
Chapter 15 - Children Known as Shinobi

The next morning, Kakashi entered Minato's office cautiously. He didn't dare use the window for fear of making things worse. He was in enough trouble as it was. At first, Minato didn't even acknowledge his presence. He kept on working as if no one had entered. If Kakashi wasn't sure that he was in trouble then he knew now. Minato never did that especially when they were alone. It was clear: Kakashi was in a lot of trouble. He would have to wait and find out his fate.

After what seemed like an eternity Minato looked up. What Kakashi saw in his eyes was a mixer of hurt and anger. He sighed then finally spoke, "Kakashi, what you did was stupid. You almost allowed an enemy to use you to get to me. You allowed Danzo to get his claws into you. You allowed him to use your fears to his advantage."

Kakashi looked down."I'm sorry, Sensei."

Minato sighed. "I know that Kakashi. That doesn't change what you've done. What you nearly done. You went behind my back and that almost got yourself killed."

Kakashi was surprised by the last part. He didn't fully understand why that was bad. Betraying Minato that was horrible, but the other? He didn't understand. A shinobi always puts themselves in harm's way. He thought as Minato continued.

Minato looked away, "I really wish that you had come to me about his offer before. I would have dealt with it. I am your teacher. We are family. Do you honestly believe that I will stand by while he uses you?" Kakashi tried to speak, but Minato wasn't interested. "Of course not. That's not who I am. By now you should know that."


Kakashi was shocked. Minato called him family. He practically said that he die for his sake. He didn't understand any of it. Why would he do that for me? I'm scum!

Minato snapped the boy out of his thoughts. His eyes were hard, cold, and distant. They lacked the warmth that Kakashi knew so well. "Hand me your mask."

Kakashi obeyed his command. He didn't want to let it go, but he had no choice. Minato had given him a direct order. He didn't go out this way. However, Kakashi had accepted that this might happen. It made sense considering what he had done.

Minato took the mask then stared at it for an eternity. All his frustrations, his worries, and his fears were symbolized by this ugly thing. It had become the root of Kakashi's problems. At least that was how Minato saw the thing. It wasn't realistic, but Minato couldn't help feeling that way. He had become obsessed with getting rid of it. Not that Kakashi could understand his teacher's obsession. That was beyond the boy. He merely waited quietly for his master to speak again.

After a few minutes, he finally spoke again. "Yesterday, I planned to destroy this thing. I truly did. I hate what it's done to you Kakashi. I hate myself for giving it to you. Instead of helping you it has only hurt you. This is my fault, not yours. I want you to understand that."

He sighed, "Despite everything I still need it. Because there is something I need you to do. So, for now I will give you back this mask. Perhaps, you will prove me wrong about the mask." He handed the mask back to the boy but he didn't allow the boy to speak. "But no more late night trips to my library or talking to Danzo. Got it?"

Minato explained what he wanted Kakashi to do. It wasn't a mission so much as an assignment. Minato informed him that the wood user would be joining the ranks of regular ANBU. Right now the boy couldn't be trusted. His loyalty to Danzo prevented any possibility of that. Kakashi is to change that. Kakashi was only one that Minato had that was about his age. He already knew Kakashi and trusted him. That trust was valuable, even if that trust was fleeting. Minato hoped to foster that trust into something stronger. With that in mind, Kakashi was to be his partner. He would be his guide out of the darkness.

"You are to help him, NOT watch him. I will have others take care of that. The boy seems to have a connection with you. We need that if we are to ever win his trust. Then maybe I can trust him."

As Minato finished his last statement there was a knock on the door. Shortly after, a boy entered without waiting to be acknowledged. He greeted the Hokage. It was almost as if last night never happened. Which puzzled Kakashi. Not that he had time to ponder it. Minato dismissed Kakashi immediately after the boy's arrival. Kakashi didn't stay even though he was curious as to what would happen next. It was best not to test his sensei right now. Minato was already very unhappy with him. So, he disappeared quickly.

After Kakashi was gone, Minato properly welcomed the boy. "What is your name? I am afraid that Danzo was not able to tell me."

"It's Kinoe, Lord Hokage."

"Kinoe, huh? Is that something Danzo gave you?" Kinoe didn't seem interested in answering. Hmm . . . I guess that it doesn't matter. "Kinoe, do you know why you are here?" The boy nodded. Minato gave him a sad look. Somehow I doubt you do . . .

"I asked you here because of your unique skills. There hasn't been a shinobi who could use the wood style since the days of Lord First. The Leaf needs your abilities now more than ever. I won't ask how you got your jutsu. I won't even ask where you came from or your real name is. I won't even ask about Danzo. Not that I believe that you could tell me. Those are matters that I consider yours alone."

Minato got up from his desk. He placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. He tensed up slightly at his touch but didn't pull away. "What I will ask of you is that you stay. I won't force you. You can go at anytime. I would hate to lose you, but I would understand if you chose to go. But I hope that you will choose to stay."

The boy said nothing. He wasn't sure what to make of this strange Hokage. He was nothing like the man that Danzo spoke of. He was nothing like the men he faced last night. There was kindness in his eyes. A gentleness in him that Kinoe had never experienced before. He found himself liking the Blond Hokage despite the situation.

"Then I take it that you wish to stay?"

The boy nodded. He was ordered to transfer to the Hokage's detail by Danzo. He would not disobey his orders. Even if that meant that he would not be with his master. Besides his duty was clear. He was to keep tabs on the Hokage and report anything useful to his master. He hoped that eventually he could return to the Foundation and his master. For now he would obey the Hokage and watch.

Minato smiled at the boy. He knew that the boy was not being truthful. But for now it would do. Hopefully, he would truly trust him. Until then he would accept this lie. Minato dismissed the boy then returned to his work. One crisis was solved for now, so many more existed where it had been. How was Minato supposed to keep up?