
We need more paper!

Summoned in Lugnica? Check. No RtD and Witch trying to kill me? Check. Being ushered to become an entire city's mayor? Che- Wait, what? Indeed, it seems that this unusual member of society had been yanked into a glorified desk job. It's a must to keep a low profile but he's in another world where peace is a short abstraction and shenanigans ensue pretty quickly. Art is Myu Myu Moon Chapter every day with a bonus for every hundred power stones This Fanfic was made by SocialistBukharin and with his permission, i was allowed to repost this here if you like this story support him on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/socialistbukharin

OtakuWeibo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
67 Chs

This is about Xmas and Spanking

25 December 422

The first thing that got my attention as I slowly woke up was the loud exchange of positive exclamations that was happening in one of the rooms nearby.

I blinked awake as I felt someone clearly sitting on my chest and I found my stare instantly taken by the smiling Sphinx, and the two twins occupying each of her sides that were waiting for me to wake up.


"Did they already go for the gifts?"

They couldn't have nodded any quicker and I sighed loudly.

"Then I guess we can go and see what they are doing," I confirmed with a small smile. "But first, I need to change in proper clothes."

Another shared nod, this time they moved off from me to allow me to stand up from the bed. I stretched a little, holding back a yawn as I picked the fresh set of clothes I had left on the chair beside the bed.

I was still in my nightwear and... it was pretty light compared to what conservative etiquette many followed in this world.

"I suppose you three are done with the bathroom."

"Yes dad, now move!" Fritz demanded impatiently, pushing me towards the currently empty room together with his brother.

"I'm going, I'm going... jeez."

Once the door was closed shut behind me and I was left alone in the bathroom, I started to think about what important day it was. 'Winter Festival', or Christmas day, had technically begun yesterday's midnight, but considering how troublesome it was to keep awake after these lengthy work days, I had decided to leave the proper event for the day after so that everyone could join.

There were gifts, I had some cookies and cups of warm milk prepared to satisfy all the guests, and a set of dad jokes about Christmas with the word changed for 'Winter Festival'.

Yep, today was going to be amazing.

Still, I took the time of preparing to ponder back to what happened yesterday. After leaving Echidna's bubble beyond reality, Alice and I had managed to walk to Fourier before the blond had the chance to have the castle go for a massive lock down just to search for us.

He was worried, rightfully so, and he took a rather grim reaction at hearing what really happened. I had to tell him a slightly different story, changing the reason that got us to find the room with the magical device that took us to the witch's domain.

A few guards escorted with magicians were sent to study the room and seal away the device from ever activating. It was just too dangerous and... I didn't want to face any other surprises of the kind.

That had been quite frightening, even though I had managed to befriend Typhon instead of being shattered like Subaru.

It took me roughly ten minutes to get ready and once I was stepping out of the bathroom, I was quickly pulled out of the bedroom and right to the fastest route that led to the room assigned for the celebration.

The doors opened to reveal the massive setting for the feast, and I was quickly smiling as I caught onto some funny scenes already.

The twins instantly rushed up to Hannah, trying to get some of the cookies that were by the large table behind her. Surprisingly enough, Al and Schult decided to make their move at this occasion, joining forces with the twins to try and get something to eat already. Yet the old maid was more than capable of fending off the assault, resulting in the unlikely group to be forced to patiently wait like the rest.

Alice decided against leaving my side, trying to hold back the visible interest in trying out the delicious looking snacks just for the sake of seeing what kind of gifts had been left at the feet of the adorned tree at the end of the room.

I could see Fourier, Crusch, and Priscilla already waiting there and... they were fighting over one of the gifts.


It was still packed, just like the rest, but it was odd for the two to fight over one. Especially since it wasn't one of those I had left for them to take.

Starting to approach the duo, I paused for a moment as I saw a cat-eared blur rush towards me. I managed to stand my ground and catch the giggling Felix right on time, pulling him in a big hug.

"Johnnyah, good morning!" The cat-boy cheerfully greeted chirpily, my smile widening.

