
Wedding Night: The Mute Wife Starts to Speak

Hu Ke was born mute, but she was good at playing the piano, chess, writing, and drawing. Her parents treated her like a princess for twenty years. Unexpectedly, their family business went downhill, and they faced bankruptcy. Hu Ke's parents couldn't take it and chose to commit suicide. On her parents' burial day, Hu Ke was drugged by her eldest brother and brought to a man's bed because the man had an extremely noble status and could help the Hu family out of their mess! After a night of sex, Hu Ke found herself pregnant with the man's baby. Her eldest brother forced her to blackmail the man into marrying her. How could the man let himself be manipulated by such a cunning woman? He wanted to exact revenge on this mute woman by letting her know about the crime she had committed. After they got married, the man made an announcement. "From today on, you are not allowed to go out. Otherwise, we'll get a divorce!" He wanted to keep her trapped in the house and deliver the child before leaving as stipulated in the contract! However, Hu Ke refused to listen to him. She went out whenever she wanted. Compared to him, she wanted the divorce more than anything. Later, the man went easy on the terms. "You can go out, but you must keep your distance from other men. Otherwise, we'll get a divorce!" Hu Ke tried to avoid other men, but they insisted on approaching her. None of them wanted to keep a distance from her. When the contract was up, Hu Ke happily prepared herself to sign the divorce papers. However, she found that the man had gone missing. When she arrived home, she found him drunk on the couch. He was even silently crying. The man looked at Hu Ke with a sad face. "Honey, I don't want a divorce."

JQK · สมัยใหม่
40 Chs

A Completely Changed Family

บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

Ever since Bai Zheng found out about the myocardial infarction, Bai Xiao had not been able to sleep well after taking over the company. Bai Xiao's grandmother passed away when he was five or six years old. His grandparents had also passed away early. In the early years, his parents were busy taking care of the family matters. The small Bai Xiao only had his grandfather to accompany him. To Bai Xiao, the old man was no longer just his 'grandfather', but his childhood.

Bai Xiao still remembered how Bai Zheng felt when he was first notified of his critical illness. At that time, Bai Xiao felt that the sky had collapsed.

At that time, Bai Xiao was only nineteen years old. He ran to a temple near the hospital and knelt for an entire night, hoping that God could hear his feelings and let his grandfather be fine. He was willing to exchange everything.

Perhaps it was his sincerity that touched the heavens, but Bai Zheng survived in the end. Sadly, every since, his health had never been good.

It was also at that time that Bai Xiao developed the problem of anxiety. Moreover, when Bai Zheng's body had problems, it would become more and more serious, eventually leading to insomnia.

Bai Xiao did not tell anyone about this problem. He only made an appointment with the psychiatrist when he could not hold on anymore and slept there for a while.

After the treatment today, Bai Xiao thanked her as usual and chose to go home.

He would go back and see if Hu Ke had signed the agreement. At the same time, he would pick on her.

Hu Ke did not know what Bai Xiao was thinking. The two of them did not have any contact information, and they were as distant as roommates who lived together.

Hu Ke and Bian Fang were taking out the cake that they had just made. Perhaps Hu Ke had been exercising too much these few days and felt tired. After the family doctor checked her, he said that the fetus was a little unstable and prescribed two sets of pregnancy stabilizing medicine for Hu Ke.

Bian Fang also became nervous. She was most afraid that something would happen to Hu Ke, so she also increased her supervision of her. Other than putting on clothes and sleeping, she almost never left Hu Ke's side.

Hu Ke's cell phone and computer were both limited, saying that radiation was bad for the child.

The moment Bai Xiao entered, he suspected that he had entered the wrong house. He even specially retreated to take a closer look at the villa number. It was indeed his house, but the layout had completely changed.

The black, white, and gray minimalist decorations were now shrouded in orange light, adding some warmth for no reason.

In addition to the fragrance of the food, there was also the sweet taste of butter and cream in the house. There was even some background music. It was Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier.

Bai Xiao vaguely remembered that the doctor said Bach was good as prenatal music.

Hu Ke was still busy preparing the cake in the small kitchen when Bian Fang came out to pour her water. She happened to see Bai Xiao standing at the door.

Bian Fang hurriedly put down the things in her hand and helped Bai Xiao take out his slippers to let him in.

"Young Master, you're already back. Why are you still standing at the door? I made your favorite crab meatball and beef soup tonight. Madam even baked a small cake herself. You can try it after dinner."

Bai Xiao was brought into the room numbly. He still could not believe that this was his home.

Seeing that Bian Fang had not returned for so long, Hu Ke could not help but get up to check. Coincidentally, she met Bai Xiao's teasing and probing gaze.

"What kind of new trick is this?"

Hu Ke's smile disappeared the moment he saw Bai Xiao.

Bai Xiao watched as Hu Ke's expression disappeared bit by bit and felt inexplicably unhappy.

What was wrong with this woman? It was already a huge concession for him to let her stay in his house. Not only did she not know how to be grateful, but she was also giving him attitude? Did he, Bai Xiao, look like a fool?

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two of them was getting stranger and stranger, Bian Fang quickly came forward to smooth things over. "Young Master, you must be tired after coming back, right? Go upstairs and change first. I'll scoop some rice and stir-fry some vegetables. Madam, don't stay in the kitchen anymore. The's a lot of smoke."

With Bian Fang giving them a way out, the two of them looked at each other and went to do their own things.

Bian Fang smiled bitterly. These two people were really a perfect match. They were like children who needed to be coaxed.

Bai Xiao went upstairs and returned to his room with a cold expression.

Unlike the warm and lively outside, Bai Xiao's room was still cold and cheerless. There was no dim yellow light and no sweet smell of cakes. There was only cold white light and the fragrance of men's cologne.