
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · แฟนตาซี
70 Chs


Ethan sat at his desk, staring at the book in front of him. He had just finished reading the chapter on the nature of magical powers and now faced the daunting task of unveiling his hidden potential. Taking a deep breath, he contemplated the homework that lay before him.

"Hidden potential..." Ethan muttered to himself, the words hanging heavy in the air. He furrowed his brow, trying to grasp the concept. How does one even begin to unveil something that is hidden within? He pondered the idea.

Ethan started with self-reflection, as the book had suggested. He closed his eyes and tried to delve into the depths of his thoughts, searching for any signs of hidden abilities.


But all he found was a jumble of everyday worries and mundane thoughts. Frustration began to creep in, as he struggled to make sense of what he was supposed to be looking for.


As the hours passed, Ethan grew increasingly frustrated. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't grasp the essence of the task assigned to him. With a deep sigh, he shut the book and reclined on his bed. Although he couldn't fully comprehend the homework at the moment, he wasn't prepared to surrender just yet. With eight years until his coming of age, he had ample time to grasp the fundamentals of magic.

For now, the hour was late, and he needed to rest. Tomorrow held another day of work.

During the day, Ethan worked at the family Inn, helping his parents serve customers. But at night, he'd secluded himself away in his room, eager to tackle his homework. This routine went on for quite some time, as Ethan tried all sorts of things to achieve his task.

He reflected on his past mistakes, thinking about the dumb things he'd done and the regrets that weighed on him. He reminisced about the good times, the boring moments, and the friendships he had made and lost along the way. He even thought about his goals and how he had both failed and succeeded in achieving them.

But no matter how hard he dug into his life, nothing seemed to help him. It was like chasing a ghost or searching for a needle in a haystack. The frustration started eating away at his determination, and he wondered if maybe he was just meant to be plain old Ethan, without any magical abilities.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks stretched into months, yet still, nothing changed. Time seemed to slip away without any noticeable progress. His room, once a sanctuary, felt more like a prison now. He couldn't shake off the doubt that crept into his mind. Was he missing something? Was there a secret he just couldn't figure out?

Concern started to consume his parents as they observed their child's behavior. At his age, he should be reveling in the outdoors, playing and socializing with kids his own age. Their unease grew to the point where they couldn't help but feel a sense of self-blame, suspecting that his tendency to seclude himself in his room immediately after work was due to exhaustion from work, hindering him from enjoying his childhood.

As Ethan was preparing to dive into his daily tasks as usual, his parents abruptly interrupted him, leaving him puzzled. Curiosity getting the better of him, he questioned, "What's going on?"

With a compassionate tone, they responded, "We've realized how tirelessly you've worked over the past few years, and it just dawned on us that we haven't given you a chance to take a break and enjoy yourself. We want you to take this entire week off and enjoy your time outside of home."

Ethan was surprised by their unexpected statement. Though work had never bothered him much, he couldn't deny that he hadn't taken a single day off since he started assisting his parents. He didn't hesitate to accept their offer and genuinely appreciated their concern. Perhaps the fresh outdoor air would provide the relaxation he desperately needed, especially with the mounting stress of his homework.

"Thank you, Mom and Dad." Ethan expressed gratefully.

Taking his parents' advice, Ethan finally stepped outside the confines of his home after a long while. As he crossed the exit, his eyes instinctively shifted upward, fixing his gaze upon the vast blue sky. Unbeknownst to him, this was a habit deeply ingrained within him, one that had persisted even in his time on Earth. It was as if he had an innate need to assess the weather, to gauge the weather before embarking on his day.

"Ah, what a beautiful sunny day." Ethan remarked with a smile. Despite living in this village for some time, he had never taken the opportunity to explore it on his own. It was high time he familiarized himself with the place he called home.

The village, though compact, exuded a strong sense of community, with its inhabitants familiar with one another. The village was divided into three distinct areas, each serving its unique purpose. The bustling marketplace stood as the heart of commerce, where trades of goods and daily necessities were conducted. Just a short distance away lay the tranquil living quarter, where the majority of villagers called home. Finally, the feudal lord's estate stood proudly, serving as the residence of the village's owner. Each area possessed its own charm.

