
We need more paper!

Summoned in Lugnica? Check. No RtD and Witch trying to kill me? Check. Being ushered to become an entire city's mayor? Che- Wait, what? Indeed, it seems that this unusual member of society had been yanked into a glorified desk job. It's a must to keep a low profile but he's in another world where peace is a short abstraction and shenanigans ensue pretty quickly. Art is Myu Myu Moon Chapter every day with a bonus for every hundred power stones This Fanfic was made by SocialistBukharin and with his permission, i was allowed to repost this here if you like this story support him on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/socialistbukharin

OtakuWeibo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
67 Chs

This is about Family 'n Love

29 August 423

I believe I really need to take a vacation or something. I really was caught off-guard when Subaru decided to come by and… I really don't know if I can really pull some epic moves out of this. I had already solved a couple of arcs with some precise moves. At least, those that I could afford to do from within the safe walls of the castle.

I doubted Meili was going to be sent after Barusu after the little gift I had sent to Capella, and I had sent a strongly-worded letter to Ram to make sure neither her or her sister tried to do anything funny about the poor lad. I had to repeat a couple of times that 'he is not tied to the witch cult' or 'I trust him enough you can keep him alive, but if he does something stupid, punish him mercilessly'. The last comment was sure going to draw the sadistic streak the pinkette had long harbored after years of pure boredom.

The chance of harassing teasing someone that was known to make the most amusing reactions through hardcore teasing was easily going to get her interested but not suspicious of the Neet until I had the opportunity of personally approach him once more. I decided to request a visit to the Roswaal's domains, but I doubted the answer was going to come before a full week. I knew the Margrave was going to make some plans while I was there, and I genuinely hoped that none of those had to do with Echidna or the Sanctuary.

I pondered over the full scope of this move as I knew that I was to see Emilia once more. She was going to be a little more reserved, potentially even more adorable since I would finally have the chance of seeing how much 'Italian' she had in herself. I really wondered a lot about it, so much that I found something biting at my hand.

Something that I had been carrying around my room for some time now, and that I had been ignoring for most of it. I looked down, eyes narrowing at the annoyed look presented by the cute pup that wasn't Majima.

"Oh, so now you pay attention."

"What?" I quietly lamented. "Do you need to go for a walk again?"

She growled. "I asked a question. A serious one at that?"

"Repeat it then, I'm paying attention."

I'm getting really forgetful of some important things in the homefront. Seriously, I need that vacation once I was sure Subaru wasn't going to walk in a situation that could potentially kill him and me at the same time.

"You said something about 'dying', but I saw nothing of that happen. What were you talking about?"

Oh right, I did bring that when Majima asked about why I had been so interested in making sure someone like Subaru was spared by that assassination attempt and… how I knew where he would come by at the time.

"Remember what I told you about Satella?"

"The silly woman that we visited two months ago?" The familiar inquired and I nodded. "What about her?"

"She decided to summon Mr. Natsuki in this world because he looked like her former lover, while also putting a curse on him that put him back in time any time he dies. He can't say anything about it without it forcibly triggering and killing him," I explained calmly, gaining a frown from the pup. "And her other personality decided to tie it to me, so when he dies, I die and get pulled back in time."

"That's… what? Why would she need to do that?"

"I… have a couple of theories. But I will wait to check on Satella later today to see if she knows anything about the matter," I replied quietly, still unsure what was all about yesterday when she abruptly ended that conversation. I knew she was hiding something important and I really needed to know what and why.

But for now, I focused on the present since it looked less than flattering as it was right now.

"What do you think of… Subaru?" I asked the pup, the creature humming quietly as she pondered about it.

"The boy? He looked utterly clueless," The familiar admitted pretty easily. "He didn't look much, but, now that you mentioned this curse of his, I can see why I felt… upset while looking at him."

"Upset?" I questioned, surprised by this very word.

"I felt like he was familiar. That I had seen his face before," Majima explained with a serious voice. "And before you ask… no, I'm quite sure he wasn't Flugel. I never met the man, but I could tell that… the encounter wasn't a pleasant one. The energy that was being used wasn't something I'm keen to see being used again."

