
We need more paper!

Summoned in Lugnica? Check. No RtD and Witch trying to kill me? Check. Being ushered to become an entire city's mayor? Che- Wait, what? Indeed, it seems that this unusual member of society had been yanked into a glorified desk job. It's a must to keep a low profile but he's in another world where peace is a short abstraction and shenanigans ensue pretty quickly. Art is Myu Myu Moon Chapter every day with a bonus for every hundred power stones This Fanfic was made by SocialistBukharin and with his permission, i was allowed to repost this here if you like this story support him on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/socialistbukharin

OtakuWeibo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
67 Chs

This is how I discover I have a relative

23 December 422

"Margrave Mathers and his entourage have left the castle earlier this morning," Miklotov said with a neutral tone. His attention still fixed on his paperwork as I continued to dully stare at the large book detailing the laws passed in the last five years regarding the relationship the kingdom had with Kararagi.

I briefly glancing up, flashing a hint of surprise and confusion over the need of bringing up this news.

I was already aware of the development, mostly because I kept a solid watch over the Michael Jackson Lookalike's action for the last couple of days. Ram hadn't sent any message just yet, but I was sure the issue wasn't just reluctance. Roswaal must have held some suspicions over my lack of 'reaction' regarding his trusted maid's approach, and thus checked on Ram's attitude to see anything off.

Instead of keeping quiet over this 'revelation', I sighed before speaking up. "Just as the Margrave planned," I pointed out calmly. "But I suppose you wish to speak more about the topic if you bring it up this suddenly."

He hummed. "You can say that... your attitude over the man got me interested on the matter," The elder confessed with a nod. "While I can't exactly predict what led you to behave this cautiously around the Margrave, I do have my own theories over it."

Was that a request to play the 'guess game'?

The 'lesson' was going to end fairly soon considering how early we started with the session, but I couldn't exactly ditch the situation by mentioning the awful timing for this case.

Thus I shrugged. "Then please indulge with your queries, Prime Minister," I replied politely. "I understand that you might find my 'strange' behavior worth of some investigation."

"You would be correct, John." First name basis? Well, now I was aware that this wasn't going to be a simple thing for sure. "Which is why I would like to start with the biggest of my questions: why do you find Roswaal a dangerous threat to yourself?"

Ever so direct?

I decided against offering that quip, merely blinking and thinking up something that could best depict my point of view over the clown-like magician.

"Because, just like every men living in the political shade of this kingdom, he has secrets," I pointed out tightly. "But differently from the common secret-keeper, the ones he's hiding could potentially harm the kingdom in the long run."

"Just like yours, John?"


I couldn't express my newfound confusion as the elder pressed on.

"While I might have not paid utmost attention to your brilliant inventions, I do recognize when someone knows more than he lets out," Miklotov commented with a curious tone. It wasn't accusing, but it was far from the impassive one he had tried to uphold up to this precise point. What was cooking in his mind? "I've been told by the Prince about your unique 'origin', John, and while I find it the most endearing... I also find that there are discrepancies between your actions and the truth you've pushed forward."

Well, that wasn't... ideal. But now I was interested. What was he trying to do by going through this large logical thought? Did he suspect that I knew about the 'future'? Possible, but I could easily shove back any accusation of that kind if I was targeted by one.

"And those are, Prime Minister?"

"It's surprising how you managed to avoid panicking over your summoning, and how you ended up taking in the complexity of your first job here in the Kingdom," The old man brought up with a perplexed look. "People your age would be less inclined to simply accept the offer and dabble in the paperwork. Confusion, distrust, fear, and even boredom. You've plenty of reasons to not take on the challenge so quickly."

"And yet I did," I added with a sigh. "Prime Minister, I will be honest and say that the reason why I didn't waste time about that decision is more connected to a controversial mindset I'm quite known for. I don't jump at the easiest route out, and instead I wait for the best solution I could get out of the situation."

"So you took the role because the other options that were available for you would've seen you going down for an unpleasant road?" He asked with incredible fascination. "That's still an unexpected amount of self-control."

"Years of dealing with mistakes connected to this kind of instances adapted me to the weird turns of life," I answered calmly. "I ended up learning from those."

