
We need more paper!

Summoned in Lugnica? Check. No RtD and Witch trying to kill me? Check. Being ushered to become an entire city's mayor? Che- Wait, what? Indeed, it seems that this unusual member of society had been yanked into a glorified desk job. It's a must to keep a low profile but he's in another world where peace is a short abstraction and shenanigans ensue pretty quickly. Art is Myu Myu Moon Chapter every day with a bonus for every hundred power stones This Fanfic was made by SocialistBukharin and with his permission, i was allowed to repost this here if you like this story support him on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/socialistbukharin

OtakuWeibo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
67 Chs

Chapter 5: This is about me and my new friend

16 June 422

Today was the day of the trial and... I was perfectly fine with the preparations I have managed to get before the event.

A thorough investigation of the merchant's house brought to light some interesting pieces of evidence for the prosecution, adding to the pile of accusations of grand theft, sabotage and high treason against the Kingdom.

It would seem that the criminal not only tried to carve a fief out of his criminal network, but also sold sensitive information to the bordering kingdom of Gusteko in the north.

And while both nations enjoyed amiable relations by sharing a common enemy in Volacchia, selling details regarding the manpower deployed by the local garrison and by the one dispatched near the border was easily considered treason by the Law of the Dragon Kingdom.

I had expected for this to be a mere example to set a precedent for possible future trials, a 'City of Erindor v. Mr. Hornos Hert' kind of situation.

While the idea was well-liked by the judge attached to the trial, with the new evidence the name was changed into something a little more... Threatening.

The 'Dragon Kingdom of Lugnica v. Mr. Hornos Hert' was the first time an entire Kingdom challenged in a trial a single man. Sure, Hornos had warranted this by actually betraying the nation, but I admit I almost felt bad for the poor man.

At first the trial was set to happen a day before, on the 15th, but news from the Capital demanded a full-day delay.

The reason? An entourage of people, a mix of judicial experts and intrigued nobles, wanted to witness the trial as it unfolded.

There was no Barielle, no Karsten, nor any other known noble members.

Yet there was going to be an important guest, one of the current heirs to the Kingdom. Which one I was unsure of, but the first- and second-born were surely not the mysterious VIP.

The delay day was spent preparing a proper greeting party for the arrival of the royal entourage, something that was planned to be pleasant but also not overly-extravagant.

Part of the latter noon was spent teaching both Hans and Fritz some basic etiquette, just enough to move smoothly through the curtsies and bows they might encounter on the big day.

Morning struck and I was already undergoing my usual ritual: A quick visit to the bathroom, changing my sleeping clothes with the formal ones that were already available from the Mayor's wardrobe and some early morning paperwork.

Going for a light breakfast, I was swiftly checking around for any possible issue about the event, hoping for it to proceed smoothly.

These kinds of visits were generally a grand boon for a city like Erindor as it allowed to bring up to the King's attention any need the town required a solution.

In our predicament, the city required a proper military stand, one that could be achieved quickly if there were good men with war experience willing to train the volunteers in the City's Militia and Guards.

But this was going to be mentioned by the end of this whole situation, for the good reason that this needed to be perceived not as someone's begging but as an official request to the monarch.

I was busy helping the two boys in putting on their formal clothes, something that they were showing distress as the texture of said clothing was far from pleasant to the touch and I too was having a hard time keeping myself from scowling at the sensation, when one of the guards barged in with a thrilled expression. "Mayor Bukharin, the entourage has been spotted in the distance."

I sighed at the excitement coming off from the young soldier. "Then I guess we shall all go to meet up with

Ser Orestes by the gates."

The two siblings shared a collective nod and we walked out of the mansion, reaching the old knight a few minutes later.

For someone that is usually less inclined to show emotions, Orestes looked moderately giddy at the prospect of this opportunity and greeted us with a small smile.

"Mayor Bukharin, today truly is a good day."

I nodded at his greeting. "Indeed it is, Ser. But I hope the cast offered by the capital isn't going to be too difficult to please.

He sighed. "I doubt it, especially since I have personally spotted the leading figure of this visit."

"Truly?" Now that was interesting. Could it be the unknown royal? "And may you tell me who it is?"

"Miklotov McMahon himself."


The lore about the character wasn't much but the history I knew from the few books I managed to read gave a highly-detailed narration of the deeds the elder is known for.

The one that brokered the peace in the Demi-Human War, he was known for having not only brought peace but also stipulated several rights for Demi-humans by using the war itself as a driving reason while also circumventing the king and the royal council in the process.

He was deemed incredibly intelligent, having held several posts at the Royal Academy and having been its headmaster for two four-year-long mandates.

Not much is known about his background and many suspected that the reason for his foggy past is his low-born status that was a dark reminder that... The feudal system sucks.

