
The Last Call

I held my breath waiting for the hard hit of the ground to take my breath away but all I felt was a clutch of an arm when Jordan swung me around.

I crashed into him but he just held me to his bare chest.

Oh Lord, mercy…

I wasn't even done measuring the shrunk distance between us so my mind could process anything lewd when a ferocious Growl had me springing apart from him.

The ferocious Beast snarled with teeth bared. He threateningly stood crouched, ready to tear us to shreds. The glowing golden eyes were bouncing between me and Jordan.

"What is he…" I couldn't help the whimper that left me. 

I didn't know if he was into playing with his food but it didn't sound anything pleasant right now.

Jordan pushed me away taking a step backward. Cold water washed over me.

What! Is he going to…

But before I could think further Jordan had turned to his own beast form. He fell on his knees. The Beast's eyes squinted as they fell on him. 

I staggered several steps, in his human form it was easy to overlook the monster that lay under his skin. 

The Beast was well past eight feet, a grown man like Jordan looked like a kid in front of him. I couldn't understand if he was trying to form a subservient relationship with that thing keeping me out of the loop.

Surrendering to a Beast with no sense of humanity was suicide but before I could point it out to him the Beast claw swiped me like a hovering bug. I landed on a bush away right beside the Beast. I tried to scurry away for naught.

All his attention was on Jordan who was on his knees with his head bowed. He growled at Jordan without taking another initiative to maul him.

And I thought the beast was all instincts and savagery but why did it feel like he was… angry?

I'm not delusional I had seen his cloudy eyes cleared up when he was crouching on the hood. What happened next just stamped on my theory.

"Padshah Lycan manzz... man pasar Alpha Sabastian Segal." He hissed, somehow he made more sense now.

(My Lycan Kingzz.... I'm the son of Alpha Sabestian Segal.)

The Beast looked even more ruffled like he wasn't pleased to hear what was said. But... he could understand?

I was paralyzed with fear but I saw the perfect window to get out of the scene. I kept my eyes on the Beast as I tried to crawl away.

I took a step away when the Beast's head snapped to me and he snarled as if in a warning. I shrieked back in fear. Even Jordan turned back to his human self.

"Padshah man! O rooh shamast! O shamar baydar karda ast!"

(My King! She's your soul! She has awoken you!)

I hardly understand what ridiculous ideas he was selling to the deranged Beast but it looked sold as the Beast turned to him, astonished. 

He fluently spoke the foreign language but not without keeping a close eye on the Beast's sentiments.

"Man O ra bardam ta salam bamand! O ba shamar wafadar Ast, Bayad tawansh ra pas bhadeem!"

(I took her away so she stays unharmed! She's loyal to you, we have to pay her back!)

Whatever he said must have been flattery, the Beast's chest puffed up and he stood taller. 

Jordan too peeked at him to see how proud he looked. The corner of his lips curled up but he pursed his lips like he was holding in a grin.

I looked suspiciously between them, but my fear held me from making a move. I was the weakest link here.

"O khudash ra bah aftakhar shama arza karda ast, O ba shamar waris khwahd dad!"

(She has offered herself in your honor, She will give you heirs!)

The Beast looked touched to the point his chest rumbled and he let out a loud howl to the moon. Now, even I'm curious of what Jordan has been spouting to lure even a Beast in.

Before I could contemplate what next to do, Jordan stood up and walked toward me, again in his birth suit. I held in the temptation to let my eyes roam, instead, I eyed him with apprehension. 

I had a feeling he was up to no good.

He smirked and I felt my stomach flip for an entirely different reason. This didn't look good but what did feel good on this wretched day anyway.

"Just play along." He whispered before giving me a hand to take. I had only extended my hand when the Beast snarled baring his teeth.

I snatched my hand, giving a look to the open track behind me. 

"Don't. You'll run, he'll chase but he won't be nice then." Jordan hissed. 

I narrowed my eyes at him and spat, "I didn't realize he was being nice?"

He glared at me but I could see he wasn't as cool about it as he was letting on. His hands were shaking, "You'll be fine, just follow my lead."

I was about to retort when a growl got me on my foot. Cold sweat took hold of me but Jordan like the Beast was impatient with my antics.

The beast was pacing and almost looked lucid. I struggled to wrench my hand out Jordan's hold. "Let me go! Please, let me go! I'm no sacrifice!" I sobbed as fear took over my senses.

He dragged me to stand before the Beast. One look at his murderous eyes and blood-stained mouth had me wincing. I averted my eyes as tears streamed down my face.