
Weaponmaster of Chaos

Weiss, a Low Income Worker with an Everlasting Love for Weapons of all kinds, Stumbles upon the Brand New VRMMO game "Afterlife" and has been blessed by Lady Luck with a Device to play the game and a Secret Bloodline with the Capability shake the Entire World, and Talents that make Major Powers covet his Strengths and a Knack for Chaos. Join as he wrecks the World of Etherin with his Talents and Shenanigans

SeventhHorizon · เกม
12 Chs

Chapter 8: Adventure Time

Well I'll be damned.. It's a good thing that they don't know much about my powers or I'll be hunted down day and night mercilessly... My luck is good enough to keep me alive so that's a good start. Come to think of it. Wouldn't 'Singularity' be the most overpowered class ever conceived? Maybe, Maybe not.

Once I got out of the dimension, Doka asked me if I got myself my best class, I said yes and he was glad. We parted for now and I'm still stuck on what to do... I can't just do anything here and rot, I might as well go Adventuring or Dungeon Crawling or something.

Now, I'm off to the Adventurer's Association here... It should be around somewhere. Nevermind it's here, Stromnaught's Adventurer's Association.

[You have entered 'Stromnaught City's Adventurer's Association]

The interior is pretty aesthetic, similar to Medival design and I thinks it's pretty neat. There's also guys here in groups so It's should be that they are in groups of at least 4. Is it a minimal requirement or something? Oh well, can't bug them anyway.

I approach the reception lady in front and said "Excuse me miss, I would like to register for an Adventurer's Badge or what you would guys call."

The Lady was confused at first but smiled, "Of Course, you must be new here are you not?" she said.

"Yes, I've been in this city for a day." I said

"Oh ho.... A new rookie, well sure.. but, Don't you have a group or anyone with?" She suddenly asked.

"Well, no.. I'm used to doing my work alone ever since I can remember" I stated in a straightforward manner.

"I see, since that's out of the way, I'd have fill up some papers and procedures and you should be ready to go." she stated. The look on her face shows that she's worried about me doing solo.

And so I did, and GOOD LORD was there a hefty ton of paperwork to do. But nonetheless, I got my adventurer's badge It was a bronze badge that had some design to it but that's all it had. Nonetheless, the feeling of getting one was great already for me. Then it hit me.

"Miss, is there any mission I can do at the moment?" I asked

The lady had a strange look but said "Yes, there's many bronze rank missions there on the questboard" as she points towards the quest board. It was somewhat flooded with request but the quests can be still discernable request each befitting ranks and missions.

Let's see.. Collecting materials? nah, Hunting some Monsters and beasts? That's the stuff. Oh Goblins, what a coincidence.. It's time to do some hunting. So I've decided on the goblins and tore off the request, It's something about their blood and some parts. Don't know who would ask for that but meh. I gave it to the receptionist and said that I have experience on doing some hunting so I should be fine. She smiles and accepts the torned paper. I make my way to the exit until I was stopped by some fatass with some terrible taste in clothing and goddamn was he ugly, he was also visibly fuming. Did I ever offend some fatass before? Nope, but this one literally was asking for a beating, I mean come on look at his face, he's a sort of a disfigured orc.


I was confused, I looked at the receptionist who shook her head, denying his claims. Oh we got some Ugly Bastard mofo here. I quickly said "Oh what do you mean? I only talked to the lady of getting an adventurer's badge" as I show him my badge. "and I asked her also if I can take on a new quest. So tell me then, How did I steal your girl that doesn't even know you that much?"

He was oh so furious that everybody in could see him smoking hot, He who was enraged said and as loudly as ever "DO YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN OFFEND ME, THE GREAT WARRIOR SESSI!!"

Welp, since this escalated at this point, I might as well counterattack...

"Oh If you're so great, then why did that lady over there not recognize you.."

"No, you know what... If you got rid of that yee yee ass haircut you have, lose some fat and get some muscles and commit to some hardwork, then maybe you'd have women on your pants already..."

"Better yet, maybe even the lady over there would've begged in the night to make love with you if you weren't some ugly ass maggot that knows only bark but no bite, Do you think you're some warrior when you can't even lose some weight, You're not warrior, you're an overgrown pansy and a sissy..."

The roasting continued on for at least 5 minutes until the man was visibly shaking.. goddamn he was pale as heck and the entire guild hall was silent. The silence continued on until the Fat man just cried and ran away, screaming about how he's gonna kill me or something... I'd like to see him try though.

When he left, the entire hall burst into a wave of laughter, Some even laughed so hard they fell off their sits and clutched their stomachs, visibly in pain from too much laughing, I laughed off too, and suddenly, some guy came forward, still laughing and said "Hey kid, you gave that fatass some brutal reality check, He's been trying to hit on so many girls already and failed, He's gotten on everyone's nerve's already yet nobody said anything, until you that is. Anyway, if you need anything, just call us up, we owe you a favor for driving away that creep."

And just like that, I got the entire hall's familiarity to Friends. Now that there's no Obstructions, I bid them goodbye and went on my way to do some goblin hunt...

Now I'm on my merry way to brutally murder some goblins.

[You have entered Stromnaught City Outskirts]