
We need more paper!

Summoned in Lugnica? Check. No RtD and Witch trying to kill me? Check. Being ushered to become an entire city's mayor? Che- Wait, what? Indeed, it seems that this unusual member of society had been yanked into a glorified desk job. It's a must to keep a low profile but he's in another world where peace is a short abstraction and shenanigans ensue pretty quickly. Art is Myu Myu Moon Chapter every day with a bonus for every hundred power stones This Fanfic was made by SocialistBukharin and with his permission, i was allowed to repost this here if you like this story support him on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/socialistbukharin

OtakuWeibo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
67 Chs

Emilia's Truth

18 December 423

"T-That's preposterous, Master. What if they aren't the proper ones? What if they are worse?"

Shaula had accepted many odd decisions from her Master, Flugel having been quite quirky with his bets when it comes to world magic, but this very situation was easily beating anything she had heard… combined and doubled. This proposal was dangerous by all aspects they had studied from the very beginning, and even before her conception. The magician looked pensive, confused, upset but, worst of all, unwilling to listen to her pleas. There were so many horrible things that could come out from this kind of plan, and yet he looked ready to disregard them all for some reason. Something that provided him with confidence… or desperation.

"It will work, my dear," Flugel hummed weakly, his body growing weaker by the second due to the many labors he had to go through in recent times. "I have taken the right precautions for this. It will not fail. I… We will not fail."

"We have taken enough time to get everything up and running, Shaula," Egubert replied jovially, the self-proclaimed Beggar Wizard was a bit more than what the title would allude to. Not the brightest student to Flugel, but of capable mind, body and heart to go through some of the more intense commitment to their mutual Master. "All spells, seals, rift-inducing protocols- the world magic will not be damaged by this."

All those guarantees barely soothed her mind. The worry remained for many years… and then the first of the three 'chosen' was summoned. A child, she looked heavily wounded and with ice spreading on her arms and legs. Satella, but much younger, inexperienced… amnesiac. Flugel mentioned he just knew how this version of her was through the original, when she told him about her difficult childhood. When her natural magic fought against her Witch Factor, resulting in the frailty that she was still suffering for.

The three intense hours after the summoning saw Flugel stressing into removing the Witch Factor out of the young girl. He mentioned how an early removal would be the least fatal and, actually, much needed to allow the natural magic within her, centered about ice itself, wouldn't need to fight for dominance within her body. As she was treated for any remaining dangerous energy, the child received a name. She couldn't be considered Satella, no more as she was no longer an entity named as such within this universe. Flugel looked pained when he gave her the name she now bore, remembering a time where he hoped things would have been different.


He also wept at that notion, briefly as he knew that it was too late to regret and muse over the past. The child was soon entrusted into the custody of an elven family who would be able to make her appear as part of them. Fortuna was a shy young girl that once met Flugel, and they had kept a mostly-friendly bond through the years. She wasn't completely convinced by the duty bestowed to her, but her mind changed as soon as she saw the sleeping girl. Her new niece. Shaula saw how tight Flugel's face was when he departed from the first part of the plan. His cynical view of the world having long collapsed, now emotional pain remaining within his heart and soul.

The second step was a little more tricky. Satella herself couldn't be influenced directly, not without risking her mind picking up that something was wrong. Flugel had to rely on the instincts-driven mindset of her counterpart, the Witch of Envy, and implant a subconscious order that would activate at a specific time. Differently from Satella, the entity made by pure dark emotions didn't have the means to notice this kind of hidden order and would feel it more like a blessing due to the end it would provide her.

Flugel was rather nervous about this very aspect even though they knew there wouldn't be any surprises in the mind-related imposition. His concern was all about 'how' Satella would move to protect someone that her other side was keen to consider as 'another Flugel'. The possibilities tied to that relation were endless and not always positive. It was a risky path in general, but he could tell that was going to be a determining factor from the very moment the project started its function.

Which is why the third option was entrusted to Egubert. He would manage to live long enough for the last summoning, the key to make sure that the end goal of this project was achieved: the end of the traitor, and to cleanse the sin he committed into this world. It sounded so vicious, and yet Shaula was unable to say no to it. The 'traitor' would have to pay for the crimes he was responsible for, and then things would return to a state of normality.

She fondly watched as Flugel made his last trip. He could feel it, his bones groaning for the last few hours as the dying elder ventured into oblivion and disappeared from the world. For the grave of the greatest mage of this world could only be the one nobody but those that cared would know about. The news of his departure reached far and wide through his disciples when their crystals connecting them to Flugel turned off. His time had come, the world silently mourned the loss of the man, unaware of his regrets and his last plan.

That was, until this very day.

Emilia stared numbly at the table's surface.

