] All I have to do is go to the department, take my project guide's sign on my final year project copy; then go to library to clear my dues; then call my team members to meet for the selection of our next core members for our beloved college fest; then take a round around our beautiful lush green university campus for our graduation photos: well, a lot of things to do apparently. I don't think I'm missing something right now, anyways, it's a bright sunny day, I can do that missed thing later today.

...and here we go, forgetting my only girl-friend's birthday. Well in my defense, Hani and I met only 8 months ago and it never occurred to us to ask each other's birthday. So, we went to her favourite shop for her favourite snack- samosas, something she would cry for. We came back thinking to call our "gang" at our campus clubhouse. Meanwhile, my team meeting got cancelled. When we reached our campus, suddenly it started raining. It was the first rain of the year, the first rain in our campus, something Hani always wished to see. She never experienced heavy rain in our campus, a storm with a gust of strong wind, blowing metal sheets and windthrowing the oldest of trees in our campus. If only I knew what this storm would bring for me...