
Webnovel reward system: Arcane kings online

As a web novel reader for over 4 years, I am quite proud of my novel reading hobby. But I never thought that one day my hobby would be the cause of such a life-changing event. [congratulations reader you have been randomly selected to be the first participant of the WEBNOVEL REWARD SYSTEM. Do you wish to participate YES or NO] Of course, I said yes. Only to find myself thrust into the world of the last novel I read. Arcane kings online. finding myself in a weird test created by an unknown powerful being, I was given only one mission, survive!!. So accompany me on this awesome journey of sexy elves, hot demons, fire-breathing dragons and yeah did I forget to mention that I plan on beating up the original main character of the novel? stop wasting time and join me, David as I make a legend that will be only mine DISCLAIMER: the picture of the book cover does not belong to me it's just a pic a saw on google and decided to use if you are the original owner just tell me and ill remove it. This is my first ever novel, and my grammar isn't the best so please help me to find my mistakes as I improve in this story. And please help me find any inconsistencies in the story

Zakeria15 · เกม
28 Chs

CHAPTER 27: The Ogre kingdom part 2

Back in the shadow realm. David can be seen on his knees panting. " Hah! shit that hurts. I think I ripped every muscle in my body. Some of my bones have broken as well...Aaah!" David says in pain. White steam can be seen leaving his body. Within 1 second all the damage he received has been healed." Well, what did you expect? Do you think dealing 31098375 damage is easy? You have very powerful skills, but your body isn't strong enough," Malin reprimands him. " I think going full blast with the skills was a bad idea. I have to control how much power I exert with these skills." David says in response. [+8294400 EXP] A notification appears on his interface. This is the normal amount of exp. Last time it was higher because that was a first-time kill.

Whenever a player kills a new race for the first time. They get double the amount of exp. Taking a deep breath David holds the two daggers in his hands tighter. With a focused look, David activates the skills again. But this time he controls their intensity. Previously he had used the skills at the max power. The system allows players to use skills without fully understanding them. Just thinking that you want to use the skill is enough to activate it. But this has its disadvantages. Due to David using the skills at full blast, even though it was for less than a second. He damaged his body greatly. Luckily he has his regeneration and 'blood path'. David looks at his MP and SE bar. Only 200 MP and SE were used. That amount had already regenerated.

David is left in shock. Unlike mage skills, these skills are weapon art techniques. They consume stamina and mental energy more than anything. Sword intent is a mental energy technique so it uses a lot of mental energy. Even though there is no stamina bar. David can feel that he had used 10% of his full tank. Surprisingly he felt that he had only used 5% percent of his mental energy. With the full knowledge of the techniques in his head. David knows that he used this much stamina and mental energy due to his lack of experience. Blits blades are a pair of silver 30 cm long daggers with intricately designed black handles. The moment David's mental energy converted into sword intent and coated the daggers. They ended up being coated with a white silver light.

Sword intent is a type of energy that causes true damage. In AKO true damage is the type of damage the system can't protect players and NPCs from. If a player is killed with true damage their account will be permanently shut down. They will be considered dead by the system. Due to the system, the player will not die in real life but they will never be able to re-enter AKO. For NPCs, it's worse since they will truly die with no chance of re-spawning. True damage can affect all types of being from monsters to souls or ghosts and it is the only type of damage that can affect godly beings. David slowly adjusts his skills output. He reaches a point that makes his body feel comfortable. He proceeds to stack Swordsmanship[SS] lvl 10, and Basic dagger wielding[E] lvl 1.

After a few seconds of trial and error. David finds the perfect amount of power for his body. In this stacked state he consumes 400 MP and SE per second. But his regeneration overwhelms that consumption. David can regenerate 4480 MP and SE per second so he is not worried. The silver daggers now have a pale silver and white glow around them. The energy in the blade doesn't escape, it is sealed inside the daggers themselves. David's new damage value is 4249800. David then opens his status to see the changes after he got that achievement reward."Status!"

NAME: David Ford

RACE: Human[ NON-RANKED], Werewolf[PLATINUM], Mutant[???]

