
Welcome to my magical age

When I woke up I saw that I was actually lying on the bumpy on the back of a thundering one-horned rhinoceros, and saw the several kilometers long merchant The caravan was moving slowly, the head as high as a three-story townhouse The thunder rhinoceros was breathing heavily, carrying a mountain of goods The head of the thunder rhinoceros is as high as a three-story building, panting heavily, carrying a mountain of goods.

Lurk11 · แฟนตาซี
105 Chs

90. The White Wolf Warrior

I could see the stormy longbow behind him and the huge horse-slashing sword slung across his back, and I knew that this orc warrior was even braver than Breguet, the leader of the Prosperity Adventure Group. The chopper behind me was hidden in a huge ironwood box, and all that could be seen was the black blood on the cloth of the hilt, which looked like a battle sword that had drunk enough blood, but I couldn't see the details to see what it was actually called.

Until then, I didn't know that those parchment scrolls that old Kuru had shown me were really useful, until then I was still wondering why the weapons introduced on those encyclopedia-like parchment scrolls had never been seen in reality, even those weapons used by the strongest martial artists in the caravan, such as Baogui, Hamasaki and Viru, never appeared in the introduction of the parchment scrolls. Now I finally saw the Storm Longbow, which had been briefly described at the end of the scroll, and it turned out that there really were magical weapons like this in the world, only I had never seen them.

The dragon's head, which was almost three metres tall, was resting beside the beast, and the pressure from the dragon race scared the beast so much that it fell to the grass, shivering on all fours. Even if he had met the wolves on the previous night, the beast would at most have been retreating, but it had never looked like a bear waiting to be slaughtered like this.

The huge orc man ignored the dragon behind him, jumped off the dragon and didn't give it a second glance, his pagoda-like body standing straight, over two metres tall, making any of us look like dwarfs in front of him. I smelt a smell when I was hunting for the magic antelope more than ten miles away, and I was lucky to come all the way here in one breath, someone was really making food. It's the only place closest to here too."

His booming voice felt like a drumbeat as it rang out, jarring my eardrums. No wonder Zha Long didn't have any extra baggage on him, he had come here from the hunting grounds. I did take a closer look at his ears, and the furry triangular ears indicated that this was a werewolf warrior, only taller than the average werewolf warrior, and I don't think Kurtz would have been as tall as him even as an adult. There was actually a hint of warmth in his eyes as he looked at Kurtz, walked over to him and bent down to sniff the top of Kurtz's head before asking suspiciously, "You are a child of the blood wolves of the Gurudin tribe?"

"Yes, my lord!" Kuz looked a little nervous at the sight of this werewolf powerhouse, but stood in front of us and said respectfully to this for werewolf warrior.

"Oh, it's quite a fate between us to meet in the wasteland." The werewolf warrior said to Kurtz as he strutted over to him. His steel armour had a relief carving of a wolf's head on the chest gauntlet, but this one was carved so vividly that for some reason I would think it was a white wolf with a snowy body.

Kurtz hastened to say to the warrior, "Then may I invite you to our dinner as well as introduce you to my companions?"

"Ha ha, I'm here for the meal! But there's no need to introduce me, so as not to scare the little ones! It's all because of the famine in these damn years, otherwise the tribe wouldn't have let us take our people out into the wilderness to hunt, huh? Your meatloaf smells good! I'm guessing you didn't make it, little man!" The werewolf warrior sat down next to Kuz, smiled broadly and dropped a meat pie the size of an adult fist into his mouth, swallowing it without seeing him chew it, saying, "Delicious, delicious!"

Kurtz was honest enough to be very happy to hear the praise of the werewolf warrior and pointed directly at me and said to the orc warrior, "My brother Giga made it, but it's a wild boar I hunted back, do you think it's good too?"

"Eh, very good! I can't believe they cut out all the bones, no wonder the meat is so fluffy, you can easily swallow it without even chewing. It would be good for the grandmother in the tribe to try, she hasn't had much of an appetite since she lost all her teeth. Haha, you blood wolves have always been close to the human race, but why do you still call human children your brothers? The werewolf warrior was not afraid of the heat as he grabbed the meatloaf with his hands and threw it into his mouth one after another, looking as if he had not eaten for days.