"Hello Ferris. I see that you're in a good mood."

He pulled a little back on the embrace. "Are you kidding? How couldn't I be when today I will receive a gift?"

Alice giggled. "I too wonder what kind of gift brother decided to pick out for us."

Felix's cat ears twitched at the girl and he nodded in agreement while looking at her.

"It has to be something good," The young knight said with a certain tone. "In fact, I bet it will be amazing."

"Now, now, there is no need to-"

"Also, you should probably help over there," The brunet muttered with a hint of nervousness while aiming his eyes at the trio by the tree. "While it was kind of hilarious to see them bickering, I think it's starting to escalate beyond that."

I frowned at the little request, but I could tell why he was legitimately concerned. I could see Priscilla snarling, matching Fourier's teeth gnawing as they both tried to keep the gift out of the other's hands. Crusch was trying and failing miserably to stabilize the situation, and she herself looked ready to intervene more aggressively as her own frustration was growing together with their stubborn clash.

And now, why the hell were they bickering? The gift?

I decided to approach the escalation as soon as Felix offered his own concern about the matter, and I paused in front of the trio with a confused look on my face.

"Okay, what are you three doing?"

The question was enough to suddenly snap them out of their bickering. Both blondes jumped in instantaneous fright, while the green-haired woman managed to keep hold of the gift in her hands without having it fall down.

"N-Nothing," Priscilla quipped swiftly.

"They were-" Crusch tried to explain, only to be interrupted by the prince.


"Fourier-" I was about to press him, but the 'Lady Barielle' decided to aid her former enemy out of self-preservation.

"His highness and I were discussing some important businesses."


"Like?" I asked curtly, and I saw them both share a slightly nervous look through that fake calm of theirs.


I nodded, hiding away a smirk at that silly response.


"I think you're stressed. Maybe you should get a cookie or two-" Fourier tried to divert the attention elsewhere but I really wasn't in the mood.

"Who is that gift meant for?"

And silence reigned for a little while as they both refused to reply to that. It was Crusch that managed to offer a single but revealing anser.

"It was for you."

The two 'allied enemies' turned to stare in a mix of shock and irritation at the duchess. The young woman looked unfazed by the soft glaring, and she continued to stare at me to not offer them any means to make a scene out of this.

"And why were they fighting over it?"



Why wasn't she answering the question?

A degree of nervousness suddenly crashed onto her features, and her eyes finally moved away from mine as I tried to get a straight explanation out of this.

"Brother, isn't that the gift from... her?"

I blinked as I turned to Alice with a brief confused look before shifting my gaze over the mysterious package and- Oh right.

"Yeah," I said with a nod. "Actually Crusch, can you please give it to me?"

"We can't open the gifts yet."

"And I'm not planning to do that," I replied calmly. "But I know the one that gave it to me and she asked me to open it in private. And I probably will do that once the feast is over."

Crusch hesitated for a moment, but ultimately she decided to hand over the package.

"Any other reason we need to address instead of having you two fight?"

Both Fourier and Priscilla looked calmer than before, but slightly embarrassed as I asked that. Instead of pressing on the matter, I was interrupted by a pair of arms coming from behind and wrapping around my neck.

"How about we start unwrapping the gifts?" Felix proposed and I hummed at his offer.

"I mean, is everyone here already?"

The cat-boy nodded and I gave a quick look around to confirm this.

"Then I suppose we can do that, yes."

It took awhile for everyone to rally around as we prepared to start the main event of this little celebration.

There was a simple turn system to give each individual the chance to unwrap the gifts that were theirs to open.

The first one of the list was... Fourier.

Being the prince, it was just logical for him to be the one to start the feast. Plus, he had the most gifts to unwrap and he seemed quite surprised by the sheer amount of boxes he had for himself.

He opened the first one, this one given to him by Crusch and... he looked giddy as he pulled out a set of armored gloves out of the box.

"These look well-made, Cru- I-I mean, Lady Karsten."