LEVEL: 1(0/200 EXP)

HP: 544500

MP: 544500

SE: 544500

EXP: 48429200

Stat points: 2930

Skill points: 162

Wealth: 10802570 gold coins

CLASS: Weapon specialist[Platinum, swordsmanship, dagger mastery], Mage tier 1[Platinum sub class], cultivator lvl 10 chi gathering[ Master], Divine Champion[ Legendary]


Transmigrator[legendary], AKO's biggest fan[???], Cursed gear master[ gold], Jinxed by Alakshmi[legendary], Favored by Tyche[legendary], Mutant[partialy locked], First champion player [ Legendary], Lucky star[Divine],

locked], [locked],[locked]...x8

STR:4500[+ 2250 from energy constant][+4500 from title 'cursed gear master'][+450 from title 'mutant'][+18000 from Ascension body][+49000 from equipment]=78700

AGI:4500[+ 2250 from energy constant][+4500 from title 'cursed gear master'][+450 from title 'mutant'][+18000 from Ascension body][+72000 from equipment]=101700

VIT:4500[+4500 from title 'cursed gear master'][+450 from title 'mutant'][+18000 from Ascension body][+27000 from equipment]= 54450 VIT; [ regenerate 27000 HP per/min with natural regeneration][ regenerate 54000 HP per/min from trait regeneration][regenerate 297000 HP per/min from equipment]= 378000 HP regenerates per/min

END:4500[+ 2250 from energy constant][+4500 from title 'cursed gear master'][+450 from title 'mutant'][+18000 from Ascension body][+72000 from equipment]=101700

PCT:4500[+9000 from trait beasts instincts][+4500 from title 'cursed gear master'][+450 from title 'mutant'][+18000 from Ascension body][+27000 from equipment]=63450

INT:4500[+4500 from title 'cursed gear master'][+450 from title 'mutant'][+18000 from Ascension body]= 54450 INT; [regenerates 27000 MP per/min with natural regeneration][27000 MP per/min from passive cultivation][regenerate 297000 MP per/min from equipment]= 351000 MP per/min

ST: 4500[+4500 from title 'cursed gear master'][+450 from title 'mutant'][+18000 from Ascension body][+27000 from equipment] = 54450 ST; [regenerates 27000 SE per minute with naturally regeneration][ 27000 SE per/min from passive cultivation][regenerate 297000 MP per/min from equipment]= 351000 SE per/min



Summon cursed gear[A] lvl 1, Swordsmanship[SS] lvl 10, Basic hand-to-hand combat[E] lvl 1, Basic dagger wielding[E] lvl 1, Mana shield[E] lvl 1, Mana bullet[E] lvl 1, Mana blast[E] lvl 1, Mana manipulation[SSS] lvl 10, Spirit energy manipulation[SSS] lvl 10, Daze[c] lvl 1, Sword intent[SS] lvl 1 Armed and dangerous[SSS] lvl 1, Blood path[SSS] lvl 1, Werewolf transformation[SSS] lvl 1(locked), Fire ball[D] lvl 1, Earth spike[D] lvl 1, Backstab [C] lvl 1, Curse of blindness [C] lvl 1, Power punch[C] lvl 1, Golem creation[A] lvl 1, Force fist combo[A] lvl 1, Raigin slash[A] lvl 1, Frost shad impact[A] lvl 1, Fallen sparrow[A] lvl 1, Battle frenzy[A] lvl 1, Quick shot[A] lvl 1, Shock blot[A] lvl 1

[locked],[locked],[locked]... x50


Energy constant, Werewolf cultivation[Master grade], Energy sense, Charming person, Champions charm, Ascension body, Arcane eyes, Dual wielding, Nature child, Poison resistance, Curse resistance, Full of vigor, Mind of the ocean, Telekinesis,

[locked],[locked],[locked]... x20


Class ascension, Strength in numbers, Mathematical mind, Werewolf sense of smell, Beast instincts, One with the pack, Regeneration, Warrior of the moon, Beserk, Super hearing, Loved by lady luck[ weakened], Loved by the mistress of misfortune[weakened], Champion's might