The room we were brought to was fairly spacious, yet spartan as it lacked any noteworthy elements compared to other rooms. A 'detached' section from the Tower's test rooms that was once used as Flugel's living quarters. The only table had more than enough seats to host the entire party as we were given the truth. And what we were told was far from pleasant or chill as I would have imagined. The half-elf was quiet as her body seemed to have gone half-limp, giving the absolute truth that she was struggling to grasp what she just heard.

She felt her existence questioned, and the fears of some that recognized the truth through her similar appearance to one of the greatest evils of this world justified by that explanation. But I could also see something else within her dread. Relief. For a while, within that narration, the girl feared that she was given confirmation she was the full reincarnation of Satella.

Yet, from the way Shaula remarked the details about this specific part of the narration, that wasn't a correct assessment. Her name may have been once Satella, but she started anew from a time where the Witch of Envy didn't even exist. And… she was born again with the name she now wore as the very thing she once believed to be the one and only name she ever had. A bit of a lie, but it wasn't to the point where that love and affection she received as she grew up with Fortuna to be seen as fake and driven by other purposes.

"Fortuna loved you from the very first time she saw you. She saw you as she would tell you were to her. Family, a niece to care for and give a hopeful future."

Pandora's attention was aimed elsewhere, rightfully so. A hint of shame appeared briefly on her face at that comment, and I wondered if she was somewhat correlating her action to what happened to her and grandfather. That just added perspective to the whole situation… while also leaving me more confused than else. The others were taking the news as they should, as complete strangers in most part as they were told some ground-breaking revelation that supplanted some facts once thought to be the truth.

Ram looked uneasy at the topic, seeing a pattern on how some of the higher parts of the kingdom kept so many big lies to themselves, specifically Flugel and those that believed in him. Alice and Bea had a similar reaction, quiet but shaken, solemnly surprised by the notion that something so important about what happened in the past had all been a lie.

"If you have any questions… feel free to ask," Shaula added with a serious voice. "I understand that there might be some born from my explanation no matter how detailed I went and… I want to provide as much of the truth as possible."

I decided to inquire about something that I really failed to grasp about the whole situation.

"How did Flugel 'create' Vainglory out of the kind of magic my Grandfather had?"

My question drew a fond smile out of Shaula. "It's actually an interesting question. John, you, or anyone that comes directly from your 'world' is bestowed with powers akin to Authorities due to your lack of predetermined magical power," The young woman explained. "Normally the gates form before the affinity is created, yet your body, influenced by natural magic, slowly forms the gates 'around' the already-existing affinity. And differently from the classic affinities, yours is defined by the traits of your soul. In this case, with how the conversion into Witch Factor works, your grandfather and you both have the Element of Humility."

I slowly nodded at that, surprised that this was why I got hold of my current power. While my gates followed in most part the rules of this world's logic when it comes to magic, these were still different due to my unusual origin. And just as I thought some more about it, someone else asked a new query.

"Am I… Satella?"

The question came from a very quiet and unsure Emilia. She caught the whole room's attention, further growing stressed about this need for the full truth.

"I-I want to believe I'm not truly her but… what if I'm wrong? What if I can still hurt others and-"

"You are not me."

Emilia's voice went quiet, her eyes widened as her gaze moved in my direction. The rest of the room's occupants did the same and I knew what was up. The mirror, Satella had listened to this whole explanation. The last time we spoke was before we departed for the tower. I had so much to ask beforehand so we could avoid any kind of trouble once entering inside.

Pandora was the only one that seemed calm about it, and soon I knew I had to reveal the item to the rest. Satella wanted to speak up and… I had no means to stop her from doing that without casting further issues on myself. The mirror's lower edge was set on the table, the upper section leaning back onto my chest and… everyone got a full look on what was beyond the reflection.

"Y-You?" Shaula was the one that reacted first, the others too stunned to grasp what I had just unveiled out of the blue.

"Hello Shaula. Long time no see."

The humanized Mabeast shivered. "Seemingly long enough for you to regain your sanity and… you're whole."

"I am. I'm surprised you noticed this quickly."

"W-What's going on?" Ram asked, an accusatory glance aimed at me. "John, how do you have that kind of mirror with yourself?"

"I gave it to him," Satella answered on my behalf. "After he fell through into my prison while he was checking for the first time around the secondary seal for the barrier. I would say the Witch of Envy was to blame for it."

Shaula's eyes widened in recognition. "John was summoned near Erindor, of course! That means he ended up meeting you because the Witch noticed his unusual energy"

"Yes. And… I would dare to say that Flugel wasn't wrong about relying on John Bivone. His magic does have the effect of 'normalizing' Witch Factor."