The girl nodded, a pretty smile adorning her face. "I remember that you wanted to find some fitting replacement with the gloves you lost a few months ago and I decided to try and have a pair made with a similar style but improved material. I'm glad you like those, your highness."

Soon the little exchange of gifts began and the list was... incredibly big.

Fourier got a shield from Felix, a simple iron sword with some decorations from Priscilla, and other war-related apparels from most of the guests.

The twins broke the combo by providing him with a small chest that was painted gold and had some rubies embedded in it. I might have had a hand in the preparation of that gift, but I decided against pointing that out as the prince praised the two boys.

Then it was my turn to give and... Fourier frowned when I handed him a necklace with a pristine white stone in it.

"Is it enchanted?"

I nodded. "It will add some protection to a specific set of dangers. It will hold for just ten solid seconds so... don't stress it too much."

"You make it sound like I should keep this on myself from now on."

"You should. You never know what kind of harm might come your way," I agreed before sighing.

"Then I will do so. I trust that it will not break earlier than ten seconds."

We shared a mutual friendly smile and... then the next turn of unwrapping started.

Crusch, Felix, Priscilla, the Twins, Schult, Al ,and Hannah. All of them went through their turns without much of an issue.

But ultimately it was my turn and... things took a strange turn.

Starting from the gift of Fourier, there were some matching armbands made of mithril to symbolize our friendship. It was a nice touch that I appreciated.

Crusch decided to go for something a little more intellectual. She decided to give me some tomes that had been in the Karsten mansion's library for some time now. The main theme was about the historical events that unfolded specifically in the fief her family controlled, which added another piece to my growing understanding of this world's lore.

Then it was Felix's turn. The Cat-boy decided to settle for something slightly less than the previous gift, but it was nonetheless important to receive. A set of notes he had compiled about his medical knowledge. It wasn't extensive, but it was innovative on itself because of his innate ability as a medic. The book was definitely going to become the cornerstone for some reform.

I told him that, and he merely shrugged and was just happy that I liked it. He did enjoy the friendly head-patting that ensued.

Priscilla moved in with an impressive-looking pair of gauntlets that had a decent fire resistance enchantment on the material used to make those. I nodded my head, and she accepted 'with restraint' a quick hug from me.

Al surprised me by handing me a fucking Kukri. I almost forgot the guy came from a world similar to mine, and while many were in awe at the unusual dagger, I was mostly amused by the fact I had gifted Al a set of throwing knives just a couple of minutes early.

A knife for a knife, I suppose.

The rest of the celebration lasted until lunch, and from there it concluded with a proper banquet. Once everyone was done with the delicacies created by the kitchens, the fest came to an end and everyone pretty much returned to their respective living quarters.

The twins decided to spend some time with Felix, while Alice decided to wander off to the library to check some more over the little protection magic I had decided to give her.

Alone but mostly satisfied with the way things had gone for this first Winter Festival, I decided to return to my room to place the gifts in some proper places instead of wandering around with those on my person.

But while I felt like I was really without company, someone had indeed made plans to check on me while I was away from others' sight.


Today's lesson with Miklotov was meant to happen an hour after I returned to the bedroom, leaving me for a window of opportunity to set myself on the bed and give a quick read to the first pages from one of the books Crusch gave to me.

I quickly realized that there were plenty of correlations to what I had learned through Miklotov's lectures, and the expansion over what I knew of this world would only help me in the long run considering how important it all was to know.

Knowledge is power, and considering that some of the Authorities were incredibly deadly and had specific counters to be blocked, I needed to have as much background about any predicament about my enemies as possible. To stop them from ever becoming a genuine threat against us.

The quiet rest I was enjoying through that simple reading session was one I had expected to spend alone and without any interruptions, but my hopes of being left alone with the books was dashed away about ten minutes after I started lying on the bed.

I blinked away from the written words as I saw a shadow briefly appear by the doorstep. I stared a little while at the door, expecting for someone to appear in there but... nothing.