"I can tell," The elder continued with a nod. "Just like I can see you copying devices from your 'world', John. But that isn't much of a crime if not a slow attempt to bring your home here."

"This is already my home, Prime Minister," I rebuked tiredly. "I thought I made this point clear in my previous statements."

"Yes, you were quite genuine and convincing. But just like that, I also find you paradoxically confusing with how many questions linger over your head."

And now I had a strong suspicion of what was going on. At first I wasn't sure since this was coming up so suddenly, but thinking back about the subject that started the discussion and this pressing... I knew what drove the man to make this interrogation.

"Pri-Teacher, while this might sound sudden, I find myself worried that your concerns aren't yours truly," I accused carefully, trying to match up the frown he was now directing at me with a blank expression. "I can see a reason to be doubtful, but there's just a touch of distrust stronger than it should be in a normal circumstance."


"And I guess you know who increased this distrust," He said calmly, half-confirming my suspicions.

"Margrave Mathers already tried to approach my figure by employing one of his maids to spy on me," I confessed with a sigh. "And since I know how 'cautious' he could be on his own, I know that he has to have approached the Sages over my recent appointment."

Miklotov flashed a tiny smile, making it appear as a compliment- no, a praise for getting this much information from so little. It wasn't a tough job considering the kind of people I was dealing with, and with the knowledge I had over them easily a weapon to use for the occasion, I was pretty much ready for any attack on my reputation.

"I normally don't trust Roswaal. He too has gained my distrust with the way he handles politics so... easily," The elder explained with a nod. "But I'm against thinking you two share this element without difference as I know your knowledge is born by books, I can tell from the way you devour the text I'm offering you, while his trait is... born from experience."

"Which is odd considering how 'young' and isolated the Margrave is."

"Correct," He agreed happily. "Which is why, despite Roswaal's interest in seeing an investigation started over your loyalty, I decided to test my trust over you on my own."


"I suppose you want to ask me more things as I know this test is far from over?"

"Aren't you the sharpest? Just as usual, I suppose- but... I wish to make it clear that I can't take any jokeful remark as an answer with these few questions. And I will tell if you're lying."

Curious ultimatum since I wasn't sure if the old man had a Wind Protection or not. That could be difficult to just evade if it was the case...

"Go ahead then, teacher," I said while gesturing him to 'start' this interrogation.

"We can start from the very beginning," He pointed out quietly. "What is your real name, John Bukharin?"

My lips twitched in visible frustration at that unpleasant beginning but... now I didn't have the luxury to lie. I was wrong to think that my position was cemented if Roswaal had set me up for this complicated predicament.

So I replied, with my response keeping curt and lacking of any polite additions to the two words the elder wanted to hear out of me.

His eyes widened much to my minor surprise. My frown gained a cough out of him and a sigh.

"Forgive me, it's just that... it's been years since I've heard of a name similar to that one."

My frown deepened. "Teacher, what are you-"

"Have you ever heard of the Elves that lived in Elior Forest? Before they were all exterminated by that tragic disaster that froze their home?"

I shook my head. "I'm not familiar with... anything before that actually."

"And I would be surprised if anyone had- or at least those that didn't have the chance of studying the rare documents describing the diplomatic exchanges that happened hundreds of years ago," Miklotov commented tensely. "It's rare for anything to even be correlated to that past except for the rare objects reaching us through trading and diplomatic meetings."

I leaned on the chair, now my attention fully directed at this topic. "Forgive me if I ask, sir, but... do you have anything I can look onto? I... I think I have an idea of what is going on here."

And I wasn't liking it at all.

Sure, the original timeline alluded to some influence from the 'real world' with Kararagi taking large inspiration from Japanese Culture, but I wasn't expecting other nations to be picking up major traits from other countries...

But what if- and I say 'what if' - the 'nation' wasn't big enough or diplomatically active to spread around another 'familiar' culture to the rest of the world?

"I actually have the copy of one of the curious flags that were once used by the elves when Lugnica first saw them as the 'heirs' to the witches. That period saw great upheavel across the country because of some major defeats against the tribe but..." He paused, standing out of his chair and wandering off to one of the corners of the room. I stared quietly, my mind flooded with tiny prayers to hope that my theory was wrong.


