
We need more paper!

Summoned in Lugnica? Check. No RtD and Witch trying to kill me? Check. Being ushered to become an entire city's mayor? Che- Wait, what? Indeed, it seems that this unusual member of society had been yanked into a glorified desk job. It's a must to keep a low profile but he's in another world where peace is a short abstraction and shenanigans ensue pretty quickly. Art is Myu Myu Moon Chapter every day with a bonus for every hundred power stones This Fanfic was made by SocialistBukharin and with his permission, i was allowed to repost this here if you like this story support him on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/socialistbukharin

OtakuWeibo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
67 Chs

This is about Aggressive Diplomacy

12 January 423

The room assigned for the planned meeting was large enough to host both of the diplomatic entourages meant to work through the paperwork, the noble representatives, High Officers of the Imperial Army, and foreign dignitaries.

Numerous portraits were on display within the location, with most of them showing key moments of Lugnican-Vollachian relations

From War, to Peace. From Allies, to Enemies.

By diplomatic standards, the setting for the negotiations were far better than I had expected.

While I knew the Emperor was a pragmatic individual, I was also quite aware that he wasn't planning to make any move just yet.

Still, this was a curious display that left me perplexed, perhaps even cautious as I spearheaded the group inside the packed room. Most of the people need were already there, leaving me for a moment to suspect that this was a setup to have us appear as rude guests arriving late.

Thankfully, there was no hint that this kind of play would occur, so I calmed down. Instead of wildly accusing people without good proof, I took the better course mentioned by the royal advisor assigned in or to explain to us on how this disposition was meant to happen.

Silence reigned supreme at first. While I noticed that there were a few people here that wanted to speak up & break the silence with something disrespectful, they seemed forced to comply to staying quiet. Looking at the Emperor quickly left me bestowed with a glance that seemed to guarantee a degree of cordiality during these tense times

Some mercy, at last.

As I arrived at the seat assigned to me, I gave two quick bows. One directed at Berstetz Fondalfon, the current Prime Minister, and the next one aimed at Vincent Vollacchia.

Bordeaux followed my example, but as we both moved to take our seat, we paused as the young Emperor hummed, starting to tap his fingers by the table.

"Considering the circumstance, a proper kneeling is demanded."


Even Bordeaux, someone with more experience that me, appeared confused by such an strange request. Sure, it wasn't unusual for monarchs to ask for tradition to be respected on diplomatic grounds, but I knew that kneeling wasn't a tradition. In fact, kneeling is, in the known world, considered as a display of submission to a ruler That would make you a king or emperor's subject.

"Considering the circumstance, your Highness, I believe that will not happen."


The moment those words left my mouth, I felt the pressure within the room focus more on me. This attention seemed to mostly come from a table occupied by the Nine Divine Generals. To be more specific, it seemed to originate from Groovy Gumlet and Goz Ralfon.

I had to look away the moment my mind decided to compare them to the Magical Warrior version of Jerry from Tom & Jerry and Escanor from the Seven Deadly Sins respectively. Seriously, why was that thought so funny?

Reinhard looked calm, while I could see Julius and Felix tensing up in response to the visible annoyance coming from a good part of the room.

Yet, while there was this degree of animosity, Vincent looked calm... if not fascinated by my response.


"I suppose you're correct," The monarch confessed with a nod. "But may I ask what made you refuse such a dangerous situation?"

Blinking at the question, I frowned as I sat down to ponder the issue.

"Your Highness, Lord Zellgef and I are representatives of a sovereign country," I started to answer calmly. "While we don't have grounds to make any demands upon you since this is your Empire, the moment we comply with something so demeaning and disgraceful, we would be admitting inferiority towards your country. Which is not the case since you called for these negotiations between 'two equally strong and powerful nations'."

A smile adorned the young monarch's face. "Indeed. It would've been a shame if you had complied to that little trick."

I nodded. "But I must also add that I will not take kindly to any further effort to replicating this 'little trick'."

"And I can assure you, in the name of goodwill, that his highness will avoid making any possible slight towards Lugnica, its royal family, and you, the representatives of the Kingdom."

Frowning, I found it rather odd that it was the Prime Minister to answer that concern of mine. I would've expected the Emperor to react to this, yet he looked barely fazed by this intermission and...

They had this planned.

It was a strong possibility. They had to have rehearsed the whole thing before this event.

And I had no chance to plan out something with Bordeaux.

Truly a shame... that I had to play by some unorthodox approach if I wanted to win the soon-to-come struggle.