A frown replaced my confused look. I could feel that someone was inside the room but I couldn't pinpoint where exactly this intruder was.

Still, I knew they were here.

I closed the book I was holding, quickly looking around for any distinct clue I could find and... then I felt something move above my head.

A grin, her white hair covering part of her face as she was literally sitting on the wall I was leaning on.

"Hello Pandora," I muttered calmly, my eyes narrowing at her giddy dark-blue eyes.

"Hello John."


"Why are you here?" I asked with a calm voice, forced out through my tense self.

Indeed, why was the very leader of the Witch's cult here? Was she planning an attack? If so, why was she delaying the battle?

The girl looked mostly bored than else, a yawn leaving her lips as she slowly stood up and her feet looked perfectly attached to the wall.

At this first hint of movement, I suddenly snapped into action, projecting one of the first spells I had managed to create out of my months of calm training.

It was nothing too elaborate or creative, but it truly faltered before the true idea as it lacked its most deadly figure.

Pandora paused, her eyes widened in a mix of surprise and awe while she admired the large dragon-like skull directed at her. The beastly construct had a small orb of energy already forming behind its boney maws, preparing to unleash a powerful blast if needed.

To be fair, this wasn't meant to be an offensive spell. The Gaster Blaster was, by all means, meant to be used as a support construct to aid some heavy hitter.

Yet the circumstance and the little plan I had concocted for this situation made it the best choice to use with people like the girl above me.

"What is that? Is that a... Yang spell?"

I smiled, almost praising that quick-thinking. "Yes. But I don't think you will find it amazing if you make a wrong move and allow it to shoot."

A cute frown then she tilted her head to her right.

"I can't be killed."

"By physical means, no," I admitted quietly. "But your soul is still free game from what I know."

"My... soul?"

"This construct has a special power that makes it attack shred at its enemy's soul. And you can't exactly rewrite reality to restore something you can't see or feel."

That got her even more surprised and confused. I was technically lying since the current version of this attack didn't have the Karmic Retribution effect. Its blast couldn't reach any soul.

"You're stronger than I've last seen you."

"And you've not changed at all," I remarked dryly, getting a sigh out of her.

"Oh? And should I just change?"

"Nah, you're a brat both within and outside."

The rebuttal got her to pout. "I'm... I'm not a brat."

"You meddle with people's lives without a single care of the world, and you expect me to call that a mature take on existence?"



I snorted. "Why are you here, Pandora? I'm not in the mood to deal with this situation."

"I was just curious," She admitted. "I can tell you did something strange a few hours ago but... I don't know what."

"I was reading a book, then sleeping."

"Liar," The girl accused and I huffed.

"Speaking of liar, I think Hannah mentioned that cookies were missing from the box containing what was left of those."

She blinked, her snarl disappearing in a moment of faux innocent. "And how am I connected to this?"

"I can literally see crumbles on your dress."

Pandora quickly looked down at the hems of her simple cloth in a brief moment of panic, only to stop as she realized that she had been tricked.

"You jerk."

"Says the thief of cookies," I remarked smugly.

"They were delicious. I will not apologize," She proclaimed and I shrugged.

"Then you can leave."


My jaws dropped as she literally disappeared in a quick flash of blue light.

I stared at the empty spot she had once occupied and... I tried to grasp the fact she was pressed onto leaving because of that silly thing-

"No wait, you've yet to tell me about yesterday!"

I almost jumped as she suddenly reappeared on the other side of the bed. The gaster Blaster swiftly moved between me and her and she huffed.

Seriously, what the heck she's wrong with her? I'm not gonna tell her that Echidna was still alive. Fuck that.

"Tell me!"

"No, why the hell would I have to do that?"

"It's courtesy!"

Since when!?

It felt like I was bickering with some stubborn spoiled children with a natural affinity in being the optimal pain in the butt.

"You broke in my room- and this is the royal palace, you shouldn't be here to begin with!"

