
Welcome to Uminari Academy

I dream about A nightmare I could only keep within... I dream about a friend long lost in flames... We seemed to be the same yet different in specks... I wish to meet you... I wish to forget... Will we ever meet and be the same again?

ShiroAkuma999 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Chapter 2: Meeting??

When Nanoha regained her consciousness, she immediately looked around. The first thing that she noticed was her whole body hurts and that she can't find Zero. She then proceeded to contact Zero via telepathy to know where he is. However instead of answering her, Zero pushed through the curtain and looked at her.

"So how are you feeling? Are you fine now?" Zero asked with worry lacing his voice.

"Yeah, I felt much better." The brunette answered, but she couldn't help flinching when she tried to move.

Soon the curtains opened wide showing three figures. The first one to talk was the one who was holding on to the curtain.

"What the hell?! She still have the nerves to say that. God! This girl is either stubborn or crazy." The blond girl said.

"Arisa-chan! stop that already, haven't you had enough? Your worst than those bullies who did this to her if you keep on verbally attacking the poor girl. Stop already." The violet haired girl retorted.

"You two, keep quite okay and shouldn't you be going back. The curfew for the dorms is 8pm right?" By this comment however not only the two but also the brunette stiffened, as if something so horrible was said.

The brunette then tried to stand up but failed. Trying once more, she finally manages to stand up while leaning on the wall for support. The others who saw what the brunette did, all but sighed making the brunette look at them.

"You really are stubborn." Arisa said. The other two couldn't help but agree as they saw what the brunette did.

"Miss Takamachi, you should remain for a bit longer, don't worry I'll tell the dorm head what happened and I know she'll let you off the hook this once." Shamal said looking at the brunette with worry.

"N..No, thank you sensei but I think I could manage now." The brunette meekly answered her head bowed low while she put her hands on the wall once more for support as she tried to walk toward the door.

"For the love of God! You're hurt. You can't even stand on your own two feet without the walls supporting you and you expect us to believe that you're fine." Arisa shouted once more commanding the attention of the other.

"Ummm..Wh..wh..who are you?" The brunette asks, for she was now in shock at the sudden outburst of the other blonde making her stutter.

The blonde faced palmed remembering that she or more to say they have yet to introduce themselves to the brunette.

"I'm Arisa Bunnings." The blonde pointed to herself then once more pointed to the girl with violet hair.

"And she's Suzuka Tsukimura." The blonde said while the violet haired girl slowly bowed her head.

"And I'm Shamal Yagami, the doctor in charge of this infirmary." The older blonde said.

"I..I..I'm Na..Na..Nanoha Ta..Ta..Takamachi, ni..ni..nice to meet you." The brunette stuttered as she introduces herself.

"Okay Nanoha, I know that this is the first time we're meeting but for the love of god! Do you know? You almost gave Suzuka a heart attack and yet you keep on saying your fine…."The blonde girl angrily said while looking at the brunette. Suzuka however intervened when she saw that Arisa was scaring the daylight out of the brunette.

"Arisa-chan, stop can't you see she's scared already, stop scaring her more." Suzuka then proceeded to looked at the brunette. "Sorry Nanoha-chan. You don't mind me calling you that right."

Nanoha thought for a little but when she saw the look in the violet haired girl's eyes, she knew she wouldn't be able to counter the girl.

"No that's f..f..fine." once more the brunette stuttered.

"Okay then Nanoha-chan, please forgive our rudeness especially Arisa's for blowing her tops on you but you really had us worrying when we saw what was done to you." The girl said worriedly.

"Please forgive her. We only want to be friends." The violet haired girl continued.

"O..O..Okay .." the brunette answered.

Once more the blonde intervened "Could I ask you to stop stuttering now? It's getting on my nerves. Here's a girl who keep insisting she's fine from getting a beating and just for talking to other, she starts to stutter what is wrong wit…"Once more the violet haired girl intervened giving her friend a death glare that says 'keep your mouth shut or I'll shut it up for you' making the girl pale and stop altogether from her outburst to muttering lowly.

"Sorry about that." Suzuka said.

"I..I..It's okay, and she's right. I should stop stuttering now." Nanoha answered said with a shaky voice.

While this was going on, the older blonde chance a glance to the familiar at the brunette's shoulder she realizes that while the three chat the familiar was already casting a very hard to detect healing spell on the brunette making it so that is undetectable atleast to those who we're not trained in curative spells. If she wasn't an excellent doctor she wouldn't even realize that the familiar was casting a really complex healing method on her master. But what surprised her more was the fact that the small familiar was even capable of casting such complex spells. The older blonde tried to note about it for future confrontation with the mysterious transfer student. For now she will have to keep on observing the said student and the questionable familiar.