"Understood. I appreciate your Highness's concern, and I believe his apology to be truthful."

My response had two main purposes. The first was to show a degree of friendliness, and that I wasn't against backing away from escalations if it was all in the name of 'diplomacy'. The second, and perhaps the more impactful of the two, was that I had pushed the Emperor in the corner just for a brief moment.

The fact his eyes widened as I said this was proof I was successful in that endeavor. He couldn't exactly say that he wasn't apologizing for that, since it would dismantle the little reply offered by the Prime Minister.

Speaking of him, the old man smiled widely instead of taking offence at that play.

"Truly a sharp mind, Lord Bukharin," Berstetz praised with a genuine tone. "I've to say that I wasn't expecting Sage Miklotov to pick someone as bright as you."

I nodded at the compliment. "Your words are kind, Lord Fondalfon."

"But not untrue," The elder added quickly.

With the introduction completed, the true negotiations started with a more serious undertone.

"The border wars. Those have started to bring more harm than good to our people," Vincent started with a fierce voice. "I wish to finally bring an end to those. It's been too long since our countries have engaged in those senseless disputes."

I nodded. "I suppose you have an idea for you to bring this issue so earnestly, your Highness."

"I wish to bring an end to the problem about the borders," He answered without hesitation. "Right now that we are discussing a good treaty, one that will certainly end hostilities that have watered down to petty squabbles, we need to make sure that the source of this issue finds proper closure."

"We're not invested to handle something so important to national sovereignty," Bordeaux finally commented, looking annoyed about the attempt. "Your Highness, we're not replacing our King-"

"Yet it would work in favor of the Non-Aggression Pact. It would help us find a good enough compromise-"

"That we're not enabled to confirm," I muttered quietly. "Especially since such a monumental step would be seen as illegitimate from both sides. You, the Emperor, are asking us, diplomats sent in the heart of your fief to find a sufficient understanding for our nations, to crown ourselves kings and go ahead with this plot."

"And yet you treat me with lack of formality to behave differently from a king-"

"I prefer to be honest with those individuals that are so easily trying to undermine our position while also tangling so close to spark a war," I admitted without restraint, holding down on my formality on a complete level. "We're not here to play games, we are not here to satisfy someone that is trying so desperately to pressure us into a corner."

"..." Vincent looked surprised. Angry, but mostly confused.

His mixed reaction wasn't the only one though. Most of the room was behaving like this, surprised by the swift counter-slap, but also angry that my words had some truth in them.

Sadly enough, truth mattered little when someone's pride was bruised.

"Are you accusing me of trying to jeopardize this diplomatic event, Bukharin?" The Emperor asked with some irritation in his voice.

"Of course not. There is no need to accuse anyone if the effort is so clear and happening so shamelessly."


"You know, Bukharin. I expected you to be a little less... foolish."

"Foolishness would mean that I'm doing something wrong," I rebuked with a shrug. "But as far as I'm concerned, your Highness, I'm doing all that's needed to defend my country's honor."


The staring was frustrating, but this wasn't the first time I had to handle these intense eyes. In fact, this just felt so close to any bickering I had with Priscilla.

The ferocity was there. The pride, albeit well-hidden compared to the woman's flaunting of that flaw, was of the same magnitude.

And finally the faint pout about having been denied something so suddenly and without a chance of genuinely recovering.

I was dancing to the tune of some ugly odds. I had been prepared to counter this circumstance, but I wasn't exactly happy about headbutt someone with Vincent's standing so soon and with so little time to prepare.

Goddammit, why do I need to trust experience rather than in knowledge? Oh right, I don't know that much about Vincent.

What I knew about the guy was from a single event, one that was explained through the eyes of someone that was more concerned on the process of saving Reinhard from being framed for king-slaying.

Or was it Emperor-slaying considering the difference in statuses and- Nevermind.

Thankfully my contingencies were going to hold well in this shaky environment.

"You're treading on dangerous grounds, Lord Bukharin," Vincent finally responded. "You were right about you being a representative. You don't have the right to come here and belittle me as such. Your words are treasonous-"

"But not wrong," I interjected sternly. "I don't wish to create bad blood between us, your highness. But you yourself should know that to try and get the best deal for Vollachia at the expenses of Lugnica isn't going to pass for me. You may be the Emperor, but I refuse to kneel to someone that isn't my king."


I expected something more out of it. Some more bantering, maybe even some back and forth about who is right and who is not.