He walked back to the large desk, unfolding the piece of cloth that turned out being one of the flags I really didn't want to see right now.

The flag was made by three equally sized vertical pales of green, white and red, with the green at the hoist side. The armorial bearings of the former Royal House of Savoy within the central zone of the white pale.

This... this was the old flag of the Kingdom of Italy.

It all clicked, but not as suddenly and painfully as I had expected.

The elves had never left the safety of the Elior Forest. Their society was friendly to outsiders considering how many humans found a safe haven within that tribe from time to time. They were despised for their connection to Satella and Echidna, but never once they had taken arms if not to defend themselves.

Their main priority was... family!

...But how did this happen? How did the cultures of my world, or even Subaru's, ended up influencing this fantasy world?

Could it be that Satella wasn't the only one capable of summoning people from other worlds? Could it be that the Elves had some secret magic that they ended up using ages ago only to receive support from soldiers from Italy?

I could also remember studying of 'lost battalion's in Africa during World War II but... My God. From 'when' did these 'soldiers' come from?!

This opened up a can of worms I wasn't sure how to handle. Were there other nations that had this much attachment or connection to my 'modern cultures' other than the examples I was now aware about?

"You seem shocked," Miklotov mentioned intrigued, his voice quickly bringing me out of my reverie. "Do you recognize this flag?"

"I... I doubt I could forget the former flag of my homeland," I replied quietly, and my answer drew more interest from the elder.

"Former? You mean it's no longer used?"

I nodded slowly. "The- The last time it was used was about eighty years ago. Now the royal insignia isn't part of the flag... ever since the monarchy was abolished."

I stared tensely as I delivered that last bit, unsure how the Prime Minister was going to take that news.

He didn't seem shaken, but his curiosity was only increased by this revelation.

"And I suppose there was a grand reason to see the end of that form of government."

Nodding, I started to tell him more about the nation I hailed from. I wasn't worried about incurring in any issue with Miklotov since he was giving me the impression that he was taking what I was saying with surprising trust. Maybe he could tell I wasn't lying and... that my tale was far too complex to be the result of some unhinged mind.

But while I kept on with my narration, my mind drifted away as I realized a couple of things the more I contemplated this novelty.

Not only that would explain why most of the elves that were known to the main story had Italian names, like Emilia and Fortuna, but... that would also explain why Emilia actually hugged me a while ago.

It wasn't much of a 'duty', nor it was something burned in the brain, but hugging was... a key factor to greet someone.

Something that stuck around even now as I still tended to greet people I could talk 'informally' to with that kind of affection.

And while that solved the mystery of why the girl had gone for that when she didn't have a reason to trust a 'stranger', I had a greater concern that could severely come to harm Subaru once he comes around to play in the big board.

By rules beyond the space-time continuum, I was entitled to consider the little half-elf part of my family. And by 'big brother' law, I was also entitled to beat the ever living out of the NEET if he tried to do anything too 'forward' with the girl.


Should I try to contact Emilia and see how much Italian culture survived within the Elvish traditions, or be a little more patient and try by a latter time?


I'mma write a letter!

The study session was soon concluded with acceptable results. Miklotov was still interested over some of the facets that were part of the nation I came from, but he was wise enough to not press the golden opportunity for more than I was willing to offer.

Dinner was almost there to be served, but instead of idly waiting by the dining room for the food to be delivered, I found myself embroiled with a little development I was mostly responsible about.

Fourier huffed as his stomach grumbled in hunger. The prince decided to tag along at my little 'detour' out of curiosity than else, which is why I was alone with him and a couple of guards as we waited by the Castle's entrance.

"Why did you invite her?" The blond inquired dryly. His voice was filled with clear irritation and annoyance at being 'forced' to wait there.

"She is a friend, Fourier," I pointed out happily. "And I can assure you that if you tried to approach her now, she would be a little less hostile than before."

"I doubt that."

Snorting at his amusing rebuttal, I found myself stopping from shaking my head in mirthful disappointment when I spotted a familiar chariot stopping right by the gates.