"Okay, since it seems that our patient is better now, I hope. You two can escort her back to the dorms before you really break curfew or Nanoha-chan get mugged again, keep her safe Okay." The older blonde said.

The three once more stiffened but relaxed the next second. The two did what Shamal said. They went straight to the dorms after saying their goodbyes.

Shamal sighed and was about to return to her work when she sensed someone was looking at her. When she turned her back to see who it was she saw the small familiar looking at her. It was not ferocious but something tells her that the familiar was warning her of not looking to know more of what she's not to know.

Zero after delivering his unsaid massage followed his master back. Shamal on the other hand just got more curious as to what it is that the strange familiar is keeping. That it had to warn her not to know about. Just then a brown haired girl popped her head on the door calling her name.

"Hayate-chan is the student council meeting over? Are you heading home?" Shamal asked a little startled by the girl's sudden appearance.

"Yeah, did something happen you seemed preoccupied with something when I came in Shamal." Hayate asked.

"No, nothing really happened." Shamal tried to hide the fact of what just happened there.

"Shamal, you're lying. You know, you can't fool me like that." The brown haired girl stated giving the blonde the look.

Knowing that the girl would do everything in her power to know what she wants to know Shamal sighed once more.

"Okay, I'll tell you but not here. When we're home Hayate-chan then I'll tell you."

Hayate smiled and nodded her head "Okay but you're not leaving any juicy part out okay?"

"OK" and once more Shamal sighed.

The next day everything seems to be going alright for Nanoha. Last night Zero healed her so her body doesn't hurt anymore and aside from gaining two friends and an unknown number of enemy, she seems to be doing fine. But by mid-day her fine day turned a 360 degree for the worst. Her text books went mysteriously missing. Her notebooks we're scribe by curses and insult however this seems to be still manageable. Zero on the other hand was becoming furious every second because Nanoha just accept the treats and bullying without showing any sign of making it stop.

When the day was almost done the speaker suddenly came alive and announced.

"Takamachi Nanoha of Section 6, Class A. You are being called to the Student Council room. Please report immediately." And the announcement echoed to the whole academy for 5 mins before the speaker died once more.

There was a buzz of rumors spreading instantly around of how the new transfer student was summoned to the student council and other speculated rumors as to way that is.

Nanoha could only sigh once more thinking that 'could this day turn from worst to hell'. She was not planning on being popular and her name being broadcast all over the academy was not helping at all. She was then excuse from class to follow the summons.

When she was on the door with the plate saying Student Council room she immediately sense something was wrong and that maybe she shouldn't come in. But deciding against it she knocked three times before she called out her permission to enter the room.

What she saw shocked her making her close the door once more and checking if it was indeed the right room checking the plate it confirmed her that it was indeed the said room. Once more she slowly opened the door this time however everyone inside seems to be busy doing some typical council works. She even wonders if what she saw was just an illusion.

The first one that seems to sense her present was the little red haired girl that she wasn't even sure should be there working.

"Ah! Takamachi Nanstoka right?" The girl then looked at the brown haired girl, a slight blush on her face for reasons Nanoha could not think off."Hayate! That girl Takamachi Nanstoka is here." The red head shouted. Making the brown haired girl look their way a slight blush on her face. It seems that somehow the two or rather now that she thinks of it, almost all of the ones in the room has a slight blush on their faces, as if they we're found out for something embarrassing, now that made her think of the situation she found the first time she opened the door but then again she thought they might all just be tired.

"Nanoha." she meekly said catching the red head's attention.

"That's what I said Nanstoka." The red head retorted.

"Vita-chan that's rude. It Na-no-ha-chan okay." The brown haired girl said while she put one hand on her hip while she wave the other in front of the red head.

"Na-no-ha" repeated the red head, annoyance visible in her face.

"That's better so will you leave us for a minute. I'd like to talk to her in silence." The brown haired girl said giving the red head a sweet smile.

The red haired girl turn around a new blush on her face but just when the red head was about to leave, she turned around once more.

"Say Hayate would you like something to drink while you two talk?" the red head said.

"Yes, thank you, juice would be fine."

"And you Nanstoka what would you want?"

"Vita chan that's rude."

The red head face palmed herself for what she's done. Once more turning around while her palm is still on her face she mumbled words that are low enough for the two to interpret. One would be "what's with the hard to pronounce name" and "will you get over it already". Hayate giggled a little while the red head disappear from sight.