Yet, much to my limited surprise, I was bestowed with the most unusual reaction I could've gotten from the guy.

He laughed. Not the funny meme with Stalin laughing and him then having you sent to the gulags.

The kind of laugh that one would've only when they were... proved right.

Cue my frown and my annoyance at this frustrating scene.

"I-It would seem like I was correct with my early suspicions," The man admitted with just a sliver of stutter left from his previous laughing. "I've heard many things about you, but it seems so absurd to find all of them describing the same person."


"I suppose those are 'good details', your Highness," I carefully assumed.

"Of course. A man that rose from the position of simple mayor, to become the heir of one of the most important men in Lugnica through intellect and capacity to act without a script," Vincent explained with an amused tone. "And here you are, proving to be all of that and even more."

I was still digesting the sudden mood swing, and I wasn't the only one from the way the rest of the court was addressing the matter.

Still, as the Emperor commented on this, I found my attention taken away as the large doors behind him opened. A single individual, a young woman with long blond hairs and a pair of glowing blue eyes started to approach the table, holding close to her chest a dark-brown journal. Wearing a gray dress with purple details, I could tell that she had to be important for the Emperor to allow this scene to unfold.

He looked way too happy of this intrusion for her to be unimportant.

"But... before we continue, there is actually a single question that someone wishes to ask you and... I did promise her that I would have her do the honors," Vincent half-explained as the girl came closer. "First, I wish to introduce you all to my lady, the Empress."

What? What the fuck!?

My mind buzzed in utter confusion at that detail. There was no 'Vollachian Empress' in Re:Zero. Vincent was supposed to be without a wife, without a spouse- heck, without even a love interest.

So who was she? And why was she here now of all times?

As the young woman nodded at both me and Bordeaux, she calmly sat down in the available seat beside the Emperor.

"A-Apologises for the sudden intrusion," The blonde excused herself, my ears attentively studying her voice as I spotted something off about it. "But I've a single query I wish to ask Lord Bukharin."

She had an accent. One that I quickly recognized as... German.

As I tried to make sense of this strange development, my attention was once more taken away from the current topic as she finally spoke again.

"A-Are you an outsider from the known world?"

And with that question, I felt panic explode at the question.

Sure, I had told a couple of people about it, but I was quite sure that the group hadn't mentioned this to anyone else. Especially those that weren't friends with Lugnica.

So how did this happen? How did she know and... why was she asking me this in front of so many nobles?!

"I don't understand-"

"Are you from Europe?"

Stop pressing me on this? Why? WHY!?

"As I said I don't-"

"Manfred von Richthofen."

If before I confused, now I was completely stomped.

"C-Can you repeat that?"

"Manfred von Richthofen. He was the ancestor of my family and... this journal-" She explained, showing the object, turning it around and revealing the title of that 'book'.

Feldjournal von Kapitän von Richthofen


Sure, I had theorized that this world had taken some inspiration from my 'home world' through some individuals from various parts of Earth being Isekai'd here, but... this was different.

Plain wrong and confusing.

Manfred von Richthofen, the Red Baron... he was listed as dead. And not just because he was shot down. His body was recovered and then interred somewhere in Germany.

He didn't go missing, he didn't 'leave' to come here and-

What if he came here after he died?

It was absurd. Too absurd to be true and... yet it made some sort of sense.

I was the simple example that being summoned here wasn't tied to the Witches, at least not exclusively to them. There were multiple means to be summoned, but this... this just was striking me as too insane to be real.

And yet the journal and... Ancestor. He was her ancestor.

"Your Highness, your last name is-"

The blonde looked surprised at my sudden question, but she didn't let me finish that she instinctively replied.

"Anneli. Anneli von Richthofen."

And that's why she was interested in this but... why me?

"If I told you that I might have an answer you might find good, will you please tell me how did you come to this conclusion, Lady Anneli?"

Blue eyes widened, fascination renewed by that pleasant take on the situation and for a moment we both forgot about the rest of the situation.

"My ancestor. He mentioned in this journal that he hoped for politicians to strive to be... flexible. Like a man he commented being an example worth of commending at all turns. Someone that he defined a 'Iron Chancellor' and-"

"Otto von Bismarck," I replied quietly, interrupting the girl and... she nodded.

"Y-Yes, that's the Chancellor's name-" Anneli froze as she finally realized the situation. "You- You are from Europe."



