
We Were Wild Things

The year is 1865. Lilith and her family are settlers from Pennsylvania; for the past twenty-five years, life on the ranch has been peaceful but boring. Lilith strives to find more to life than just the ranch. Little does she know that things are about to be shaken up. Will Lilith embrace change or die trying to escape it... Follow Lilith as she discovers the new world of the werewolf. Will things fall in to place or will they crumble! Note Author - Hi everyone, I'm very interested to know what y'all think of the story. I'm always down for good constructive criticism. Enjoy y'all !!!

Dellanie_Wier_3299 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

The Trails Ahead

Leaves crunched, and twigs snapped; the heavy breathing of an unknown origin brought me out of my deep slumber.

My eyes had a hard time focusing on the moving ground. I tried to move, but my hands were tied behind my back!

The events of last night flooded my mind causing my head to start hurting.

I craned my neck to get a look. I was on the back of a horse, laid over the saddle like a sack of potatoes; when I tried to slide off, I found that I was tied to the saddle horn by my midsection.

My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

" About time you woke up, didn't think I hit you that hard, " The voice said jokingly; it made my skin crawl as I slowly looked up; there atop the horse in front of me was Mr. Carlton...

I felt the rage I was about to unleash on this monster of a man.

The smile that spread across his face pushed me over!




I yelled out. I was catching my breath to yell some more when Carlton held up a hand to cut me off as an angered expression formed on his face.

"There's a man who has an interest in you, he paid me handsomely to bring you to him unharmed I plan to do that even if it means I have to find ways to silence you; now be a respectful lady and hold your tongue," Carlton said in a harsh tone.

Not wanting to have him follow through with his threats, I shut my mouth as We started up again on our journey.

I was plotting my escape; if he untied me from this saddle, I would run like hell in any direction. I don't care if I get lost; I can't make it to my intended destination because if I did, I might not make it out.

I didn't recognize any of the terrains we were riding, so if I did escape, I would have to wander around awhile, and maybe I might make it home to ma. I felt overwhelmingly saddest; my chest hurt as the anxiety built up. The realization that she would be heartbroken if I didn't make it back home hadn't occurred to me; I missed them all right now.

When it started to get dark, we stopped for the night. He untied me from the saddle and brought me over to a tree; Mr. Carlton made me put my back against it as he tied the rope's end around the tree trunk.

I watched as he tied the horses to a tree right beside me. He was making camp rather quickly. Carlton lit a small campfire. His blanket was layed down a few feet away from the fire. Laying down on the mantle, Mr. Carlton watched the fire a bit before he spoke,

" We have another day of riding before I hand you off. I suggest you get some rest. Try to escape, and I will not hesitate to punish you ."

I decided to take a chance.

Could I at least relieve myself before we settle in? I replied.

He looked at me, deciding if he should, before finally getting up and walking towards me. He let me do my thing before tieing me to the tree again.

It felt so degrading, having not even a little bit of privacy.

I didn't sleep that night. I tried fiddling with my restraints to no avail. He knew how to tie good knots; I'll give him that.

I could' t begin to think of who would want me and would go through all this trouble. I didn't know anyone except for a few family members.

When morning came, I felt exhausted. I hadn't slept or eaten; it was starting to take its toll. Carlton let me sit upright in the saddle with my hands bonded to the horn, and we began our journey again. When it was midday, we stopped at a small spring; he let me sit by it while the horses drank when he turned his back; I stood up and bolted with my hands tied in front. Running down the hill, I let my body's momentum carry me down faster; it wasn't too long before I heard a string of courses followed by footsteps.

I made it a hundred yards before he closed in on me and grabbed me by my hair; tears weld up in my eyes as the pain set in. He held me on the ground by my hair; his breathing was heavy as he lowered his head next to mine.

He whispered

"your going to regret that bitch"

he pulled me up to my feet and made me walk in front of him up the hill. He pushed me up against a tree when we returned to the horses.

I didn't fully understand what he was doing until he pulled up my dress! I froze. he whispered in my ear, " your lucky I can't because right now I would have left you for dead when I was done with you" with that, he let my dress down—pulling me away from the tree. He lifted me back on the horse, and my hands secured.

We rode on to our unknown destination.