
Weakness Of An Alpha

After Anastasia's mother makes her go to the grocery store and buy food for there meal that they were having that night. A man, known to be friends with her father, Word quote; known to be, but had trouble working for him since there falling out with her father, years ago. Until..that man found Anastasia by a photo that he had stolen the last time they visited. It didn't go the way, he planned because a certain werewolf saves her from the man that tried to kill her in the woods but backfired. Little did she know, she will meet this werewolf that saved her life. But she doesn’t know it was him, Elijah Cooper all along. | Slow updates | (Cover isn’t mine)

Wonderlandgirl · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter Nine

Feeling the heat coming off his body but, it was a different kind of heat.

Like wanting to kill. I can tell the way he looks at me, and how he stalks himself towards me. If I ever ran towards the door and tried to, at least, escape, he would throw me and rip into me. And if I don't, well it would be the same really.

As he is standing in front of me, so close that I can feel his breath on my neck.

The close proximity between us right now was rising. And it felt scary and terrifying.

I shouldn't really be here.

I think, tears streaming down my face as a sob escaped staring at him in the eyes with sadness that his the one that is gonna kill me in, whoever house this is.

"Elijah, p-please. I beg of y-you, don't do t-this!". I sobbed, hard.

"I c-can't!" That was the first time I have ever heard him, like himself speak in this state. "Anastasia, you need to l-leave..."

I frowned and shook my head. What are you doing?!. My subconscious tells me as a tear slips down my face, and I said, "b-but, what about you?".

I questioned him, doubting twisting inside my stomach as he stood far enough from me. It looks like he's trying to fight it off, but what. I can't pinpoint it. What was he?.

A low chuckle came from his throat giving me a warning to not go there or otherwise he would attack me.

"Get.away.from.me!." He shouted, when I had stepped slightly towards him. Bad idea in my opinion.

"Go, run!"

I hesitated running towards the door. Which I think this room is, obviously his.

Since that little incident about me touching those books in the corner. Great, now I did sleep in someone's bed.

Pushing those thoughts at the back of my head running down the stairs and hearing a growl and a scream as I turned around a little while and saw Elijah standing there.


I ran into, I think her who was Rosalie smiling at me, and I had fear look on my face while turning my head behind behind me and up at the stairs as I quickly ran passed her and pulling the door open with my hand on knob, taking one last look at Rosalie one last time.

"You might wanna run!" I told her to pass by her with quick steps towards the door.

"Why?" She frowned with confusion in her tone.

Putting on a fake small, but tiny smile her way and quickly and steady, not to trip over my feet, and was out the door hearing her calling out to my name.

What came next, when I heard her say a name that gave me chills in my body, sending a shiver down my spine, as I turned around and gasped at what I was seeing.

"Elijah, what are-" Rosalie was cut off and had thrown her outside of the door and she skittered on the dirt-grass with dust flying around her as she stopped.

She was with widened eyes turning towards Elijah and then me as she shouted out, "Anastasia, Run!".

And I did.

I ran into the smell of fresh green forest that was dripping wet from, I suppose frost maybe, and jumping over some logs and branches that have fallen off the trees that were in my way.

A howling sound within the distance was heard. The tension in my body was tense as I slowed down my pace and looked around to try and find the sound, but saw nothing. And a massive relief of a sign had parted my lips and I stacked down against a tree and tried to control my breathing.

I have really been in bad situations, haven't I.

At least they aren't worse than this, I guess.


I froze, turning my head behind the tree and saw Elijah there smirking a little bit with his yellow-golden eyes piercing my own, and slowly raised from my spot behind the tree with my back scraping against the buck of the tree as some of the pieces came off.

Not responding and slowly walked away from the tree and stepped over the log that was sticking out of the ground and stood staring at him as he slowly walked towards me.

My breath hitched in my throat and swallowed my saliva in my mouth with a massive gulp.

"I told you to run, didn't I?" He said, looking at me with a glare that looked like, 'I did warn you' on his face.

My chest raised up and down, heavily with fast movements that looked as if I had run a marathon.

"I-I know." I gulped again, more fear raising and my hand shaking.

Elijah's eyes had moved down and towards my shaky hand as I grabbed it with my other hand, trying to stop it from shaking so badly.

His eyes shifted back up to my face and I stepped back a bit with the amount of pressure in his stare that is frightening to look at.

"I'm sorry.." he whispered out, loud enough for me to hear.

Confused as ever. My brows furrowed and I titled my head a bit and saw his head was down and a creaking sound was heard.

What the hell?!.

"Elijah.." my shaky voice rang out when I mumbled his name.

Another creaking sound was heard, when I saw him bending down in a bowing position.

He groaned holding his stomach, like he was in pain. I took a step towards him, but not close enough that he would probably attack me.

I bite my bottom lip when multiple creaking sounds and my eyes widen. Oh my god. Is that his bones creaking?.

His head lifted up and I saw his eyes glow even more yellow-golden colour and teeth that were poking out from his mouth were visible.

"Oh my god, Elijah.." I gasp with my hand on my mouth seeing him in so much pain as tears spill in my eyes.

"You need to go, before I do something that I will regret" he told me, and I had made a choice, to hesitatingly take this moment and run towards him and grab his face with both my hands.

I made him look up at me with his yellow-golden eyes and I was amazed by them.

They were beautiful.

But I was so intrigued by his eyes that I didn't realise that, whatever he was. It was gonna be horrifying.

But, I was so amazed right now that he grabbed my arm and slammed me up against the tree, that was close enough, and grabbed my face when a groan lifted my throat from the pain in my back.

I just remembered that. My cuts on my back from the glass pieces had been opening up again. I can feel it. The liquid. The blood ran down my back a little, hoping that it wouldn't ruin the clothes.

For some odd reason my mind is a bit fuzzy at remembering names, like that one time when I couldn't remember Rosalie's.

Why is my mind fuzzy with names?.

"Elijah, no!"