"So it's true, my lady was correct about the fact you come from a land we know just from the grand reformer of the Vollachian Army," Vincent boomed with glee. "A man from Europa, the land that created someone like the 'Red Baron'."

"Your highness, my birthplace hardly matters when my commitment is rooted as a loyal servant of the Lugnican Crown," I said, trying to salvage the situation as much as I could. This wasn't the worst, but I did feel rather vexed that it would come out like this.

"And that's not what I've said, Lord Bukharin. Only that it would explain why a man of your standing exists and easily found reason in helping those within the land ruled by Lugnica," Vincent rebuked with a surprised look. "Still, a shame that you didn't find yourself here in Vollachia."

I preferred to keep quiet. At this point, I was put in a frustrating situation. Not bad, but also not good.

"Still, it shouldn't demean our efforts to find common ground. I believe a positive outcome can come out of these negotiations and -"


The loud voice interrupted the effort from Vincent to try and resume the meeting. Our attention was taken by two individuals that were done killing some of the guards rushing at them. Well, one of them was brutalizing the fierce knights, while the other dully regarded us with his gold eyes.

Lye was smiling eye to eye as he retreated his daggers out of the last guard, ready to kill more if allowed to.

"To think that this place would be packed by people, yet the one target we have is currently in the open with little defense," Regulus Corneas addressed, a tiny smile appeared on his face as the dangerous Archbishop of Sin took a step towards me. "Bu-kha-rin~."

Lye stood up, looking at the two bastards in careful silence.

"What is the meaning of this? Who are you?!"

The Emperor looked incredibly angry at the sudden attack, with his lover hanging close as to seek protection from the intruders.

"Oh? I don't recall addressing you, your highness. I would have expected for you to be more lenient to nice people like me and-"


I didn't allow him to end that sentence. I knew well enough what he was trying to pull at this point, and thus, I moved to stop him from doing it.

The Gaster Blaster formed just in time, the quick beam striking a couple of meters away from Regulus, but the real reason behind the strike was to send pebbles and dust towards the dangerous Witch Cult member. His attention was stolen away from the unexpected retaliation, while his sight was deprived by the curtain of pulverized ground that had stopped within his time-based barrier.

"Why you-"

"You said I was your target, Greedy moron," I interrupted dryly. "And here I am."

Just as I said this, I saw something move through the dust. At first I thought it was a blind shot from Regulus, but the form of the 'projectile' was far bigger than it, and slower.

"Thank you for the Meal~!"

I gritted my teeth, almost panicking at the neck-breaking speed he was going as he rushed towards me.

He looked so eager, so hungry... and then he looked so surprised when he got the chance of directly touching my wrist as I swatted his right hand away.

I was there, perfectly healthy and now stabbing my sword through his stomach.

The Slothful prick tensed up, his body going fully still at the absurd sight before his now wide-open eyes.

"You- You remain? Why are you-"

"You can't eat someone without getting to know them properly," I explained subtly. "But, I guess you sister didn't teach you enough about good manners."

Shock skyrocketed at the mention of his 'sibling', but I believe it was more the punch slamming on his chin and sending him flying back at Regulus.

And with that first assault repelled, the room seemed to regain common sense as those that were knowingly too weak to handle these Authorities started to flee their seats.

The Nine Divine Generals were already moving to cover for their rulers and... Reinhard regarded me with a perplexed look before giving some orders.

"Julius, you and Lord Bukharin shall handle the speedster," The redhead offered out loud. "Felix, you will aid me against the other Archbishop."

Not the best team-making, but perhaps one that could work with some advice.

The Vollachian Generals divided into two teams, ready to join us in this fight to push back the two Cultists.

And with the Witch Cult's intrusion, a tense but united front between Vollachia now existed. I wasn't sure to be happy for this positive step forward, or be uneasy at this interruption.

Afterthoughts: Someone mentioned an old Re:Zero story that flopped horribly when it started to introduce some 'crazy stuff'. I recall that story, and no, I don't plan to play too much with stuff 'beyond the lore'. I will stick by Re:Zero, plus some minor elements I've introduced that make sense (like the fact some people were Isekai'd in the past, which would explain some similar cultures to Earth's ones.).

TL;DR I don't plan to bring Chtulhu in this story, worry not.

Omake 11: What if (Crusch)

"Don't think the friendship between him and I is something lesser than a proper relationship. I value everyone with equal respect and kindness. But yes, I did that because of Fourier."


"John, can you please your eyes just for a moment?"

Uhhh, this is not a good situation. It was incredibly far from good...

