

Mom dragged me all the way to the room reserved for me in the palace. Don't get the wrong idea, bridal candidates for the prince are given the chance to live in the castle for as long as the prince likes.

"Zealika! What did you do??! I was only gone for a moment and now you're tangled in this mess?"

"Mom, let me--"

"And now you have the audacity to talk back to me?"


And with a tear stricken face, she said, "Dear child, I am sorry but, we may not be seeing each other for a year."

This is how my mother is. Too forgiving. Too kind. Too loving. And I hate it, because that is the main reason I was brought into this world. Her innocence of things and her purest heart has caused her nothing but plain misery.

"I'm sorry mother. Please forgive me. I was only looking for you, and through it all, I just found myself standing right in front of the prince."

" I will miss you. " And then she cried.

This is but a natural reaction one could get from mothers, whose child may be taken in the castle, and may never return. No one knows the reason behind the disappearances, but I am too sure that I am in danger.

"I love you mom"

"And so do I, sweetheart. Be safe, and may the angels guide you. Well then, it is time I leave." And with that, he left the room.

Weird. No one in this kingdom can speak of angels because of the curse bestowed upon this kingdom, by the King himself. Once an utterance has been made, excruciating pain is felt throughout the body.

Why can my mother speak so freely of them?


*Knock *knock

I cautiously looked at the door, it's been about ten minutes since my mother , so it's impossible for the one knocking at my door to be my mother. Who could it be? The prince maybe? Not possible. He's too busy to spend time with the candidates to be his bride, more so, with me. It's probably a maid delivering a summons from the King or whoever it is.

I made my way to the door while holding a pen I took from the study table located right at the corner of the room, beside the large window. It's the only sharp thing I saw. If anything goes wrong, at least I have something that could buy me a little time to run. Well, that's "if" anything goes wrong.

I slowly opened the door to find a black box with a velvety red ribbon tied to it. It almost looks like a present, except for the fact that it's not my birthday. I looked left and right only to find that there isn't a single person roaming around. This place gives me the creeps. Since it's nighttime then the people here must be asleep or something. Who could have put this box here?


I'm hungry...

I picked up the box and left the door open, since I'm planning to grab something to eat in the kitchen 'cause I haven't eaten anything for dinner. Not that I have been given anything. I've been brought here by my mother , been slapped, and then left behind. I have also been called a "little child", for pete's sake, I'm 17 years old !

I placed the box on top of the bed. I swear, if there is a severed head inside, i'd totally lose my mind. I observed the box for longer period of time before I decided that it's harmless. After removing the ribbon and putting it aside with the lid. The box contained chocolates.

"Probably poisoned" I thought to myself.

Before I could even touch the chocolates, I heard a hissing sound. I barely managed to hear it even through the silence of the night. I felt an ominous presence, and I could feel someone or something staring at my back. Since I am standing, facing the foot of the Queen sized bed, my back is literally facing the open door, so I can't see if what I'm hearing and feeling is real or if it is just part of my imagination.

I quickly put the lid on the box and faced the door. Little by little, the door opened fully. I can now see the dark hallway, lit only by a couple of torches. Normally, I could see if someone is standing there but this time, the hallway is enveloped by darkness and the torches are nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, I heard something moving. Like scales on the marbled floor. It's pretty agile. I remember my mother teaching me how to create a barrier. As weak as I am, the barrier I can set up, can only shield me from pebbles thrown by children in the sidewalks. But as quickly as the ominous presence appeared, it disappeared. The darkness dispersed and the hallway, once again, is lit by torches. Footsteps came rushing to my door. Two pairs of footsteps to be exact. Guards.

"Hey little girl! Hav'ya felt anything off a few seconds before we came here? " The first guard asked.

Little girl huh. I wanna kick his balls that badly.

"Don't ask her dumbass! She's just a kid, she wouldn't know anything! Come on, let's get outta here. " Guard no. 2, replied.

"Fine. It was probably just a false alarm. Sorry to have bothered you little miss."


And before I could even say anything, the two idiots turned their backs at me, walking giddily back to their stations and laughing like complete idiots. What a night! First, I was unknowingly insulted. To be called 'little' and underestimated for being a mere seven year-old, when in fact, I am seventeen!