"Witch Factor?"

"The one thing Witches use for their Authorities? It… I believe it is similar to that, yes. But I think it wasn't that either."

Damn, I knew that I needed to make sure that whatever being she was speaking of wasn't something I had to fear about. I already knew I needed to be careful for any surprises now that the heat of Canon was starting to pop out of this situation. Some things had changed dramatically, but a couple of others had remained unchanged and needed to be 'fixed'.

Starting with the Great Mabeasts and Sanctuary. I knew both elements were going to become crucial to deal with early on as to remove a few advantages Pandora had in the big chessboard. I was quite confused as to why she decided to go fully quiet for this long, but I doubted it was for anything particularly nice.

I mean, I wouldn't mind if she was planning me a nice retirement home where to spend a couple of weeks away from the unending monster that was the paperwork, but I doubted the spanking actually had her this 'happy' of rewarding me with such a lovely idea. Like seriously, why the hell didn't I take a serious break from all of this before canon struck?

The answer to that question was possibly tied to the fact I hadn't expected canon to even begin. I had this now dead idea that I could have solved the Witch Cult problem by playing a carefully and well-planned game of wills with Pandora. I knew elements that were to be removed right now, but I wanted her to grow confident enough to leave herself open and in a delicate position so I could inflict even more damage with each resolution.

It was a pipe dream, but one that would have guaranteed the kingdom a few more years of peace. I couldn't still believe that it had been more than a year since I came around, but I really hadn't much to celebrate considering how many troublesome issues I had to handle at this time and age.

It definitely didn't help that both Hans and Fritz were starting to turn particularly antagonistic with each other. They had turned Eleven just a few months ago, and yet they were seen bickering all the time, as if a single year of changes all come in a single day. Both weren't fighting against one another too intensely or violently, but I was really worried that these clashes were eventually going to culminate with one taking the initiative and began using violence on the other.

I really didn't want this to happen, so I was more than happy to take pauses mid-work just for the sake of keeping them company. Part of me wanted to believe that it was because I was spending too little time with them around, but, from their own words, the issue wasn't tied to me. And I could tell they were genuine about this.

The second motivation I could think up was connected to their growth. I spoke with Ferris about anything he could provide about sudden changes in personality among Demihumans, the brunet going as far as to point out he was surprised himself when he caught them both bickering while checking on them.

It was no secret that others were realizing this problem existed, and even Fourier asked if he could do anything to solve it. Despite the reaching hands coming from many, I decided to take the challenge on my own. I knew that it wouldn't be bad if I took them both out of the castle for a fishing session, maybe even bringing Alice for the little family time to not leave anyone behind.

With Crusch back to keep a look over her lands, I was also considering asking Fourier and Felix to join us for the occasion. I could tell the Prince was going to be delighted by this, but that he was going to find some reluctance coming from Miklotov. I could mellow it, but I knew that the only way I was going to win the old man's support was to guarantee him that I had plans in keeping the blond safe during that trip.

His wellbeing was of the priority for the following months until the final candidate for the Election was revealed and the election started. Only then a little bit of relief was going to be allowed as he would have the power to give the prince a more than adequate state of guard to keep the young man away from any serious danger.

"Remind me, Majima. What is your opinion of fish?"

The pup frowned back at me at that. "What?"

"Fish, do you like it?"

"I mean. Is it good?"

"I would cook it and make it incredibly delicious."

"Can I eat it while… getting bellyrubs?"

"Are you going to be a good girl during that situation?"

"I'm not a simple dog," She lamented, almost snarling at me. "You think that I will accept that kind of talk? We had this discussion before!"

"Then no. You are a silly, bad girl," I muttered with a baby voice. "You adorable little cutie woofie doggie- ouch."

She started to bite me again, but I could feel that her teeth were more like playfully chewing than outright piercing my skin. I believe that was when a doggo wanted to be 'tough, but still cute', or so I remembered from the time I owed one. And that very attitude was immensely cute and worthy of a long smile.

So much that some of the bureaucrats around the area began doubting my sanity once again when I presented some of the updated war plans against the other countries to Miklotov with a calm and happy smile.