"So, that's what happened… back then, right?" I asked, the reflection nodded.

"It would seem so. You were part of the process to stabilize the unnatural growth of the factor and cure me from this… sickness."

I smiled at the thankful tone, but soon that moment was shifted back to the origin of this revelation.

"S-So, you're… Satella."

"That's my name, Emilia. It's nice to meet you," The fellow elf said, showing some face-value confidence which didn't seem to extend to her whole self. It was clear she was nervous too, but putting an effort to give the younger woman a chance to find her own courage. "I've heard many good things from John about you… but I believe that's now what you're not interested about at the moment, right?"

Emilia nodded slowly, a nervous smile appearing on her face. "Y-Yes."

"Well, I believe the answer is quite simple. You're not me and I'm not you."


"You didn't live my life, Emilia," The Witch of Envy interrupted calmly. "You were nurtured into a different life, with a different perspective of the world and a different trouble that terrifies you. Does that make you prone to disasters such as the one I created? No. You're not me."

"I… I see."

"I believe you don't. John, can you please be a dear and push the mirror across the table. And no, I can't use any magic on others with this communication method, pink-haired maid."

"My name is Ram."

"Okay~, nice to meet you."

Ram realized a bit too late the ploy used to get her to introduce herself, a fiery blush appearing on her face but no rebuttal coming out of her mouth out of fear of being teased once again.

"W-Why do you want to talk to me… like this?" Emilia asked as she was soon holding the mirror in front of herself.

"Why not? In a way, Flugel was right to name you like that. If I imagine a daughter, I would see you fitting the role well. So sweet and gentle, your noble heart is one of the purest I have ever seen."

The storm of compliments further embarrassed the girl, but also worked to lessen the tensions between the two and soothe her worries for good. And, while Emilia and Ram were distracted with that, I had to deal with two very angry but understanding girls that were Alice and Bea. In the former case, she would have wanted for this truth to be rationalized properly as she was already aware of Satella's existence through my first encounter with Echidna, but hadn't known her real identity up to this very point. For Beatrice the situation was more 'nuttier' than else. It sounded so absurd and yet so 'fitting' for me to end up being 'pulled' into this situation due to my magic. It was fairly awkward, but I didn't have much to worry about beyond a few threats on not making anything like that ever again without telling them what it was all about.

With the talk over, Shaula mentioned that there was something else I needed to do. Someone I had to meet before they handled this whole situation about Satella. As per Flugel's order, Satella would be freed as soon as she was confirmed to be 'cured'. I wasn't sure how the process was meant to be but… I had another concern: how the hell was I supposed to break the news to the rest of the nation. With how extensive the hatred for the Witch of Envy was, it was nigh-impossible to deal with that kind of matters if the news got out to the public. And the only solution I could find, something which Satella found particularly

The walk was as silent and uneventful as before, except I could have sworn that something was… missing. I couldn't say what on the spot, but I had the distinct feeling I was forgetting about something really important. Everyone was there as I looked around, so I was unable to see what was causing this inner sense of dread to slowly spread onto my thoughts.

Much to my relief, that bizarre reaction ceased to be as soon as we arrived at our destination and… dear God, it was chilling. I had envisioned this moment for a while now, imagining the pressure, the sense of importance within the scene and the monumentality of the overall sight bestowed to us. But all of that paled in comparison to the real deal.

First Floor, Maia, the place where originally the Third Test of the Pleiades Watchtower unfolded. A vast circular room with a central column and smaller ones around, no roof existed but the natural one provided by the sky itself. Here, the lone guardian of this place beyond Shaula stood vigilant and… bored. And with our arrival in this place, before its presence, was enough to gain its attention.

Volcanica was an enormous dragon, just like the descriptions mentioned it was and how it was portrayed by Tappei. Its shiny pale blue scales gleamed like sapphires and yet looked sharp enough to unconsciously shred through any kind of being that was foolish enough to get too close to those. Its thick paws were equipped with black obsidian-like claws that were calmly tapping on the ground. Its face greatly resembles that of an Earth Dragon, yet it had two large pure-white horns sticking out of each side of his head arching upward.

Despite the isolation and the lack of activity depriving him of much of its mind, its intelligent-looking gold eyes soon glowed with interest and eagerness. Considering what Shaula had told me about the dragon's relation with my grandfather, I could imagine this scene being as intensely 'created' to compare with one of the last parts of Homer's Odyssey, when Ulysses returns back home and finds his old but loyal dog waiting for him, recognizing him under the disguise he took. Here Volcanica saw me, but it also saw the man it had befriended many centuries ago, that curious human who didn't want anything from it beyond company and conversation.

"Thou art here, John. Like Shaula announced."