I'm not scared, it won't take long for my ass to heal, but he'll be a good brother for the rest of my life," Kurtz said straight away. And Master said he made him a disciple, he didn't teach him any skills, but he did give him our orc language and writing, Ka grew up drinking my Master's blood, he's half a werewolf too!"

"No wonder he smells like a wolf cub to me! It's not going to be a peaceful spring hunting trip this year, so you little ones should be more careful. Recently, there have been some fire lizards, scorpion-tailed lions and dragon flies coming out of the mountains and hurting people. Don't underestimate those scheming hyenas, they are notoriously ruthless in the wilderness, despite their small courage. The other day it was rumoured that a lion-tiger had been killed by one of those female demons from the Eagle tribe, but it's all about food. The werewolf warrior had a rugged face, but a fine mind, thinking about the plight of the orcs.

I always thought that only learned shamans and witch doctors like Old Kuru would work for the suffering of the orcs, but I never thought that this powerful wolf warrior I met today would say the same thing. The look in his eyes was like two flames burning, fiery, intense, restless and restless.

"By the way, why don't you make meatloaf with beef? That would taste better, wouldn't it!" The werewolf warrior said as he ate, throwing meatloaf into his mouth with both hands. A foot-long steak of meat, charred and browned, soft and quivering, could be shoved into his mouth whole, and with a quick pull outwards, a bare bone would be tossed aside, eating faster than the four of us put together.

Kurtz explained, "We've only just crossed the river today, we haven't gone deep enough to hunt the one-horned bison!"

The werewolf warrior ate three days' worth of food in one meal and drank two big pots of hot bone broth before he stood up contentedly, rubbing his stomach with his right hand and pointing to the southwest with his other hand, saying to Kuz, "It's safer to keep going that way. Watch out for the hyenas. I don't think you're here for the one-horned bison or the antelope, but at most you'll be catching a few single antelope! There should be some fallen devil antelope in that direction."

I couldn't imagine that one meal would give him so much information for us. As he ate and drank, we sat like dumb geese, stunned by his powerful aura, and my body involuntarily wanted to shake, but I forced myself to control it, and every muscle in my body was tensed into a rock-like hardness, fighting against the powerful aura emanating from him, until he waved his hand and left.

The four of us stood up and watched the werewolf warrior, who hadn't even said his name, ride away on his dragon, with Kig and Katrina cowering beside him without saying a word. We were relieved to see the werewolf, who could smell the meat from a dozen miles away, disappear over the slope. The orc was in such a hurry to come and go, and he was a real foodie to have travelled the extra ten miles for a meal.

I asked Kurtz curiously, who was this man? I was curious to know who this person was and how he could speak in such a respectful manner.

At this point Kurtz sort of relaxed as a whole, blinking his eyes and organising his language before saying to me, "That should be a White Wolf Warrior of the White Wolf Clan, the White Wolf heavy armour he wears is the best battle armour for orc cavalry, and a White Wolf Warrior qualified to ride a seated dragon is at least a level 10 warrior or above. Ja, have you seen the giant two-handed blade he carries on his waist behind him?"

"That giant chopper?" I asked Kurtz, "Is that the one that was banged up in the wooden box?"

Kurtz said, "Eh, he should be a knight of the Order of the Zodiac under the direct command of Grand Chief Myra of the White Wolf Clan. These knights are usually stationed near the ancestral graveyard of the White Wolf Tribe, responsible for guarding the remains of their ancestors, and the knights of the Order of the Zodiac will not be used unless there is a big life or death event. They have a high status in the White Wolf tribe, and are the guardians of our White Wolf clan!"

"What is he doing in the wilderness if he is not properly guarding the land of his ancestors?" Kig finally spoke, she had kept her mouth shut since the werewolf warrior had arrived, perhaps for fear that the warrior would see her for what she was. But it looked like Kiger knew who the werewolf warrior was.

Kurtz lowered his head a bit, sat back down, picked out a cutlet from his plate and said, "It's not because of the food shortage, I didn't think the White Wolf clan of hundreds of thousands of werewolves were having a food shortage, he led his people here to hunt yellow sheep and one-horned bison, oh, the meat is getting cold, let's eat!"
