

After our heated conversation in my room, he decoded to leave for breakfast. Opening the door, he took a few steps towards it, and then glanced my way for a few seconds. His words before leaving were "I'll be waiting for you at the dining area."

For a while, I sat on my bed, completely dazed. There really is something wrong with the prince. After a few minutes of being alone, I surveyed the room in search of something. I don't know what it is, but there is this longing feeling. Blank nothingness filled my heart and the yearning for that unidentifiable object of my longing intensified, so much that it hurt.

A knock on the door woke me from my reverie.

"Mistress, the master is growing tired of waiting for you. He ordered to drag you out of your room if the need arises, so if you would be so kind as to prepare for breakfast quickly..."

The maid outside said robotically, although I could sense the venomous poison from the way she uttered her words. Her words died down, reason why I couldn't hear the end of her sentence, but I know more than to lengthen my time preparing.

I ashed my face, did my morning rituals and then started to walk towards the door. Once i stepped outside the door, I saw no one. Not even the maid who called to me a few minutes ago. It's already 8 in the morning and to be very honest, I feel lke a starved cat.

I walked in the long hallway, to the left of my room where I saw a huge double door. I graced the hall slowly, buying my time to prepare for the wrath of the prince. Anyone high end would surely be annoyed of waiting.

In front of the golden lined, wooden, and huge double doors, my knees shaked uncontrollably. I stopped and waited for the guards stationed at both sides of the door, assist me on opening the probably weighty double door.

As I entered the extravagant dining room of the palace, I saw light pooling in from the huge glass windows that overlooked the huge houses of the nobles' district. The curtains were pure white with golden linings and the floor cleanly covered with cream colored carpet. The table was filled with luscious foods. But that did not catch my attention. Instead, I saw three pairs of eyes looking at me. Precisely speaking, two females are glaring at me. I could feel their intense annoyance for me, but I was unfazed. Poker faced, I turned to the prince, whose eyes almost looked amused but his lips set in a grim line.

I have always hated the arrogance that wealthy people exude. It always seems to remind me of my place. A poor maid's daughter who was pitied by the King and was given the chance to be a candidate. But his presence was on a whole other level of intense.

I had to bow when speaking.

"Your highness, I apologize for my tardiness."

He raised a brow. But then, his lips curved in a mischievous manner.

"Why don't you take your seat and let's discuss your reason as to why you arrived rather late...?"

This proves my concern, about the prince not being his normal self. The prince I met a few minutes ago was not actually the prince. But who was it? A twin maybe?

"On second thought, let's just eat. I don't wanna hear your excuses anyway. I mean, being in the same bed with another man isn't really a pleasant thing to hear." A sensual smirk slowly formed on his mouth. But his eyes tells a very different story. The earlier mischief was replaced by a strong annoyance and menace.

I remained calm and collected despite the shaking of my hands.

"What do you mean? Actually, what is it to you? Talking like a jealous boyfriend? To be honest, I really wouldn't have let him in my room if he actually did not look like you."

His angered expression diminished and a sudden look of confusion was plastered on his face and then, his face turned blank. His brooding and dark expression intensified. His focus only on me. He was about to say something but was interrupted by one of the girls in the room.

Her skin tone, very much lighter than mine.

Paper white is the right word to describe her.

She harshly stood up, pushing the chair she was sitting on, backwards. It almost tumbled over.

"What are you talking about, child? You may have grown a little bit, but you're still a child! Your choice of words are annoying me. Are you implying that the prince had spent time with you--you filthy daughter of a maid?! Abomination, peasant! An insect such as you should know your pl---"

"Hush...Stella" the prince cut her off. How can he be so rude, yet sexually attractive at the same time? Walking behind her and holding both the girl's shoulders so he could make her sit.

Who's this Stella anyway. She's annoying. She's even blushing profiously by now.

Then, his gaze went to me. My heart started beating faster than usual. Do I really fear him this much? That seeing him this close makes my knees go weak and my hands tremble.

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it as if he's struggling to say what's weighing on his mind. His dark brooding eyes remained rooted on me.

"So... Tell us, what are you, really?"

The other girl's gaze was intense.

And as if the answer to everyone's question will be revealed, the atmosphere of the large dining area turned heavy.

I turned my gaze to the large window and then eyed the other girl coolly.

"Nina." The Prince called. Their eyes tied to each other, as if communicating through their actions. A warning can be read on his facial expression.

"What? I mean, you've been dying to know that, right?" Her eyes lingered on him for a few seconds and then she turned to me. Her eyes sharp, insinuating that I leave no room for lies.

"Tell me, why is it that you've stayed here for only a day and yet you've grown like you've spent years in your room? Just yesterday, I saw you in the party, and you looked younger. Precisely nine years younger. Honestly speaking... it's inhumane. From what I've heard, only 'those' animals could do that. Are you a traitor, perhaps? A traitor in guise of a young girl madly in love with a prince."