The metal bars parted to allow the passengers, now disembarking from the vehicle so that it could go to park by the stables, to enter the territory of the palace safely and calmly.

The first one to leave the chariot was the main element that was leading the small group of four I've invited now that Roswaal was gone.

With her red-eyed stare swiftly locking onto my smiling figure, Priscilla huffed tiredly, shaking her head as she started to walk towards us. Schult trailed shortly after, with Aldebaran taking a lazier pace to keep up with the two spearheading individuals.

Then… I saw a blur. It was short, it had fluffy pale red hair, and a bright smirk settled on her face.

Schult jumped in brief fright as the giggling girl passed both him and his boss, with Priscilla offering very little surprise as the girl finally took a moment to jump as she pounced at me.

Giddily smiling at that eagerness, my arms were spread wide open as I caught the happy missile in a tight hug.

"I missed you~!"

The exclamation was muffled, but it was loud and clear enough to be heard by me and those around. And Fourier did smile at that adorable display.

Sphinx was… healthier. And happier.

Months spent helping with her recovery culminated with the incomplete clone slowly taking a softer stance over everything around her.

From the starting point that could be compared to an abused child starving for care and love, Sphinx ended up finally getting some proper humanity after decades spent clueless over the true extent of morality and affection.

Sure, there was some magic-based medical operations that happened from time to time to properly develop the 'missing bit' within her mindset, but what she was now couldn't be anything else but her own truest personality developed through experience and own thoughts.

Gone were the bandages and the hospital clothes she used to wear. Now Sphinx was donning a simple dark dress that fit well with her petite frame. Dark-blue boots and elbow-long gloves that kept her arms and legs warm and protected. A modest-sized bow rested atop her head, keeping her usually long hair combed in a short style.

"I missed you too, Alice."

A lovely giggle followed my words, prompting for my smile to widen at the cute girl latching onto me.

Her stare remained on me for a while, but then she looked to the side and spotted Fourier.

"Oh, the Prince?" She mused with a fascinated tone. "Brother told me that you were one of the bravest warriors ever!"

The compliment got a blush out of Fourier, but the blond's mind was taken off-guard when a single word stood out from that sentence.


And… I actually forgot to mention much about Sphinx to Fourier. So… I was going to spend a few words with the young man about the matter in a more private situation.

For now I just 'focused' on hugging Alice, waiting for Priscilla to be close enough to greet her.

"Priscilla, Shultz," I nodded at them, tilting a little to nod at the countess' knight. "Al."

"It's Lady Barielle, but I suppose you're too much of a dolt to get this right," The orangette reprimanded dully. "But hello to you too, Mayor Bukharin."

I allowed Sphinx off myself so that I could step a little closer to the 'annoyed' woman and… give her a good hug. Her tension was minor and quick to melt away as she has long grown accustomed to this.

In fact, from the careful way she wrapped her arms around my shoulders was enough to prove how well-versed she now was in returning the favor.

"I hope she wasn't troublesome."

A soft huff, her mouth and face dropped onto my shoulder, hiding away her expressions and words from the others.

"A little bit but… it's alright. It wasn't as terrible as I expected it to be," She replied in a whisper, making me sigh as I was still unable to grasp at how adorable her voice was when she wasn't pushing her arrogant self around.

"I asked the chef to prepare your favorite dish for dinner," I mentioned with a tiny smile.

She kept quiet for a moment, and then sighed. "Thank you… dolt."

"Hey now, I'm not-"

"A dolt? Think again," She interjected determinedly before letting go of the hug. "And I suppose His Highness has recovered from the recent events. My… genuine condolences."

The blond blinked at the sudden comment directed at him, but he still offered a nod.

"I'm… glad of your kind words, Lady Barielle."

"Call her Priscilla," I suggested deviously, ignoring the young woman's glare now on me. "Trust me, she likes it that more-"

"Incorrect, you foolish Mayor," She rebuked fiercely. "And if I discover you somehow got His Highness to switch to such an indecorous and informal way to address me, then you will have a reason to be sorry."

I kept looking at her with a smug look despite her heated display, making her huff in irritation at her lack of success in making me cower.