"Yeah well, I don't care about the rules-"

"So why should I tell you?!"

"Because... I will hurt your friends if you don't!"

She- She didn't!

... "What?"

Pandora smiled at my frown, taking on a creepier tone just like last time. "Yes. While you're immune to my powers, they are not. I will kill the prince, then the duchess, the little cat, and finally the fire lady- Uh, what are you doing?"

I moved towards her, moving away the gaster blaster as I grasped at her leg.

"W-What are you doing?"

I pulled her closer, arching her so that her belly was pressing onto my lap.

She started to struggle as soon as she recognized the position, like a child that knew that punishment was just moments away from being executed

"You- You meanie! I refuse to be subjected to this- this-"

But the girl couldn't finish as I delivered the first strike. Her dress was rather thin, thus I didn't need to expose her butt to start dealing with proper spanking.

I had been thinking about this for a while now. Satella had mentioned that Flugel was a fatherly figure with its creations, and I could tell that Pandora was someone accustomed to this practice considering how quickly she realized what was happening.

So I wonder... would this make the difference?

I delivered twenty solid spanks. Nothing too strong, but I could see that the skin was a little red by the time I was done. The girl rushed away from my grasp and in a safe position where to rub her burning buttocks.

"You pervert!"

"No, you were the naughty one here, young lady," I continued with the act. "Not only were you threatening me, but you also tried to threaten those I care about. And that's not acceptable."

Her eyes widened and she puffed her cheeks in clear anger. But Pandora didn't speak, in fact she limited herself to only staring and listening.

Finally, she looked away.

"T-That doesn't mean you are entitled to spank me, daddy- I mean-" She froze and turned to me with a murderous tone. "Y-You didn't hear anything about it."

Didn't I?

"I- I will kill you. And then- then you will not be able to spank me if I'm naughty, daddy- Not again!"

I chuckled a little bit. Despite the threatening tone she got, the fact that she was literally confusing me with Flugel and... that she still called him 'Daddy' was enough to shatter any sense of legitimacy she had on her dangerousness.

"I- this is not over- I will return and-"

"If you make or say something naugthy, I will spank you again."

She gasped, slightly horrified as her hold over her butt tightened in a protective manner.

"You wouldn't! I refuse to- to allow this to happen ever again, daddy- DAMMIT!"

Instead of making more threats, she just disappeared and... I waited there for a couple of silent minutes.

I wasn't sure how I was supposed to handle what I just listened to. It was both hilarious and... kind of terrifying.

The main weakness of this world's 'final boss' was spanking.


My God, this is indeed a joke that will linger for the rest of my existence.


Afterthoughts: Christmas Episode and... next chapter will have a more serious take. Who wants to see another Volume EX being brought up before Canon? 'Cause that's the next step we will take.

Plus... Gaster Blaster isn't the same as Sans'. It's smaller and with less damage-giving capability. More stuff can be created through Yang Magic, and the MC will abuse that a lot during the next few battles.

Yes, there is going to be a pseudo-war quite soon! So stay tuned and see a madness of diplomacy unfold!

And now, an Omake with a mini-crossover!

Omake EX 3: Cousins

I still remember the confusion I felt when I first heard that a small entourage led by a king was coming from one of the forests near to Erindor from the scouts in the area.

I was surprised when the soldiers also added that there was a resemblance between the mysterious monarch and me. At first I ruled it out as a simple mistake since many young men with my same hair color and eye colour could resemble me. This little skepticism soon faltered away the moment I was told this unknown ruler's name. And then I saw him entering the office with a happy smile and a degree of nostalgia.

I hadn't expected him to be here. Nor did I expect him to be thrown in a completely different universe than mine.

And yet he was there and... he swiftly went to get a hug out of me. I didn't flinch, and returned the embrace almost instantly.

"Cuz, I can't believe you are here!"

Joseph Bukharin looked taller and slightly bulkier than I had last seen him. We had a close connection for a couple of years before he was forced to move to England for some family-related issues, but we still kept in contact despite the lengthy distance between our homes.