Despite this being my thoughts, I still couldn't help but smile at what just happened. In fact, I was beaming against the fact I just failed successfully in landing the friendzone.

The bed was still warm when I woke up, and the body next to mine was sporting a brilliant grin at having done quite the deed. And boy, was the deed something memorable.

Crusch shuffled within the sheets, ignoring the fact that we were meant to reach the Dining Room in half an hour.

I could see Felix telling Miklotov that I was spending time with Crusch the moment the Elder started to seek for me, possibly delaying the lesson to tomorrow in exchange for a good enough explanation by dinnertime.

And I doubted saying that nothing big happened despite the fact that now I had to ask the girl's hand to Meckart. The man was going to either kill me, or make my existence unbearable for 'lying' to him.

He was going to be right. Despite the fact I would've loved to be spared by these ramifications, I knew that now it was too late to cry over the spoiled milk. The ship had sailed, and no battery of cannons was going to sink it.

As I continued to groan and hum while thinking at the shitty situation I was yanked into, I tensed up when I felt a yawn coming from my side. Crusch nuzzled on my arm, looking up with a pleased smile.

The smile of someone that saw, approached, and then conquered. For once, I wasn't sure how to address that gorgeous lips of her as they bestowed me with such a lovely smirk.

"Good... Afternoon."

I had to hold back my own smile at that sleepy tone.

"Hello," I replied quietly, my tone drawing a curious look out of the still tired young woman.

But she didn't speak at first, allowing herself a moment to recover from the last few hours. Those were intense hours too, dammit.

"Is... everything alright?"

... "Maybe."

Crusch blinked, pressing her cheek some more on my arm in an effort to gain the utmost warmth out of it.

"Why 'maybe'?"

I sighed. "You know that this... this changes a lot," I pointed out. "Not only for good."

"Yes. And... I don't regret it."

I frowned, yet the woman didn't back away from that affirmation.

"I gave you my reasons, you offered yours about why it wouldn't work and... look at us."

I was, and it was easy to see what she was referring about. Even though I had been so vehement, so convinced that it wouldn't have worked- that it would've just hurt more than done good, that we were actually...

Being happy.

I felt happy. Happier compared to my usual self. I was smiling despite the shitstorm around the corner.

The scandals, the possibility of hurting Fourier some more and-

"Do you regret it?"

The query forced me to stare back at the young woman. Now more awake, she took a moment to sit up close to me. While the contact would've gotten a reaction out of me, something awkward at best, after what happened today my body just didn't have a reason to shy away from that intimacy.

And from within my heart, the treacherous feeling exploded.


Her smile never felt that powerful until that very moment.

"I'm glad," The young Duchess admitted. "I feel... happier."

"We will break his heart," I added with a grim tone.

"He will handle it. He is... stronger than you think."

... "Do you think he will consider us friends after today?"

She sighed, her head leaning for my shoulder. "Yes."

"How can you be so sure if-"

"As much as it will hurt him, it will not make him weak," Crusch explained with a calm voice. "And I know you will not let go of him, even if he says he wants to be alone."

At this point, I had to smile. "I wouldn't."


"Should we be... preparing for dinner?"

I nodded at her question, and we both moved out of the bed to recover our clothes.

"Also... what should we do about... it?"

At first I was confused by that inquiry, but as I turned to look at what she was pointing at, I felt a sliver of dread building up.

While we could both keep quiet about the situation until after dinner, the bed had now hints of what had just happened.


"We could burn it," I offered.

"And what explanation do you have to justify this action?"

"Uh... Spontaneous combustion?"

A giggle, and her lips stole a quick kiss out of me.

"I don't believe they will accept it."

"What if we said I wanted to show you a spell and I failed epicly... burning the bed?"

"That would also explain why we took so long and why we were stuck in this room the whole," Crusch agreed mirthfully. "With you panicking how to handle this situation, and me making sure that you didn't exaggerate about it."

I groaned at the unfunny reference, but I didn't refuse it.

"I suppose I sucks at spells now," I commented dryly, only for the Duchess to come closer and help me with my bowtie.

"Which is why from now on I will have to be around when you exercise," She added cheekily. "And... you plan to exercise a lot, right? To make sure to never make this kind of failure ever again."

Catching on her subtle plan, I couldn't help but blush.

"You... clever woman."

She laughed, and for a moment I felt the world matter a little less than her.

But now, we had to face the consequences of a road I hadn't expected to take.