[locked],[locked],[locked]... x12




David just got an increase of 1000 to all stats. This has led to him getting a power boost. David has controlled his skills to only give him an increase of 500%. 'Basic dagger master' still increases his attack by 50%. David realizes that he can still increase his power. He uses Mana manipulation[SSS] lvl 10, and Spirit energy manipulation[SSS] lvl 10. Using these skills he controls his energy and gains another boost of 100% from each skill. This now causes his attack damage to be 12749400. David smiles. " With this even if my target has a higher HP than my attack power. The critical hit will finish them off. As long as they don't have more than 38248200 HP, they will die in one slash. David says with confidence. Malins nods with approval at David's control over his power.

" Hey, David don't you think this is a perfect moment for you to use those scrolls you have," Malin says. David's eyes open wide. He had forgotten about the scrolls. " Thanks for telling me. I almost forgot about them," David says. He then opens his inventory and looks at the scrolls. Suddenly his eyes stop on the Fusion pot replica [mythic]. These are items he could not get all their information. But strangely enough. As David looks at them now. More information seems to be available to him. Taking out all the 'Fusion pot replica' scrolls.

David places them near each other on the shadowy ground. He places the 5 scrolls in the shape of a star. " Malin looks at David with confusion. " How do you know about their functions? I know you don't have an inspection skill, at all. To see these scrolls stats you need a skill of S grade at minimum." Malins speaks. Malin has many abilities, but she does not like the thought of helping David. If she starts now, even with small actions like inspecting items for him. David would eventually start to rely on her too much.

" Honestly I'm not sure. Before I could only see their basic functions but now.., I can see more" David says. With a blast of magical energy. David activates some runes that were secretly hidden on the edges of the scrolls. A flash of light escapes the scrolls. All five scroll turn white. David pours more magic energy. The scrolls begin to fuse. After a few seconds. A single golden scroll is left floating in front of David and Malin. David has use 300000 MP and SE to fuse these scrolls. He hopes the results are amazing. With excitement in his heart, David inspects the scroll.

Fusion pot [Demi-god]: A scroll created by great tier 10 mage Fine Lix. He gifted a replica to each of his wives. During a disaster, his wives went to different universes to escape. This is the scroll of perfect fusion. It allows the user to fuse different physical substances, spiritual substances, energy substances, abilities, and laws to create something new containing the best properties of the fusion materials. The fusion will always be perfect with no flaws. The fusion cost is managed by the scroll. The substances can be anything below Divine grade.

The moment David and Malin saw this scrolls information. Their jaws practically hit the floor. The two people then look at each other and they saw the shock in each other's eyes. Malin's eyes glow blue for a second. 'I hope I blocked the senses of the gods in time. None of them should be able to see what is happening on Everest until I let them. They can't know such an item exists.' Malin thinks to herself. " Gulp! Malin..." David says. " Ye...yes," Malin says softly. " What I'm seeing is not a dream...right?" David questions her. " No, this is real life. Try it out David let's test it." Malin says with some curiosity.

David's mind begins racing. ' What should I use...what?' David thinks to himself as he looks at his inventory. Soon his eyes land on two scrolls. A crazy idea enters his mind. David takes out the two scrolls. Malin looks at him with some surprise. " Are you sure? Those scrolls are very valuable." Malin says. " I'm sure," David replies. He opens the Fusion pot [Demi-god]. As the scroll opens a massive golden dome spreads for 100 meters with David at the center. The scroll floats in the air. It releases runes that cover David's body. Strange rings of light appear around David's hands. David already got the information on how to use them.

He then grabs his items of choice. Then, strange runes cover the chosen items in a small golden sphere. The items then float in the air as well. David glances at Malin. Malin nods at him. David then brings his hands together. Following his actions. The two small golden spheres collide with each other. A burst of light is released. After 2 seconds the environment returns to normal. In front of David, the 'Fusion pot [Demi-god]' and another scroll can be seen. Both items then Fall into his hands. David glances at the new black, red, and silver scroll. Taking a deep breath David inspects this item.