If I was one that favored strategic thinking, Joseph was the one that focused on the tactical and in the improvisation. That didn't quantify with him being unable to shift his planning to something long-term, but between the two of us, I was the one that had a slight advantage in administration-related stuff.

"Neither do I," I replied mirthfully. "And I see that you have been sent away from home too."

He sighed. "Suddenly so, I was summoned to save Londinium by being its king."

"Just like I was summoned to be the mayor of this city."


"Heh, I guess some things never change," He teased smugly. "I always end up with the sudden big jobs-"

"But weren't you also the one that tended to focus elsewhere. Things that were a little bit more... physical?"

Joseph frowned at the counter, but shrugged. "Fair is fair, I guess we're still good administrators."

I nodded in agreement at this, but then I realized that there was something shining in his hand. It was a ring.

"So... you married or something?"

His smile grew more confident and less teasing. "I sure did. And with a beautiful angel to that."

"Oh? Congratulations then, cuz. Is she here or-"

"She is waiting outside the door," He replied with a nod. "I wanted to tell you first instead of overwhelming your poor brain."

"Spare me that spiel, but come on- introduce me to your wife already!"

To think that someone could work on stabilizing the chaotic magnet that was Joseph... I needed to know if she was ready for the task at hand. If she was ready to destroy her opposition!

He nodded, walking back to the door and opening it to allow the woman inside.

I stared, my smile widening for a brief second as I saw the lady enter inside... and then I felt my smile freeze in surprise as my eyes and brain recognized the smiling figure now standing beside Joseph.

White-hair, red eyes, a pale skin complex-


But... how?!

Did Joseph even know about the anime he got himself thrown into?

I quickly realized that I was staring a little too much, and I bowed my head in an apologetic manner. "Apologies, I wasn't... expecting for Joseph to be literal when he said he had married a 'beautiful angel'."

The save ended up getting a chuckle from my cousin and a blush from the 'Einzbern'.

"See, I told you that you were going to make a good impression on him, Mya," The young man mentioned to his wife, causing the lady to blush even more at the flattering words she was being subjected with.

"I... I understand and..." 'Mya' replied with a soft tone. "I think I should introduce myself. I'm Myasviel Einz- I mean, Bukharin. Nice to meet you."

"It's a pleasure, really. I'm John," I returned with a bright smile. "And I hope my cousin isn't troubling you with his eccentric manners."

She quickly shook her head. "He is incredibly caring and understanding."

"I'm glad to hear he hasn't changed about that," I agreed, turning my attention back on Joseph. "Still, how did you end up in this... world?"

The king hummed. "I was trying to get my mages to... find a way back home. You know, to at least tell mom and dad that everything was fine and... that what my life now is."

I nodded as I understood his explanation. "I suppose you ended up here because of me."

"That's what I think it's the reason for now. Still, I'm glad to see my cousin trying to work his life through... this much paperwork."

I frowned. "Aren't you supposed to have much more than what I've here?"

"I learned to delegate to other competent people."

Fair enough. He was a king, and I wasn't.

"Still, I hope you're not shying away from setting up your own family because of... this." He hovered his hand over the papers.

"Of course not. It's just that... things are a little bit more complicated than your situation."

This time it was his turn to frown. "How so?"

"Well, there is a terrorist group in the land with a leader that can rewrite reality itself."

"And that's really bad," He muttered in response.

Just as he said those words, we all stopped as we heard a loud noise coming from the door. Creaking as it was pushed open, the door opened and revealed a certain duo now staring in a frightened state at the fact they had been discovered.

"Hi dad," Hans greeted nervously, but then he turned his gaze over to Joseph. "And... dad?"

I mean, Joseph and I had some similarities with our facial features, but not enough to make us clones of each other.

While the king merely snorted at the comment, his wife seemed to be taken by the sight of two adorable fox boys.

This family reunion had just begun, but I could already tell that things were only to get better from now on.