

Charlie opens his eyes to find himself in a dark room with no recollection of how he got there. The last thing he remembers is driving home after playing soccer with his friend John, when the sky became dark and something collided with the ground in front of his car.

Charlie sits up and takes a better look around the room. He seems to be sitting in some sort of tub that has been drained of water by large roots coming out of the walls. There is also a monitor on a pedestal in front of his tub, which he decides to check out first.

He taps the monitor and surprisingly, it turns on. The text displayed on the monitor is written in some runic alphabet that he doesn't understand. In the bottom right corner of the screen, Charlie finds a button with a graphic of a planet. Thinking that it might be a map, Charlie presses the button which pulls up a graph of audio wave forms.



Suddenly all of the runic text is roughly translated into English.

- FILE FOR SUBJECT 3 [Charlie] -

- Subject [Charlie] was found washed up on the coast of the Void Sea along side Subject 4 who we were unable to retrieve before the royal guards showed up. Subject shows no sign of waking, if the Subject remains in a comatose state for 3 months he will be put in stasis until further notice.


This is my first story, so any suggestions are appreciated.

This story will just be a hobby of mine, so it won't update as quickly as other stories.

The_voidcreators' thoughts