
Weird Topper's Transmigration (Wait! Where's the plot lines???!)

Seui believed himself to be an extremely normal person .So he tried to maintain his life normal ( and inexplicably boring) as possible . Therefore although he was the topper in his class , had quite a background and could be said to have looks , he was not a shining existence. Rather, he was mediocre, neither eye-catching nor invisible . Until one day , he found himself transmigrated. Despite the worry , he was rather excited, and he waited obediently for his system to arrive while trying to calm down himself. Fifteen minutes : Why is the system not here yet ? One hour: It seems a bit late ah! Could it be because of the network traffic ?? Two hours: This system seems quite inefficient. Could it be low quality goods?? One day: What's wrong with this broken system ah? Why is it not arriving yet??? Four days: Wtf! , why is it not yet here ? Could it be that I have no system???!! Then what about the so called plot lines and golden fingers ?? False advertising ahh!!! I demand a refund !!

Gline_Shaou · LGBT+
114 Chs

.Did a cyclone take a fancy to me?

Seui was hovering between reality and dreams. His rationality was in tatters, and his consciousness kept constantly blurring. Among the repeated wave after wave of exhaustion and inexplicable pain, he felt one thing: heat. No matter how he kept sweating, he couldn't get rid of that burning heat, burning away his whole body into mush. After an immeasurable amount of time, he felt the heat getting stronger and stronger, draining his energy with each wave and ebbing his life away. Gradually his mind completely blanked, before falling into a heavy sleep again.


"...trace amounts of a non-identified drug in the blood, which might be the cause for his coma. Since the ideal time for treatment has passed, this is all we can do for him. Let his fate decide the rest." a gentle yet detached voice slowly echoed through Seui's eardrums, of which none were registered to his brain. He tried to open his heavy eyelids which seemed as if coated in lead. Finally, after a long time, he managed to raise a silver of his eyelids after mustering all his strength, and peeked through his lush eyelashes.

Instantly, pure white light blinded him, and a millisecond has not passed yet when he decisively closed his eyes.

Over there, a vaguely familiar voice was asking with uneasiness, "So, will he be alright after waking up?" The other voice answered calmly, " It should be, but definitely there will be sequels due to the drug harming his internal organs and there might be severe symptoms from time to time. Curing this completely might need long-term care and it is advised not to engage in strenuous activities. But that's all on the pretext that he wakes up." he sighed softly at the end of the sentence. " Okay, thank you doctor" other replied in a low voice. After that, there was a moment of silence over there.

Seui was trying to adjust to the bright light overhead while his sanity was slowly coming online. While squinting at the white ceiling, he belatedly caught a keyword from their seemingly incoherent conversation ...doctor?! does that mean he's at a hospital? what now? did he perhaps burn down the whole apartment with his heat and was brought to the hospital? okay, he calmly admitted he was thinking utter nonsense, but you can't blame him for this, he's someone who has been transmigrated, so everything was possible for him. Maybe the heat was too much and fried his brain making him foolish. His mind was filled up with hopeless thoughts running his imagination wild.

Eir was watching as the doctor hurried off to check on other patients and dispiritedly turned to the young man on the hospital bed, his slightly long and soft black hair was soaked in sweat and stuck to his pale forehead and... Eir suddenly noticed the misty and open eyes and stared in disbelief rooted in place, and it took him quite some time to come into terms with what he saw... brother Sol is awake!!

He hurried to press the button on the side of the bed to inform the doctor and almost jumped onto Sol trying to express his relief. He was quite the rational person normally, but these few days of waiting had cost him his sanity. He stared at Seui with red eyes laced with melting desperation " brother, why did you do this? do you know how much I was worried? It's been over a week... you could've just talked to me, doing it this way will not solve anything wuu... I know it's been hard on you " he simply burst into tears.

Seui was in an utter state of confusion. He wanted to plead to this passionate young man not to wail right beside his ears as he was having a severe case of migraine just being beside him. But he found out that his throat was so dry and uncomfortable that he couldn't utter a single syllable. He simply gave up speaking as he pondered on the things that the youth mentioned, what did he do to make him so upset? forgive him for not being able to follow your weird line of thought! but, then again what has been over a week? It's not possible that he was in the hospital for more than a week right? he shook his head puzzled.

Just then, the doctor arrived and started giving him the relevant checkups, which managed to control the wail to some extent. The petite nurse who followed behind the doctor helped him to some water and questioned him, " Are you feeling okay?" Looking at the sweet little nurse, Seui managed to choke out with extreme difficulty, "well, I'm fine, thanks" he found that his voice was rough like sandpaper, almost giving the illusion that he hadn't spoken for decades.