Ah, if only they knew the joys of having an adorable pup that could technically destroy the castle with a single move in her original form...

"Is there something wrong?"

Fourier's voice tore through the quiet as I looked up to regard the Crown Prince. The blond was gazing at me with a concerned look, trying his best to not give off how really interested he was in my silent attitude right now. We were both sitting by the dining table, only the two of us. Ferris was still on duty, so it was just us for the time being.

"Not much. Just… I might have found something interesting."

He blinked, curiosity spreading in his face as I regarded that moment of pure calm with that simple sentence. I knew that right now, there was one thing that I could say to shrug the young man's worry off of me while giving him something to think about.

"You have a cousin."

"You what?"

I shrugged. "Do you remember your uncle Ford?"

Fourier frowned at that question, taking a couple of seconds to come up with an answer to this.

"I… I think? I mean, I believe father and him weren't in the best relationship and… I remember that his daughter, my cousin, was kidnapped

I hummed quietly. "Would you believe it if I said that Ford lied about the matter? That she wasn't exactly kidnapped but… entrusted someone here in this city?"

"What?!" The crown prince exclaimed while standing up. His red eyes were wide open in shock at what I had just said. "You mean that… I still have a family?"

"I… I don't think you should take this news as happily as you are right now. For two big reasons."

His hype seemed to vanish the moment I replied with that. He stood there, perplexed over my words and then… sat down on his chair.


I sighed. "Her name is Felt. I found her while wandering around the Capital. She grew up in the slums and… I would say that she isn't going to be happy when she learns the truth about her upbringing."


"She grew up to hate the way she was forced to go for criminal jobs for the sake of survival. I can tell she is goodhearted, but at the same time the girl is also prone to hate anything that reminds her how there are people that were luckier than her about it."

"But… Why was she taken away? Why uncle Ford thought it right to have her taken care by someone that lived in poverty."

"You are not going to like this since… it's similar to how we got to the point of this Election."

"Just tell me. I'm ready if it's… for the sake of bringing her back," The young man commented. "I don't want her to be upset about learning this, but I believe she deserves the truth."

Ah, I tend to forget Fourier is such a stubborn good guy to the very end. And I'm a moron that expects otherwise, almost wanting to fail every time when it comes to this.

"Your uncle strongly believed she had been blessed with your own qualities. The ones a Lion King should have," I started explaining, keeping my voice calm and my tone as clean as possible. "I can tell after a few months of visiting her that she does have a strong resemblance with you. Not only appearance-wise, but I would dare to say that she has a good bit of your personality there. Really silly at times, but overall a determined individual that would do anything for those she cares about."

"Ah… this is actually… interesting," The young man said nervously, trying to digest what I had just said. "And you think she… would hate me?"

"If you come in like the Crown Prince? Maybe. But I think I can work out something that could show the real you to her. And I really believe she would be more open to that kind of display than else."

"I still can't believe it?"

"That you have a female younger version of yourself that could potentially kick your butt?"

He almost snorted at that comment, pausing at the cheeky teasing to narrow in faux irritation at my choice of words.

"That's… just weird."

"She also has that little tooth thing. The little fang-"

"And what else?"

"She has a Divine Authority. I think it's wind but… it could be something else. She is very fast, very quick in pickpocketing people."

"Oh right, she is… a thief?"

"A good one at that. You better not bring anything too expensive on yourself when we will visit her."

He nodded, and the conversation completely remained on this topic to the very end of the meal, sparing me from actually having to tell the truth about my real concerns. Once I was done with lunch, I decided to use my free time to walk out of the castle and… try to contact Satella. The mirror seemed to make contact as quickly as I activated it, and I paused as I saw a nervous face on the other side.



"I'm sorry for yesterday. I shouldn't have left so suddenly just like that," The witch apologized profusely. "I know I could have… tried to explain what is going on and… I want you to promise me something."

I blinked, sitting down on a bench I found by the nearby park. We were alone, and nobody was around to eavesdrop to our conversation.

"Sure, what do you need me to say-"

"This entire situation- what I'm about to say, I… I want you to tell me that you will not see me any differently. I know it's weird but… I need to hear this."

