
will you settle for me sausage.

''Intense running sounds left and right rain pouring down hard thunder roaring like a dragon waves crashing into each other. its like nature is upset it's like mother earth is crying out for the person who's running to live but she can only do so much for one small human if she used her powers to rescue him . just one child the city will be in danger so all she can do is sit back & watch as her youngest child fight for his life'' bad person1: COME BACK HERE BRAT WE WILL KILL YOU JUST LIKE YOUR BITCH OF A MOTHER you two separate its only him i don't understand why he is such a FUCKING pest '' he killed 16 of are guys killed master yonkai. if his father didn't leave them and paid for his debt like a man we wouldn't be here in the first place & this boy he is only 18 he did more damage then we did years ago damn brat continue to run after him'' Armani: damn ''i'm bleed to much i just might pass out from all this blood loss but is worth it i did it for us mom sis. but you died because of my failure to protect you like the man was supposed to be but i avenged you. my family that i hold so dear to me when i get out of this i will never let my presces people die because of my failure. keeps running but gets a lil light headed but keeps fighting on goes around a corner but gets hit in the face with a bat'' AHHHH ''blood comes out of his face very badly'' bad person 2: I GOT HIM BOYS pow right in the kisser baby huff.... huff you... bastard you think you could of gotten away from us HUH ''sees the others'' you in a whole lot of trouble brat

bad person 1: damn kid i give it to ya you one hell of a runner but in the end we got ya just like we did to you mom your sister you should've seen the look on there face when we beat them & do all kids of stuff to them. first started with the daughter your sister margot we strip her down to her birth day suit then we go to work first it started with yelling kicking and screaming then crying and calling for help for her mother. then it all stopped we broke her so bad she just lays there and takes it like a cheerleader on a football team hahahahaha oh man now you know what else happen we passed her around to the whole crew. we made your mother watch as her daughter broken and passed around like a gucci belt ahahahahaha man i even got a taste of that and let me tell yea it was magical. But before we even got to your mother we heard gun shots then explosions you killed alot of us boy. we where on top of the food chain now all of that is gone down the fucking!! drain all because you wanted to play HERO!! ''kicks him in the face then the other guys start to join in laughing

Armani: ''Takes knife out of his jacket to kill them once and for all just waiting for the right time blood going everywhere. ribs broken, hand broken but still punches skull pieces into the brain, blood feeling his lungs up , face broken badly teeth missing , tongue bitten tongue missing a chunk of it.

bad person1: you see this is what happens when you mess with us the yonkos from japan you have no one left boy. i won't give you mercy im gonna do you like we did your family now if you lick my boot i can give you a quick death hahahah.

Armani: ''goes to lick his boot use what strength he has sto stab bad person1 in the eye spitting out blood goes after bad person 2 stabs him in his neck 4x goes over to bad person3 but gets shot in the knee still stabs him in the balls then tries to go after bad person1 but get punched with brass knuckles to the face nose caves in

bad person 1: ''gets on top of armani proceed to punch him in his face his face gushing with blood 2min later blood all over him and hands. armani not moving but smiling'' why the fuck are you smilling bitch you know what i'll give you something to smile about punk ''picks him up puts him up against the wall but what he doesn't know is that armani has a grenade he has in his pocket. you got anything so say before i send you with your whore oa mother and sister ahahaha.

Armani: '' raises his eyebrow'' would you settle for my sausage laughing hard ass hell gets shot in the head twice.

bad person1: exhausted''damn i'm tired but i gotta revive the yonko clan and get back on top of the food chain '' goes back to the body to get search what he has gets his face near the bomb .... ''THEN BOOOOM RIGHT IN THE FACE he never had time to scream both body splattered everywhere.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Armani: ''sitting in a white room looking around in his seat looks down at the table so this is it for me huh at least it's beautiful more than what happened starts to cry over his life.

??:uhm i'm sorry for what happened to you my child '' crying with him because she watched him through his life & up until now she is disappointed in herself. as she watched her youngest get hurt she could have protected him but if she did she would be breaking the rules'' i know i have no right to cry but i couldn't have interfered with your troubles ''continue to cry''.

Armani: ''looks at her with fury but he understands that there are some rules even gods can't break.. gets up walks to her side gives her a forgiving hug'' i forgive you i understand how feel you felt powerless. i felt the same way when.... that happened but in the end i had got justice for what they did.... so please ''wipes her tears away with his thumb'' don't carry that dead weight on your shoulders

??: ''hugs him back thanking him for forgiving her giggling

Armani: whats so funny?? ''looks at her like she has a 2 heads.

??: its so funny how i'm getting comfort from my own child ahahhahah you are so kind and sweet thanks i have 2 surprises for you do you wanna see

he shakes his head yes

Armani: i never got your name miss ''looks at her.

??:Well you can call me athena ''pulls up both gifts for him

Armani: mom.. sis ''runs at them full sprint gets to them hugs them so close you thought he dad three heads'' i missed you so much im so sorry for what happened to ya'll i wish i could've came sooner ''gets hushed by his mom.

Carla: its okay its not your fault its your fathers fault for what had happened not you .

kimi: yea lil bro its not your fault for ... what the did to me i'm glad you got revenge for us no oneels would have so for that i forgive you ''crys ugly tears

Carla: ''joins them with there ugly cries

1 hour had passed since the cries started now the tears are stopping.

Athena: is everyone alright now i would like to give you guys your last present

''they shake there head inunison that they are done.''

Athena: Okay good so now i wanted on to your last gift i wanted to give you a second chance at life be reincarnating you in a whole new world where you can live your lives anew. so who wants to go first?

''they are to shocked to say anything they are to surprised by what she had said''.

Athena: uhm hello '' waves hand in there face''

they get out of there shocked expressions they see the goddess looking at them with a smile

carla: uhm wow so you get give us a new life to anywhere we want '' so happy for her and her kids that they get anew life''. yes we would like that very much athena.

Athena: so uhm who is going to go first to go ?.

''They are trying to figure out who goes first and where do they want to go''.

Armani: you guys should go first i would like to go first but if i did i wouldn't be able to see yall off plus i'm sure sis wants to go to a anime. & you mother i know want us to stick together but im sure sis want you to follow her a anime life where yall can be comfortable there.

Kimi: I want us to go to a anime life where we can be comfortable there if that's okay with you mom.?

Carla: But i want us to stay together and be happy plus i seen one of those animes you be watching like attack on titan. , and so many other scary shows i don't want us to live in those world i know if none of those things happened back home you guys would'v left the nest already so i'm okay if we separate but promise me we won't go to those horrid animes?.

Kimi: yes i promise mother we won't ''gives her a hug'' so i decided on where we are going.

Athena okay then where do you want to go sweetie?.

Kimi: i want to go to the my hero academia with my mother

''Athena smiles and gets them ready to leave''

Carla: '' goes to give her baby boy a huge hug goodbye '' i will miss my baby promise me you will be okay and eat well and get alot of rest.

'' she says in a motherly tone smiles at her little boy all grown up''.

Armani: i promise mother plus i trust sister to lead you to a good life i know where you are going is going to be great . '' gives her one last hug'' kimi come here you lil troublemaker you '' runs to her gives her the biggest hug'' make sure you take care of mom you are going to be with her you gotta pick up your slack lazybone. Kmi: i will lil brother see you around in the next life '' glows in a bright golden light with her mom. ''Athen transports them to mha world smile happily for them''. Athena: Now its your turn child where do you want to go and what type of powers do you want.? sorry this as far as it will let me go im writing the next chapter rightnow see ya