Hayate faced Nanoha and started inspecting her as if she would find some sort of strange thing finding none Hayate once more face her and said in a serious voice.

"Do you know why you we're ask to come here Nanoha-chan?"

"N..no" once more her voice shook in her nervousness.

"Okay, you don't need to be scared we just want to know if your fine. I heard you were bullied yesterday and as the student council president, it is my duty to punish your attacker that is if you consent to it and that it is proven that they did attack you. But considering the evidence that we have already gathered and my trusty informants info, I'd say they will be punished." Hayate spoke seriously not even bending a brow.

"But it seems to me that the physical evidence that was supposed to be found on you is well gone not a trace of it at all. So I would like to know if the information I receive is wrong or right from you. Who is said to be the victim."

Nanoha seem to contemplate this and think if she would tell the truth or lie that of course was answered by none other than Zero.

"She did get attacked yesterday and she is still receiving some unacceptable threat and curses as we speak." Zero said making Hayate look at him.

"So it was true but how could we prove it if not a trace of the abuse was left not the threats part because everyone can give threat and not act on it but the physical evidence of the abuse which would usually be on the receivers end." Hayate said looking at Zero.

"Zero-kun right? Nanoha's familiar right?" Hayate ask as she tilts her head a little to the right making her look innocent and such.

By this time the red head who was later introduce as Vita came in bringing with her the drinks she promise.

"Here is your drink. I'll leave you now to your talk then." Vita said and she hurried to the door.

The two thanked the red head and after drinking some juice the two continued on their talk.

When the talk was finished Nanoha found herself having acquired new friends and the talk about the incident was left and forgotten. It seems that the student council president is not as scary as she seems more so that she was like a cheery gossiper in a serious disguise.

The sun was already setting when the talk was over though and she walk back to her classroom to get what was left of her things that was not either missing or torn. When she was about to leave she decided to visit the music room to look around. She was supposed to have her music class but the talk extended longer than she though thus she missed it. Music was one of her favorite subject because it reminds her of her brother and sister. They both love to teach her how to play the violin and piano. Sometimes she even got to play a duet with either one of them. She roamed around the room when her sight was caught by the instrument rack. There were a lot of instruments stocked in it. She took the violin case on the middle and opens it. She let her hands trail on the smooth body of the violin.

"Why don't you play it Nanoha? You haven't played any instrument since 'that' happened. I really want to hear you play." Zero said looking at Nanoha on the front chair.

At first Nanoha had second though but then she remembered about 'that' incident and her heart was plague with sadness. She knew that she could use the violin to express some of the sadness as well as the pain she had, because when 'that' incident happen she swore to never let her emotions out because it causes a great deal of danger and that she would keep her heart locked up. But she also knew that locking her heart up would cause her to explode one day and that, that would be a lot more dangerous so she tries her best to slowly release her sadness and pain one way or the other. One of which would be through music.

"Okay but only one piece, is that fine with you Zero-kun?"

Zero nodded his head. Nanoha pick up the violin and she started to play the piece she knew would reflect her feeling.

As she played the violin Nanoha closed her eyes. For a moment she remembered the days when her older sister taught her how to play the violin. Completely in gulped by her playing and reminiscing, she forgot where she was and her awareness of the surrounding completely vanished.

Zero was lost by the beauty of Nanoha's playing so he to closed his eyes too. By closing them he found himself seeing the memories that Nanoha was know reminiscing and it saddened him so that such a beautiful melody is accompanied by such a sad memory. As the two continued to listen to the tone the other was making they failed to notice the presence of the approaching girl.

The girl fumed as she walks through the corridor looking for her familiar. Suddenly she picks up a strange melody coming from somewhere. Curious she decided to look for the owner of the said tune. When she reaches a door with the name Music room 1 she put her ears near the door trying to hear more of the tune which she realizes was from a violin.

The tune was indeed mesmerizing and soon she found herself slowly opening the door. What she saw inside took her breath away. There inside a girl was playing the violin the setting sun giving the girl the background that seems to accommodate the music, the girl was making. Her pale slender fingers moving on the violin's strings were graceful. The girl herself was not that good with the violin but the way the other girl plays simply made the girl want to hear more. It was a really spectacular scene more so when the girl's close eyes started to open showing somber blue eyes. The girl was simply smitten by the mysterious girl who was playing the violin.

However the moment was broken when Nanoha realizes that she was no longer alone and that someone was staring at her. Panicking as she saw the girl standing by the door her first thought was to run away with which she quickly put the violin down. However when she was about to leave the girl spoke.

"Who are you?"