
Chapter 3: A tea for the student.

The word anger was not strong enough to praise how Dorm Chief Envy felt. It was stronger than that, wilder, more dangerous. When Edward found out what had happened to Ikumo, he immediately stopped cleaning his astronomical equipment. At first, he had thought that Gavin misunderstood what he had seen, but soon that thought faded. To think that was to take his friend for an idiot, which he absolutely wasn't. But could he resign himself to believing that something like that, had happened to one of the members of his dorm? While he was the head of the dormitory?

Something like that had happened to Ikumo.

The glass of the dorm leader of the Envy dormitory rushed across his room, to crash into the door just as a student was about to enter. The student behind the door did not dare to open it again.

"Edward, the leader of the Pride dorm has arrived with Ikumo. They are in the living room," he announced as calmly as possible, not so much.

"I'm coming. Damn!"

"Are we serving tea to them?"

"No, you tell them to go cook an egg!"


"No, but! Hey!"

Edward rushed to his door and swiftly opened it, to see the student leave. In seconds, he locked his room and ran to catch up with him, attracting the attention of other students. As a result, there were about fifteen of them arriving in the living room. The head of the dormitory gazed at Ikumo. Sitting at the end of the sofa, trying as best he could to blend in through the leather, the Japanese student was shaking. his whole being. A tray of tea arrived as the dorm master approached him, so he picked up a cup and crouched down in front of him.

"Here, Ikumo, drink something hot. It will do you good," he said softly as he handing a mug to him.

"I'm not thirsty."

The quavering voice strangled and the new fifth-year student gave goosebumps to many students, including Edward. He reached for the student to his own dorm, but the leader of Pride dormitory immediately grabbed his wrist.

"Do not touch him. He's still in shock," he growled before looking up at the curious. "That's it, you've finished satisfying your unhealthy curiosity?"

A sob broke out in the living room, nearly startling Pierce. Ikumo was now slumped on the edge of the armrest. His face was hidden by his arm, and another sob burst. Then another. His tears echoed in the room; only memories he had tried to forget invaded again. Heit. saw He saw it perfectly in his mind. His eyes, as cold brown as ice. This face. This unhealthy smile stretching his lips. He could feel his presence next to him again, his perfume with sweet scents, very intoxicating.mil


The student jumped, suddenly pulled out of his thoughts, and slowly lifted his head to fix his eyes on Edward's. That deep green sumptuously mixed with that soft brown hypnotized him. Something was appealing, something which intrigued the astronomy enthusiast.

"Do you want me to take you to your room?"

Ikumo hesitated and looked around for help with his answer. But they were alone, face to face.

"Where's Pierce?" he asked, disturbed.

"He's gone again. It is not his dorm here."

"I didn't hear him leave."

"Pierce is a very discreet person. He could sneak into a safe in the bank without being noticed. Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes. Yes, I feel better. Well..."

"Yes, as much as a person who has just been touched."

"What will happen to the two students?"

"Well, the principal is either going to fire them or ask for a hefty financial compensation, half of which will come back to you."


"Yes. This is how problems of this gravity are dealt with at Reedster University! Okay, I am telling you, more than ninety per cent of the time, that is compensation that takes precedence over dismissal."

"I don't need the money."

"You have to accept it."

"But I already have enough…"

"You are free to do what you want with it afterwards. You can give it to an association if you want. For example, associations fighting against sexual assault or homeless people. If you say so, you can even donate to the association that my mother supports financially."

"Ah? What is the association?"

"The association Fight Against Domestic and Childhood Violence. It is an association present throughout the Commonwealth that fights, well, against domestic violence and violence against children in dysfunctional families."


"What, okay?"

"Can the principal directly donate the money to the association?"

No, but you know, I am just telling you like that! You really don't have to do that. You can keep it to treat yourself for Christmas!"

"I insist."

Edward wanted to protest again, but the look Ikumo gave him was enough to dissuade him. Tears were shining in his eyes. He was about to cry again; his hands were shaking. The older one came and sat next to him and pulled his hand slowly toward him. He smiled when the Japanese put his hand on his. He squeezed, rubbing his thumb against his hand.

"You were working?" the cadet asked uncomfortably,

"Yes, I was doing my homework for the week. But don't worry, it's okay. I can finish tonight or tomorrow."

"Okay… Say, at the astronomy club you said you had a second telescope."

"Yes, an Omegon. I do astrophotography, and I partner with Leigh. I give him some of my shots for his designs, and he advertises me."

"What kind of photographs does he do?"

"Oh, didn't he show you? I am surprised! He is a cosplayer too."

The dorm manager let go of his hand and took his phone out of his pocket, twisting slightly on the couch before sighing in relief. He should really think about buying more loose pants. He unlocked his phone and introduced Leigh's social media, showing his photos and the ones where he used his photographs of the sky.

"It's beautiful," smiled Ikumo. "I really like the one from before."


"The photo with his red outfit. With the black background. This is really beautiful."

"It is true that this one is particularly great."

"And you, do you have an account where you post your photos?"

"Yes. I post when I have time and think about it. I tend to forget. If that sounds like you, you can come and use my telescope tonight. I am going up to the dormitory roof."

"Is there a right ?! I thought only university staff could access it."

"I'm the head of the dorm. I can do whatever I want. I have the key to the stairs. In case of fire, all that..."

"In case of wanting to be alone..."

"Above all, yes. Come to the door around midnight and send me a message, I will come and open for you."

"Do you always close behind you?"

"Yes. Just to make sure no one will jump up behind my back. I know, it might sound paranoid."

"No, I find that very carefully. I will join you."

"You don't have to, eh. If you want to rest. I will understand."

"I'll bring a plaid."

Edward nodded and looked at him, with a big smile, before patting his thigh.

"Shall I take you back to your room, or do you want to go for a walk?"

"I am mainly going to take a shower. I will feel much better."

"Do you want me to stay with you? Finally, in the room. Not in the shower. Finally... Anyway! I can keep you company, so you can wash your mind at ease. c

The Japanese student nodded, amused at the blush on the cheeks of his dorm leader, before getting up from the couch. Even if his legs still shaking struggled to function, he managed to get to his room to get his towel and some clean clothes. A chunky sweater would do the trick for his date tonight. Was it a date? He really didn't know exactly, but it didn't bother him at all. He would have a good time, with someone good and kind, who wouldn't start fiddling with him as soon as he closed his eyes. Ikumo followed Edward to the communal showers. He chosen, quickly, a stall to undress him, then opened the door to the shower adjoining the stall.