"…I will not see you any differently than now, Satella."

She gave a slow nod and… sighed heavily.

"The Witch decided to tie you to the curse because… she favors you. More than she loves Flugel."

...Shit. I could see where she was going with this since I knew that the Witch was an extension of her inner desires manifested in the real world through her abnormal use of her Witch Factor. And that, by correlation, meant that Satella thought me as more important than Flugel.

Which was… nice. But odd. And really difficult to digest because of the implication.

"Are you… okay in telling me this?"

"A-Ah, what?" She asked, surprised by my query. To be fair, my logic stretched beyond my ultimate decision over what to think of this. Sure, I had promised her to be particularly neutral about this, but it was tough to just be calm about it.

It was a fucking confession, and one that happened to come out through that unpleasant way since Satella hadn't planned for this to be a legitimate one. She wasn't doing this because she thought it was time to say this, but because she was pressed by time and… by the fact she wanted to be truthful with me on the matter.

"Are you comfortable with the fact you had to tell me this because of these circumstances?" I repeated calmly, doing my best to not voice out my own uneasiness on the matter. "I understand it is difficult to tell me this. It's definitely not something someone should be subjected to."

"I'm… I believe I'm fine with this," The girl quietly replied, giving me a curious look. "You- Are you alright with this?"

"I'm not going to lie, and I will say that I'm surprised," I commented honestly. "I really hadn't thought of this possibility and… I have to ask you this, does this mean you romantically love me or-"

"I… I don't know. I only know that I cherish you, and that I care so much for you because you have been so nice to me from the very beginning… but..."

Dammit, this is such a mess to handle- and I really wasn't prepared for it. Sure, one would lament and say that it's just love- but it wasn't. It wasn't a clear understanding of what was going on inside her head since she was trying to cope with the fact that, despite having the closest thing to Flugel there… she thought herself attached to me the most.

"I will still care for you. No matter how this situation goes, I hope you understand that," I admitted without hesitation, bringing her to a calm quiet. "I know this might not be a complete answer but… I wish to have this conversation when I'm there to speak with you in person. It's something I will think about until we meet next time, and I want you to do the same. We… we really need to have this talk. I can promise you I will keep up with what I just said early on- I don't want to lose you, and I know you don't want to lose me."

She nodded, a melancholic smile appearing on her face.

"I'm… still glad. I really don't want to lose you."

I sighed, offering a smile back at her. "I will try to make a visit before the 15th. So… you better be ready because… I really want to know everything about you now!"

Satella snorted, her face painting in red at that declaration as I tried to soften up the entire situation to something we could both discuss without having to worry too much about the seriousness behind it. It might feel wrong considering the importance of it all… but I could see how tense she really seemed, and how much she needed to unwind about this topic.

"I believe you will not like it if I told you everything. I can be quite… boring."

I huffed, giving her a big smirk. "I doubt that."

The conversation ended there and I made my way back to the castle with a greater understanding of what had just happened and… a determined plan to see what really was up in the woman's mind. I knew she cared but… I really couldn't make sense if it was something romantic or not.

Hopefully that visit was really going to tell me more about what is going on with Satella.



Satella loves John but… to which extent? That's a question that will be answered in the future. Next time… Barusu strikes back. And at the same time… Emilia. Who is ready for the great 'family reunion'?

But now here is an omake about… last chapter.

Omake 16: Death Ending 1

From the 'Historiae Lugnicanae' of Professor Lucanus.

The reign of Fourier V is regarded by many experts of the topic as one of the most brutal but fairly liberal periods in Lugnica's history. A man that was seen as a forerunner of modern society after years spent through self-study to improve his crafts when it came to politics, military, and diplomacy, the monarch's origin is perhaps the one element historians just can't agree on.

Many would suggest that the beginning of his reign is tied to the official victory made in the 'Royal Elections', the affair behind the event is even today seen as a political farce and blunder as most contenders outright retired their claim for mostly unknown circumstances, leaving just Fourier and Lady Emilia the Chaste as the sole candidates. Subsequently, Fourier won the confrontation through strong arguments and a staunch support from many influential figures in the kingdom's politics.