I shivered, the archaic form surprising me, but I managed to muster enough bravery to answer that greeting.

"I'm his grandson, Volcanica. But I go by that name too. John."

It looked confused by that truthful comment and soon Volcanica's stare intensified, keeping away any malicious intent, only curiosity and 'glee'. Its snout lowered down towards me, and I was almost pushed away from the warm air coming from its nostrils as it caught notice of my scent… and then I was subjected to something smooth, warm and terribly wet. Its tongue.

"Gah, some warning first?"

Instead of being granted mirthful silence, the Dragon spoke once more.


Despite the fact it took me some energy to dry up the drool on my body and clothes, the jovial mood of the dragon proved to be infectious.

"Aren't you a bit too playful for a dragon your size?"

"But we'rt bored."

I chuckled, feeling almost instinctive to reach out and pat its snout. And it was there that I noticed something unusual and incredibly confusing as I felt its body vibrate while a guttural noise made its way onto my ears.

Was that… purring? What?!

"Hm!" I blinked, the feminine noise that preceded a loudly-proclaimed pout turned my attention on the ground right beside me, were a slightly miffed Majima stared away, eyes closed as she felt 'annoyed' at the fact I was treating Volcanica the same way I would just with her.

"No need to be jealous, Majima. I thought we agreed that you're not the one to monopolize me in this regard."

Her pout deepened and… Volcanica finally noticed the small pup.

"Who is that?"

"It's my familiar, Majima. She is a bit cranky because I'm giving you attention that she likes to have herself."

"N-Not always," The pup argued but… it didn't seem to change the curious look the dragon bestowed her. "A-And what are you looking at?"

Volcanica blinked... and then grinned. "Do thou crave for a chase?"

I was confused by the offer, but even more when Majima's pout turned in a wilder grin.

Shortly after I, together with pretty much the rest of the cast that was watching the display from a safer distance, were shocked to see some of the most unexpected scenes that could ensue from that meeting. I was aware that beings like Majima could 'reduce their sizes' just like she could, but I definitely didn't predict Volcanica to not only be this extrovert but also so quick to socialize with entities like Majima.

Something about it felt familiar, as if these two had met before but… I just had nothing on it. Just I had so little on the Pup's past before her imprisonment, the same was for Volcanica before he joined forces with Reid and Flugel to stop the Witch of Envy. Still, a deeply entertaining scene as I saw these two bolting left and right in what I could only assume being a tag game. Odd, shocking even, but nonetheless devoid of anything to worry about.

Or so I thought.

"John?" It was Shaula, she sounded… distressed. "D-Did you leave Echidna in the dining room?"

I turned to glance at her, confused by that kind of question, but then I finally realized what felt 'oddly different' during the talk. The pole had gone lighter as a weight was no longer applied to it. Somehow, as we were distracted, the Witch of Greed had gotten out and escaped. My eyes widened at this realization. "I-I didn't."

"How did she escape-"

"It's unimportant, we need to catch her before she has time to reach the library or the workshop and..."

Shaula continued to speak for a while but… my attention was taken elsewhere as I felt a pair of small arms suddenly hug me from behind. I tensed up as I heard a familiar giggle from the source of the embrace.

"Gotcha, John!"

My eyes widened and I turned my head to look over my shoulder to see a familiar green-haired girl slowly crawling up on my back before resting her arms around my neck. Red eyes showed happiness to match my surprise and dread.


"You remembered! I missed ya!"

B-But she- this is a proper body. She should be dead, which means-

I looked around and, as the unexpected development dawned upon me. The Witches, they were all here, all except two. One was Satella, while the other was-

"I think it's a bit too late to try and stop me now, little bug," Echidna's voice echoed all around as she emerged from the entrance, right behind everyone else. She was no longer using Omega's body, the clone of Lewes now walking beside her as the now-revived Witch smiled eye-to-eye at that win The group turned around and instantly took stances against her. "There's no need to be so aggressive. After all, this seems like a pleasant place to engage with some… tea."

But while she sounded like a nefarious villain that got us tightly held in her claws, I would soon realize the reality was much different from the way most of the more conscious and annoyed witches started to 'bully' her in stopping to appear like a villain. In their eyes, this was meant to be an end to the 'messes they caused' a few years ago, not a chance to do more about it.

Typhon happily enjoyed getting carried around by me, the girl seemingly understanding that the reason why this second visit took so long was tied to Echidna being the only way to make it happen. And yet, as the Greedy Witch had just proclaimed, a tense tea party ensued for the sake of understanding what was going on and how this was even possible.

There were in fact many questions to ask, and one last truth to learn about. A truth not even Shaula knew about but… Volcanica was aware of. A truth that would change many interactions I had with someone back in the capital.