Fourier looked amused by this whole interaction, but his attention was soon stolen as a certain little girl started to tug at his sleeve. Red eyes turned to look at a pair of cerulean eyes.

"Your Highness, can I call you… Fourier?"

He blinked, surprised by the request- especially because it was a cute lady asking him that. He nodded almost too quickly. "Sure thing, Alice!"

She giggled and nodded. "Brother said that you saved him a while ago. That you can fight well with a sword."

The prince took a moment to ponder over the mentioning, with his mind slowly reminding him of the time when I came close to die to one of the mercenaries from Gusteko.

"A-Ah, yes. It was a long time ago and… he saved me back a few weeks later."

Sphinx' eyes started to shine with an intrigued glint. "Really? What did he do?"

While Fourier started to narrate what happened when he was kidnapped by Ivan's forces, I stared at the scene with an amused look. I had thought these two would've matched well, mostly because the young man's flair to heighten any brave tales to epic stories was the best way to distract the never-ending interest of the girl over new things.

She had developed quite an obsession for anything about me, finding my entire life… the most interesting thing she could try to unravel. Maybe it was the mystery I had accumulated around my name, or maybe it was because I was, in her eyes, the 'most honest person in this world'.

The claim wasn't even that much of a surprise considering how many people had secrets over everything or everyone. It was almost insane and… quite difficult.

Re Zero was… complicated. And despite my best effort to unravel this mystery, I was still left with plenty of questions over certain elements within the world.

Some of which were actually attainable… but I was worried because I didn't have a full understanding of those.

Like visiting the Pleiades Watchtower and check on Shauna. If she was the key factor that cemented the chances of Flugel being either related or somehow the same person as Subaru, then I had good reasons to try and approach the place.

The real issue and major deterrent? What if I was considered an enemy by Shauna?

The only reason she allowed Subaru and his group inside the place was because of his 'familiar' scent, while I didn't have any guarantee that I was going to be allowed inside if I dared to approach the place.

Plus… it was quite distant.

With the Sealing Ground taking a large chunk of the Auguria Sand Dunes and just a tiny bit to where my 'fief' was, seeking it would take a while and… perhaps attract unwanted attention.

I had yet to run into the Witch Cult and… I was worried that Pandora was planning a series of early strikes now that I was here.

I was a threat to her as her powers couldn't work on me and… that was enough of a problem to bring plenty of trouble onto me. But since I've last seen her, I've found nothing that could suggest any plot against me.

Only… worry.

And my paranoia was just itching to check what kind of foul plan the tiny Witch of Vainglory was concocting within her evil lair.

But for now, I had to take care of Sphinx and Priscilla. And that was going to be a monumental task as it was…



I bet nobody expected the Italian connection. Kind of bringing up a silly trope that is 'Italians are everywhere', which was conceived out of the fact that… we're pretty much around the world. It's crazy!

But now there is a glorious reason to protect tiny 'Lia! Poor Subaru isn't expecting the Brotherly Retaliation! XD

Omake 9: A Feline Problem (The (In)Glorious Finale!)

After getting chided by Miklotov for allowing my panic to rule me around in making mistakes and after allowing Ram to deliver a painful double slap onto my poor cheeks, I found myself left alone with the dangerous artifact again.

And this time, it wasn't my fault!

Fourier, Felix, and Crusch banded together with the Prime Minister to find a way to destroy the chaotic element without creating some leaking of 'dangerous magic'.

I didn't need to be explained how a bad handling of the object could result in the entire world being turn in pseudo-cat people. Differently from becoming smart and cute Demi-humans like Ferris, the subject to this heinous magic was deprived of logical thought and abandoned to the highest primal instinct that one could ever imagine.

And that was while ignoring the whole 'meowing instead of talking' issue. I had experienced it, so did Fourier and poor Ram.

I was really hoping I hadn't traumatized the poor maid into hating kitties now. Despite her fiery blush that persisted even after leaving the elder's office, I still felt like I had done something terrible to her.

Maybe I should buy her something to beg for forgiveness?

Maybe some pads would do- no, it was better to not anger the poor girl any further.