Despite the proof behind this idea, a vocal minority still believes that the very event that triggered the soft-spoken Fourier into taking his own destiny for himself to control was the death of his closest and beloved friend, John Bukharin. A man of high merits, Bukharin was meant to take the role of Prime Minister once Miklotov, the Prime Minister at the time, would have resigned at the first day of the Royal Election.

The last mayor of Erindor and the mind behind the diplomatic alliance that would then become the Red Treaty signed by Vollachia and Lugnica, John is even now revered as a brilliant man of science, of culture, and of modernization. A strong believer of freedom for many, the improvement of social life for everyone in the country regardless of the class, and a fierce supporter of a strong standing army meant to defend the nation from external and internal enemies.

The entire realm mourned the sudden and unexpected passing of the popular figure, with many tied to him taking the news harshly as many historians can still recall. Fourier is, by all accounts, the one that seemed to change the most overnight because of this, sharpening into the man that would then be remembered as Fourier the Fierce. A king that many compared to the founder of the Dragon Kingdom, this claim was supported by the events that ensued after his rise to power.

After the coronation, the Knights Corps was reorganized to become two distinct entities. The knights would still remain a professional force, but their role was demoted to principal guardians of the capital.

A selective conscription rally was ensued for the creation of the Lugnican National Army, the new group meant to work as a deterrent for any dangerous threat harbored within and out of the borders. The first role the Army took after months of training was the subjugation of deadly creatures that had for many centuries existed inside the kingdom.

The three Great Demon Beasts were hunted down and individually destroyed through careful planning and large deployment of expensive resources meant to ensure the end of the dangerous fiends. The first to fall was the Hakugei. The large flying white whale was destroyed by the use of heavy artillery to pierce and grind the beast's flesh to a fine and gruesome pulp. The horrible fate of the monster would just be the beginning as the two other High Mabeasts weren't spared by the ruthless approach of the National Army.

The Kurohebi, which was reportedly spotted to as half-sentient underneath in one of the frozen lakes in the Elinor Forest, was subjected to high-pressure and heavy-intensity fire magic incineration over the entire area after most of the former inhabitants, previously statues before the Great Thaw, were taken away from the impressive use of Fire Magic.

Finally, the Oousagi became the fine target of one of the most dreadful military operations. Having learned of its troublesome nature of fighting enemies through fast reproduction and overwhelming any foes with numerical advantage, the easiest solution to this problem turned out to be the sole time the King authorized a heavy usage of chemical equipment. The area where the tiny white critters were spotted was blasted with canisters filled with deadly poison, and the gas managed to exterminate all the creatures tied to the malicious-driven collective.

After the extermination of Mabeasts, the next campaign to properly bring the Kingdom to a full union was the suppression of the Witch Cult. Aggressive warfare was employed, with many powerful wizards and sorceresses being employed by the Kingdom in an effort to handle the Archbishops and defeat the leader of the organization, also theorized to be the possible killer of John Bukharin.

Pandora, regarded by modern historians as the 'True Witch', was eliminated after a full-fledged war aimed only at her figure, the young woman eventually cornered, deprived of her magical powers and viciously executed after a thousands of lives were brutally ended in the battlefield, all for the sake of bringing an end to the 'Era of Witches'.

With her death, any element tied to Witch Factor seemed to either disappear or die. The massive upheaval of this event started the Modern Age. A lack of magical problems tied to the Witches brought all countries out of the bubble that previously prevented major social reforms and attempt of bringing the nations out of old traditions on the track of progress.

The reign of Fourier V lasted for fifty-two years, the man dying in his sleep as he confidently left the rule of the kingdom to his son John and to the two Prime Ministers, Hans and Fritz Bukharin. With his death, the old vestiges of the world finally dissipated as the planet calmly approached a true global era.

His personal medic, Felix Argyle, would later say that the man he considered his truest friend died with a smile. A message would then be found, one that was aimed at the long-deceased John Bukharin.

"I really hope I managed to make you and father proud. I will die with no regrets nonetheless, and I hope to find you through the pearly gates of the afterlife, o brother of mine."