Just beyond the village boundaries was a large agricultural field, serving as the backbone of the local economy. The village thrived on its agricultural prowess, thanks to the fertile soil that yielded abundant crops and vegetables. However, despite this agricultural abundance, the village faced a notable drawback—it lacked several essential resources. As a result, their trade dealings with neighboring villages primarily revolved around exchanging their agricultural produce for vital items such as wood, ores, and other key exports necessary for the sustained growth and prosperity of the village.

Having explored the village marketplace alongside his parents before, Ethan realized there was little left to discover within the living quarters. The Inn his parents owned was nestled in the heart of the village living quarters. The viscount's area remained strictly off-limits unless one possessed an invitation or official approval. With limited options available, Ethan's attention naturally turned toward the agricultural field as his primary point of exploration.

The agricultural field was bursting with life and activity. Cute little critters scampered around, adding a touch of liveliness to the scene. Workers were busy taking care of the crops, tending to them with utmost care. A group of watchful soldiers ensured the field's safety, keeping an eye out for any trouble. And nearby, you could spot a bunch of playful kids, giggling and having a blast close to the village gate. It was a vibrant and joyous sight to behold for a world filled with monsters.

In the midst of the field, Ethan stumbled upon a cozy corner. Surrounded by swaying grass, he discovered a magnificent tree, standing proudly with its branches reaching for the sky. It provided a cool and shaded refuge from the sun's warmth. Ethan decide to settle down beneath the tree. He couldn't help but smile as he soaked up the delightful weather, feeling the gentle breeze caress his skin. It was a blissful moment of peace and relaxation.

"Ha~ it's been ages since I felt this relaxed. I can't even remember the last time I had a moment to myself, just soaking up the sun's warmth. Back on Earth, it was impossible to imagine such a scene without the nagging worry of money and the fear that taking a vacation might jeopardize my job security."

Ethan laid on the grass enjoying the sun-drenched, his eyes gazing on the clear blue sky above. he found himself captivated by the gentle warmth of the breeze and the vibrant rays of the sunlight that swept across the landscape. It was a picture-perfect day, and nature seemed to hum with vitality.

As he stood there, Ethan recalled the concept interconnectedness of sunlight, the soil, and life itself. As a dedicated weathorologist, he had always been fascinated by the intricate workings of the natural world. The sun, with its nourishing light, fueled the process of photosynthesis in plants, enabling them to convert sunlight into energy. This energy, in turn, sustained the entire ecosystem, from the smallest organisms to the towering trees.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, allowing the warm breeze to caress his skin, providing a sense of comfort and reassurance. As the wind gently rustled through the trees, a profound realization washed over Ethan. He spent his days studying atmospheric patterns, decoding the language of clouds, and predicting the ever-changing dance of weather. However, the concept of magic had always eluded him, seeming distant and unrelated to his scientific pursuits.

"The weather" he thought, held its own enchantment—an invisible symphony of forces and energies that danced across the sky. Could there be a connection between his expertise in meteorology and the realm of magic?

Flow of air currents, the interaction of high and low-pressure systems, and the delicate balance of temperature and humidity.

The winds that whipped through the air, unseen but influencing the world, mirrored the unseen forces that magic practitioners harnessed.

The transformative power of thunderstorms resonated with the notion of channeling energy for magical incantation.

In that moment of clarity, Ethan embraced the notion that his potential were intricately tied to the natural forces around him. Just as the sun nourished the soil, enabling life to flourish, the unseen potential was his sun trying to nourish his body enabling magic to flourish within him .

Ethan began to sense a shift within himself. As the words from his homework echoed in his mind, he instinctively knew himself and his capabilities. Though no tangible proof lay before him, his spirit and mind felt resolute, ready to move forward. With an unshakeable sense of accomplishment, he realized that he had successfully completed his homework in this very moment.

"I did it... just like that..."