It was almost after an hour that the doctor left, leaving behind the words " the condition has almost stabilized, after monitoring the state and the follow-up checks there will be no problem with leaving the hospital tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. Let's hope for the best!"

By now, Seui has somewhat calmed down and organized a few facts in his mind. Since he was totally clueless about the whole situation, he decided to throw the ball straight and ask about it directly and fearlessly! At the worst, he'll figure it out somehow!! He stared at the youth who was beside his bed with a calculating glance and slowly opened his mouth, saying in a confused and pitiful tone, "my mind seems somewhat foggy and I'm a bit confused, can you tell me what happened from the beginning?"

The youth threw him an empathetic look and drew closer to him, explaining in a broken voice, " After I dropped you in front of your door that day, you never contacted me again ..and I..wuu ..I thought you wanted to be alone after what happened during the day, so.." glancing at Seui with a timid look he continued with broken sobs in between, " next day I heard my sister was ill and left in a hurry in the early morning, I wanted to contact you but then I remembered that your cell phone was broken. So after I came back the following day, I rushed up to find you but nobody answered the door for a long time. After asking around I found that you haven't come out of the room for three whole days, I was scared a lot ...wuu... and I asked the security to open the door, then... then.." he choked and gawked at Seui with red-rimmed eyes.

By now Seui had a layer of goosebumps running down his arms, what kind of ghost story is this guy spewing?! he did indeed get a fever, alright! but what's with this script of surviving for three days without even a drop of water? this wasn't scientific okay?!! . Still, he braced himself and said with extreme difficulty, " go on, what then?"

" then... I saw that... that almost all the furniture there were overturned and some were even destroyed... and you were laying on the bed which had two legs were broken ...you were too pale and sickly with faint breathing like a chronically ill patient wuuu..." he stopped for a moment to catch his breathing and continued, " I hurriedly took you to the hospital asking the security to check CCTV footages, the doctor said that you were poisoned and it was a miracle that you were able to come to the hospital alive.. wuuu wuu...then they removed the poison as they could, but they were already mixed to your blood for many days, and you were in a coma for eight days wuuu..."

Seui was cursing his nine generations inwardly, how could even his furniture got destroyed? did robbers seize the chance to steal the beggar's bag ah?? wait ! that's not the point, how come he was robbed in a huge apartment with a lot of people and even security? he himself suffered a lot just to open his own door! the world is too unfair!!

"So what was the result of CCTV footage?" Seui asked in a complicated mood.

The youth gave him an odd look for a while before answering, " well... after I dropped you at the door, nobody entered or exited the room until I came to check on you that day, mm.. that is except you who went in reluctantly after dawdling for a lot of time at the door." he mumbled before adding another sentence. " brother Sol, I know it's all my fault for leaving you alone, I should have accompanied you even if you wanted to be alone... I..I could've prevented this! Even if we disregard the hard-earned furniture, your life is extremely valuable, you shouldn't try to throw it away like this wuuuuu..."

By now Seui's brain has already crashed, he didn't even have had time to complain about the so called 'dawdling' before being bombed with information! This guy! really!! he doesn't think I destroyed the furniture out of frustration and tried to commit suicide, does he??! Setting aside his magical brain circuit, his logic is too flawed okay?!!! Even though nobody came in, he wouldn't be this surprised if he destroyed them himself alright?!! And don't even get him started about that stupid poison!! Despite trafficking an unknown poison, he doesn't even know where the supermarket is!!!

After a considerable amount of time, Seui finally understood in a hard way that it's impossible to convince the stubborn youth who didn't listen to him at all and that he had no substantial evidence to prove his claims; there was neither a culprit who poisoned him nor one who broke into his house.

The whole incident was too confusing to this innocent transmigrator without a system! What is this mysterious event the youth keep talking about that affected him to the point of 'suicide' ?? And most importantly, did a private cyclone take a fancy to him and visited him secretly?? To take a break from these disturbing thoughts, he decided to take a walk outside amidst thé countless protests and methods trying to accompany him while keeping watch on him after thoroughly promising that he'll be careful and come back quickly without going far. Ultimately both took back a step and compromised, and Seui came out with a caretaker of the hospital accompanying him.

Seui felt like he was drifting rather than walking as he dragged his saline-infused body along the paved path of the hospital while the caretaker followed behind. The area here was specially designed for the patients to relax their minds with beautiful flowers and small fountains with different colored liquids which were petite and exquisite. The corridor here leads to the garden as well as connects two departments in the hospital. There were countless people around and he was enjoying the surrounding lush greenery when a sharp voice caught his ears among the crowd. " You..stop right there now...stop..stop are you deaf?? You thief !! Hey, I'm talking to you there! Sol, no..it's fake Sol !! you thief!" Seui was suddenly shocked and turned around to face a pair of enraged eyes in the crowd.