Finally the large convoy of carriages reached the gates of Erindor and I couldn't but stare in awe at how 'peculiar' the vehicles looked.

They were all painted white with golden details, some runes visible by their sides and... The lack of a mounting beast.

Those carriages weren't using neither horses, nor Earth Dragons. It was freaking magic and super-speed.

I mean, two days were a lot but to reach this city from the capital, the entourage had to have gone around the humongous mountains that ruled from the center of the kingdom and... I was quite sure by normal means it would have taken a month or two.

I tried to steal a glimpse at the prince in the small crowd forming from the people rallying out of the carriages and yet I couldn't see anyone with the distinctive blonde hair and red eyes.

My search was brief as I was quickly brought to meet up with the old Sage.

"Honorable McMahon, the city of Erindor greets you."

He frowned. "But what about its new Mayor?"

I blinked. "I- what?"

"You said 'Erindor' greets me, but is the same from the Mayor and-"

"Yes, the Mayor of Erindor greets you, Honorable Sage."

His mouth closed, his face relaxing in a pleasant look. "That is good to know."

"I-I can't believe it..." I looked at Orestes, the old knight staring in shock at the crowd and, as my stare followed the direction his eyes were looking at, I found out quickly the reason for his surprise.

I was stunned when I spotted a familiar old man wearing butler-like clothes chatting quietly with some nobles.

Wilhelm van Astrea, the Sword Demon, was here.

But why would the husband of the previous Sword Saint be there? Why would he be recruited for this situation- the prince.

The Royal family had to have asked his services to protect whoever was there but... He looks so cool!

"Mr. Astrea has kindly accepted to escort the prince for this visit, while making sure he doesn't wander around in some unpleasant predicament." I turned back at McMahon and frowned in confusion at his words.

"But where is the prince?"

"He was feeling tired for the trip and was sleeping in his carriage." The sage explained calmly. "He will join us late in the greeting party and... I think it would be rightful of you if we were taken to said celebration."

I nodded at the subtle cue. "Indeed and I've seen for the trial to happen after lunch, to give everyone the time to rest and prepare for the work."

"That sounds delightful." And with that comment I personally led the group from the capital through the town as the Militia and Guards cooperated in securing the path from the curious people of the city.

The walk was short and went smoothly as we reached the large mansion and its ballroom.

A small orchestra had been engaged for the event and some dancing ensued.

Ten minutes of chatting around, trying to mingle with high society and I was feeling disgusted by the silly topics that most of the group were discussing about.

I spotted the twins chatting quietly with Miklotov and I was surprised to see the sage visibly pleasant with whatever they were talking about.

I was kind of distracted by the sight and- *thud* Ugh!

Someone crashed into me and we both tumbled on the floor. Flinching at the simple pain I barely glanced at the individual that had tripped us all.

"I-I am sorry, I was distracted by the room and-" "I-It's alright I was distracted myself."

I accepted his helping hand and finally got a glance of him. Frowning at the relatively big hat, I tried to make sense of the young man in front of me.

For some reason his face reminded me of someone but... I was unsure whom.

Smiling nervously, his dark-red eyes seemed to glow because of the small shadow created by the hat.

"I don't.. think I saw you back at the entrance." The blunt comment froze him up in a still pose of shock.

"I-I was busy to... The toilet!"

I blinked at the excuse, the loud tone it delivered was suspicious. "The toilet?"

He nodded again to emphasize the point. "The toilet."


Whatever this individual was hiding, I hardly guessed it was dangerous. He surely wasn't anyone from the Witch cult, no one from the group capable of pulling that kind of infiltration... Yet.

"T-Then could I offer you an apology in the form of.. Some treats?" He took a plate of appetizers out of the hands of a passing waiter.

"But isn't that something I am offering?"

He smiled cheekily. "But do you also offer some friendly tales of manliness?"

...Pffft- T-The gall to be this cheeky!

I cracked a twitchy smile at his hilarious tone and nodded. "Then do enlighten me with your tales."

I have met several jokers in my life but... This one was insanely funny.

While the initial topic was 'manliness', the stories soon spiraled into downright silky but relatable.

Soon we were sharing funny bits of each other but I was still unable to get a name out of the fun guy.

At least that was until I noticed that someone was approaching our general direction... And was Wilhelm himself.

I narrowed my eyes but the old man barely glanced my way as his stare was fixed on my new friend.

'Sir, I think it's time for you to drop the act. People are asking about you."

The words made zero sense and I was about to ask for some clarification when the red-eyed buddy nodded at the' Sword Demon' and removed his hat.

I stared at the blonde locks and the overall appearance and-

Oh my God, I just became buddies with Fourier Lugnica.