
Wendy's Mirror

||Raising awareness of Body Dysmorphic Disorder|| Wendy Davis is a 22-year-old college student who seems like she lives a perfectly normal life on the surface. But deep down, she is constantly trailed by her worst nightmare- a stained perception of her own features. Still struggling to juggle her life with this choking fate, all hope seems lost as her `over-dramatic insecurities` sneakily pave the way to the end of her self-love and relationship. As she is left off with the residue of what life remained behind of her world, only one question constantly lingers in her mind: "Who will save me from this damned curse?"

thebaddiegrace · สมัยใหม่
12 Chs

Things Never Go As Expected

THE LYRICS of Love Waves by Nathan flowed from my grey headphones and synced with my steps as I walked down the alley.

I was almost frightened to death as someone, from nowhere, tapped on my shoulder. With a swift turn, I was now staring at the familiar face- or attire. I would never have forgotten the black face cap and nose mask that was there for me at my lowest.

"You're that guy right?" I blurted out as I took off my headphones, wide-eyed.

He laughed, "If you mean the person that spoke to you here when you were feeling down, then yes. I'm that guy."

The mild song oozed out of my headphones as we both remained quiet for a while.

"You know Nathan?" He inquired.

I could feel my eyes almost expand twice their size.

You know the worst question you can ever ask a fan? It's something of this sort.

I scoffed, "Do I know Nathan? Bro, I breathe Nathan. How can you even ask me that? Of course, I know him. His music resides in me. He's like an inspiration to me. Whenever I listen to his songs, I get new ideas for my art. Whenever I paint, I just have to listen to his songs. Even down to how he looks? God-dammit! He's gorgeous. I'm so down bad. At this point, I think he needs to sue me cause I'm so obsessed with him. I mean, just- oh.." I looked up at him, realizing I had been talking for so long, all in one breath.

"No, no. It's alright, you can keep talking," he chuckled. My cheeks reddened, "I'd rather not before I embarrass myself fangirling."

We both lightly laughed.

"Oh! How rude of me. Instead of standing here, can we move over to my place?"

He stared at his phone for a couple of seconds, then his blue eyes were back on me, "I'd have loved to, but it's already late. I'll soon get going anyway, so. In the meantime, you can keep talking about your favorite artiste."

I smiled, "Do you listen to him too?" "Every sane person does. I'm a huge fan too," he laughed.

"Oh yeah, then did you go to his last concert then?" "I did." "Same here," I giggled, "You know, he's still somewhere in Los Angeles cause he's hosting another this Friday. Are you going?" I stared at him.

Surely he can't beat me at this. I'm Nathan's biggest fan.

"Of course." "What? How did you get both tickets? Just getting the first was incredibly difficult for me!"

Who tha fucc is this beast?

He laughed, holding his stomach, "What? You couldn't get the second?" I looked away and folded my arms, "Not at all," I pouted.

He used his index finger to tilt my face back to his and stared deep into my eyes, "Do you want one?" "Will I be stupid to say no? Of course, I do. But how do I want to get it? It's all sold out."

"I can get you one." "What? How?" "Just be here by 8.30, tomorrow evening," he let go of my chin, "I'll see you then."

Leaving me completely transfixed, I had no other choice but to watch him walk away. I could still see how his white shirt glowed from afar.

"Hey!" I yelled.

He turned around to face me, his hands in his pockets.

Everything about him glowed. I couldn't tell if that was how he naturally was or if it was all thanks to the lamp post. But if it really was the lamp post, then I guess it was biased.

"You never told me your name!" "You never told me yours either," he responded.

"Wendy. My name is Wendy." "Your name's very pretty."

I couldn't help but let out a soft giggle.

"I'm Scott. Well, am I free to go now?" I giggled, "Of course you are."

I kept watching as he walked out of the alley and across the road before I continued my journey home.


"How many times will I tell you? It's the net before the glitter. Putting the glitter first will spoil the appearance of the lining," the lecturer screamed at one of the undergraduates as he asked the same question for the third time.

I picked up my sketch of a supposed new cloth design and stared at it.

It'll be nice if I can get this done... and probably wear it too.

I snickered softly, "Who am I kidding?"


"Tom, do you think I can make something like this?" I showed him a phone of a clothing design on my phone. "Of course, you make the best out of whatever you set your hands on, but don't you want to create something yourself?"

"Oh, I'm not planning on stealing this person's idea. What I've got in mind is just somewhat similar to this. Like, instead of this, there'll be an expose of cleavage here and a slit here..," I used my index finger to point around the respective parts of the clothing.

"..So, something like this but more advanced, maybe? I actually thought of this idea before I saw this on Pinterest but this looks so familiar. So instead of just venturing into it at once, I wanted to confirm I can make such."

"You can. Of course, you can. You don't even need me telling you this, c'mon! You're fucking talented, babe."

I smiled and fell into his arms, hugging him tight, "I want to wear something like that. It seems nice."

I heard him snicker.

I released myself from our hug, "What?"

His snicker exploded into a wild laugh, "No, no, it's just that you haven't even worn normal clothes without complaining about how your butt looks or how you seem bloated. And now, you want to wear something exposing?" He laughed again, "Please."

I played with my phone, not wanting to look him in the eye anymore. I felt his gaze on me from the corner of my eye before he eventually pulled me into a cuddle.

He kissed my forehead, "I'm sorry, babe, but let's take one step at a time. It's better you tell Anna to model the cloth when you're done. She'll look better in something like that, okay?"


"In the absence of any other question, I think we can call it a day. See you in our next class," the lecturer stepped out.

I stared at the empty seat beside me.

Why did you have to fall sick, you dumbass?

I'd have to make her some soup. she'd do the same if it were I.

I picked up my tote bag and strolled out of the lecture room. Walking down the long hall that led to the entrance of the college building, I noticed the familiar dark-brown hair again talking to another guy as he backed me.

I squinted my eyes like I could see who he was from the back of his head.

Like on cue, he suddenly turned around and stared at the notice board as he kept chatting with his friend.

A group of people from my class walked in front of me as I tried to get hold of his face. I stretched my neck and saw him before I'd be left to his back again.

It is you! So you attend Boxford? You sneaky liar.

I laughed.

I was about to walk off when I caught the face of the person he was engrossed in a light discussion with.

Carlos? Why does he know Carlos?

Wait. If he knows Carlos, then he definitely knows...

Thomas, from nowhere, swung an arm around Adrian as all three laughed.

Wait, what?




It's getting tense.

thebaddiegracecreators' thoughts