I knew she was capable of using some powerful magic even without her horn and… I wasn't in the mood of dying anytime soon.

But just like a thoughtful lover, Murphy decided to arrive right when I needed him… the least.

His form was short, devious, and with a perplexed look plastered on her face.

Pandora looked bored at first as she spied on me from the corner of the hallway. Her eyes darting from my frame right to the box containing the Cat Ears I was holding in my tight grasp.

I wasn't planning to create another massive accident with some other innocents, thus my grip was undeniably the strongest I could muster and-

"What is this?" A soft feminine voice inquired. My head snapped to catch the intruder, only for my eyes to widen in shock and my jaws to drop in fright at the worst sight I could've ever imagined.

Pandora was looking at the headband, playing with it in her hands as she tried to understand what kind of thing I was trying to keep away from the world. Her dark blue eyes were offering the greatest display of child-like wonder as she regarded the Cat Ears with utter interest.

Then she noticed that I was staring at her, with her gaze turning at me with a confused glint.

"What are those?"

Not shoes, Daniel- but damn I was going to burst a vein if she ended up doing the unthinkable.

The madladdery would breach the stars and beyond!

"Something dangerous," I blurted in a panic-induced stupid response. My eyes widened even more as I realized what I said and I felt paling as I caught a smug smile spreading over her face.

"Oh really? Then I guess I will have to try those on me~!"

"NOOOOO! I BEG YOU!" I exclaimed in the loudest tone I could muster, making the girl actually pause in shock at how fierce I was about not allowing her to put on the doom device she was eagerly hovering over her head.

She blinked. "Why not? What kind of power does these silly Kitty Ears hold?"

"Absolute chaos concentrated in a single insignificant headband," I summarized tensely. "If you put those on, you will lose rationality and control of your powers. The world would be shattered if you do that."

"You're lying," Pandora rebuked. "You think just because I'm this tiny and cute, that I'm also dumb as a little child!?"

I don't recall making this assumption with my warnings, but just as I tried to defuse the escalation, I was entangled in even more accusations.

"Y-You think just because you're bigger, smarter, and probably nice to hug that you can tell me what to do!?" She pressed on furiously, her anger growing more and more- and so was the temptation of putting on the deceiving tool of armageddon. "I will have you know that I'm old and wise enough to make my own decisions- and that I will not accept anything else than what I want for myself, daddy!"

I tried to interject at that but froze as I realized that last comment.


Pandora looked surprised, then perplexed and… finally sheepish.

"S-Sorry. Last time I had this big of an argument was with… my father- yes, I would never call him 'that' ever again."

That conviction was debunked by what she said a while ago, but I was too terrified by the main issue to actually press her on that.

"S-Still, you shouldn't be using that. It's pretty much worthless with how dangerous it it to any user," I muttered nervously. "I-I promise you I will give you a cookie if you let go-"


I didn't have time to act, only think as I saw dead incoming for me. Pandora blitzed, an impish smile on her face as she eagerly slammed the headband onto my head.

She backed away, waiting for the worst to happen. Did she expect an explosion? Maybe a silent disintegration?

Her devious smile only widened as I scrambled to remove the thing before it could act and…

It was too late.


Despite her higher reaction time, the girl was caught off-guard when Cat-me went primal and pounced at my attacker. My violent attack was snuggling and my weight proved to be Pandora's worst enemy as she couldn't push me away.

With my clear immunity to her magic, she was pretty much a tiny girl trying and failing to shove off a big cat. A big cat that planned revenge through cuddles.

Her cries went mostly unheard and… she was ultimately forced to bail by dropping off the floor.

Deprived of my latest prey, I just waited for a new one to come and…

Poor Ram, which was still wandering around for some commissions for her boss, ended up being the victim of more cuddling much to her surprise and hidden endearment.

In the end the group returned with the proper equipment to shatter the curse… only to be forced to shake me off the now-giggling maid.

And while I thought the story to be over and forever forgotten as the item was safely destroyed, I found myself embroiled with bigger issues as Roswaal decided to offer the pinkette maid's hand as a way for me to compensate for my 'animalistic urges'.

Not gonna lie, I didn't expect this to be the way I ended up with a wife…