Dragon's grave [Demi-god]: This scroll allows the user to reanimate any corps into a mutated Death draconic fiend of Mythic grade. The corps must at least have 10% of its body left. The scroll will gather death, life, soul, and fate energy from the world to reanimate the corps into a new being. The new Death demon will not be the same as its previous self. But they will have their memories of the original body's owner. The Death draconic fiend will be in the same tier as the user, but they will be at the lowest level. If the user wishes to create a perfect Dragon fiend. The user can sacrifice various corpses to the scroll. Once the scroll has gathered enough energy worth 1000000000 MP and SE. A mutated Dragon fiend will be birthed.

Seeing this information David is slightly confused about what a Death Dragon fiend and a Dragon fiend are. This new scroll is the fusion of the two scrolls 'Call of the dragon raider[Mythic]' and 'Feela's grave [mythic]'. Even as he tries to gain more information a veil of mist stops his thoughts. This new Dragon's grave is definitely something powerful. Feela's grave would turn a corpse into a death demon. These creatures appeared in the later parts of the novel AKO. They were incredibly powerful and just as hard to kill. Their loyalty to their master is their most impressive trait.

Call of the dragon raider was the stronger of the two scrolls. Being able to summon a dragon monster and have full control over it is crazy. Dragons are one of the most powerful races in this universe. Even though the dragon won't have a soul due to it being a monster. They are still much more powerful than 100 death demons and are tougher to kill. David looks at Malin and asks her. " Do you know what a Death Dragon fiend and a Dragon fiend are?" hearing David's words Malin can only sigh. " A Death Dragon fiend is a race of humanoid undead dragons. They are usually born weak.

But when they develop their strength they can be as strong as an actual dragon. As for the Dragon feend...it is a race of true dragons." Malin says and looks at David. David stares back at her with clear confusion. Malin lets out a relieved sigh. She is glad that David doesn't know everything. She was honestly starting to suspect David may be a threat to this universe just by how much he always seems to know. " The dragons born within the confines of a universe usually have their true power suppressed. The universe itself will actively suppress their power.

But When a dragon can break that suppression it will become a true dragon. True dragons are dragons born outside of universes. They have incredibly powerful bodies to survive the void. But their most dangerous trait. Is that they can devour laws." Malin says. David's eyes open wide in shock and fear. Laws are the energies that hold reality, universes, space, and time together. It is the building block of reality. If true Dragons can devour laws. They would be a threat to the whole universe. As this thought runs through David's mind. The Dragon's grave in his hand suddenly begins feeling like it weighed a ton.

Seeing David's reaction Malin is glad that David knows how serious true dragons are. " If you plan on using that scroll I suggest you summon the Dragon fiend," Malin says. David looks at her with confusion. " Just like death demons. Dragon fiends are incredibly loyal to their masters. So don't think much and summon it." Malin says. A look of understanding appears on David's face. He sinks in the light and goes to the outside world. First, he activates Blood Path and absorbs all of the cat's blood. Once that is done he opens 'Dragon's grave'. The scroll is pitch black with nothing written on its surface. " Sacrifice!" David says seriously.

"Buzz!" runes escape the scroll and cover the corps of the Black Death. Very fast its body turns into particles of light that are absorbed by the scroll in David's hand. The scroll then returns to normal. David puts the scroll in his inventory. " Come on Malin we still have an achievement to get," David says as he sinks back into the shadow realm. The hunt continues.


Back at the place where Davis had killed his first legendary creature. Two hulking figures can be seen. Standing at 2.4 meters tall, with dark green skin and bulging muscles. " ####**##?" one of the figures with an axe speaks to his companions. " ###*##*," The other figure says something back. Both figures suddenly put on serious expressions. Their tusk-like teeth extend upwards from their lower jaw. " Boom!" Both figures suddenly jump up in the air. Their speed breaks the sound barrier as they travel a few kilometers in seconds.