
Welcome to the Akashic Records Office

A man get a second chance working as a contractor for the Akashic Records Office. See as he travels from world to world, as he saves worlds from corruption and occasionally picks up the groceries.

Lord_Hallow · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

Chocolate Frogs and Fire Whiskey = A Good Time

"That depends on my tasks I guess, but I definitely will be a Black!" exclaims Lucien.

"Are you sure..? They are quite a tragic family... your life was tragic enough as it was before," Kevin mumbles.

"Ehh my life? What do you mean...? EHHHH MY LIFE! Why can't I remember anything Kevin!? I didn't catch something did I?! Ahhh fix it please!"

Kevin sweat drops, "I'm surprised you're just asking now..."

"The reason you can't remember anything is because you elected not to. Which is most likely why you never asked how you died.. you cared more about that foolish bacon gun for some reason."

"Dammit Kevin! That bacon gun is a legitimate invention! It'll make millions one day and you'll rue the day you called it foolish!"

"Are you done?" asked Kevin.

"Yeah... for now."

"Okay, since this is your first world let's keep it easy peasy lemon squeezy. Capiche?!" Kevin yells.

"Ughhh what?"


"Ahh yes yes... capiche"

"Good, now take a look at your scroll for the available missions. I've highlighted the ones you will need to handle and we may throw a few more option tasks depending on how well you handle everything. Capiche?"

"Mmm yes capiche"

"Good, now follow along as read through your mission debrief..."

"Kevin... we won't need to do this every time, right?" Lucien asks with his fingers crossed.

"No, now listen up! Ahem, now let me see..."

[Mission Log:

Harry Potter World - Looped

- Due to an illegal reincarnation by a system user as Newt Scamander, the timeline has been disrupted. During a routine visit to Gringotts, Newt's erumpent was released from his suitcase resulting in a handful of casualties including Fleamont Potter. Without his grandfather, Harry Potter will not be born, making the prophecy null and void. Voldemort and his Horcruxes must be destroyed to restore the balance.

1. Destroy Voldemort and/or his Horcruxes

2. Collect the Deathly Hollows and return them to Death

3. Find a familiar

4. Purchase 10 cases of Butterbeer, 5 cases of Fire Whiskey, and 1 case of Chocolate Frogs

5. Get Outstanding on all of your NEWTs]

"Ha, Kevin you sneaky bastard. I see what you're doing" yells a clapping Lucien.

"Ah so you caught that?"

"Yeah! Way to have a party without me! Not cool man..." grumbles Lucien.

"... Moving on. How would you like to be reborn?"

"Hehe, let's make me the younger twin brother of Orion Black."

"Hmm, you were listening. Good, so you have a plan?"

"Oh yes and this is the perfect time to execute it too!"

Kevin then leads Lucien to a white doorway covered in misty wisps of mana and prepares him for departure.

"I'm ready Kevin, thanks for all of the help! I'll see you next time!" yells Lucien as he floats through the doorway.

St. Mungos, London, Earth - April 6, 1929


The sound of two babies wailing reverberates through-out the hospital room.

"Who just hit my ass!" wails the younger child in babyspeak.

"Huh, oh hey these guys must be my parents. Time to look cute, the magical world doesn't know what just hit them!"

A younger man with black hair looks at the babies appraisingly.

"The older one will be Orion, Orion Black," says Arcturus proudly.

"And the younger one will be Lucien. Ohhh his grey eyes have flakes of gold! They're both so adorable Arcturus! We did this together," Melania says lovingly while looking at her new family.

"Yes! Look at me and my cute eyes. Say more mother, is my skin soft? Tell me about my skin." boast Lucien proudly but all that comes out is garbled sounds and giggles.

'Hmmm maybe I should try and tone down my shamelessness for now... Ahhh I will be a young master later, I can face slap some people then... yeah but for now I'm going to take a quick nap.'

A dark room is lit dimly with morning light shining through a set of large windows. In the center of the room are two large cribs made of darkly stained wood with blue and silver bedding. The walls are covered in ornate wallpaper with images of birds and fruit trees. The serene atmosphere is broken when stirring starts to happen in one of the cribs.

'Mmmm that was the best sleep I've had in a while,' thinks Lucien as he opens his eyes and looks around for the first time.

'Holy shit! Everything just looks.. better! This has gotta be what NZT feels like. Edward Morra you are king.'

'Okay lets focus! How can I activate my pocket again? Shit... my record as a new genius isn't looking too well. Ummm Pocket? Scroll? Ehhh nothing? Ummmm OPEN SESAME!'


{Welcome Contractor - Code Name: Lucien Lykos

Please access inventory to directly download necessary manuals.}


{You have a message from "Kevin - Handler". Please think OPEN to read message}


{Oh hello baby Lucien, doesn't being a baby suck! You should have read the protocol book before you left, you could have skipped all of that baby nonsense. Anyways, as you can probably tell, your intelligence has been upgraded and your pocket can be operated by thought. I have left all of Shuri's knowledge for you in the inventory, as well as a manual for the Mind Palace technique. I suggest you take a look at that first so you can begin to sift through her knowledge and assimilate it into your brain. I do not suggest you directly download the whole collection as it may have unforeseen side effects. It should take you a couple years to get through it all, by then you can get started on occlumency and other wizardy type things. Good luck and please learn the instruction manuals before you go buck wild, it will ensure you don't break any unnecessary rules.}

'Hmmm okay. Open Inventory.'


1x Scroll

5x Super Potion

5x Mana Potion

1x Rules and Regulations - Contractor's Edition

1x User Manual - Scroll

1x User Manual - Pocket

1x User Manual - Mind Palace Technique

1x User Manual - Violet Jade Immortal Realm

1 x User Manual - Arc of Embodiment *** Recommended to wait for mana reserves to build up before use***

500x Memory Shards - Knowledge of Shuri (Marvel) ***Recommended to used Shards before sleep. Shard assimilation can be paused and resumed if necessary***

Currency = $100,000 USD}

'Let's take a look at these manuals. I don't think I'll download them directly as I don't want to fry my brand new baby brain. At least this will give me some time to kill.'

'Open Mind Palace Technique'

'It's time to grind! Ehhh maybe after breakfast, Momma where are you!'