
We Hold Hands

Curse in modern times? There's just this grandfather of mine. Grandpa tells about the curse of a man who has a face full of wrinkles. Well it's only natural that when you're old, even an old woman will wrinkle, but this man was my age when he heard this story from grandpa, still a child. I couldn't believe it, how could it be. It could just be a gene disorder, or a type of ape that was never exposed. However, as I grew older, I experienced it. I mean, it wasn't me who wrinkled quickly, but one of my classmates who claimed to be. Weird, ostracized freak, Galter. Galter who went to school with me, said the same thing as my grandfather said. Even himself who experienced it, very strange, usually strange people will not tell the oddity. How could this handsome Galter be cursed to be an old geezer at a young age. “Don't read too many novels, they affect your mind. Are we in the Harry Potter world?"

Altumstar · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

Longing and Disappointment

Back in the castle, Senem's shadow still kept me awake. I want to set the record straight on what happened two years ago, because Senem is also my friend, I don't want to make too much trouble. I deliberately opened the window of my room to let Senem in. Actually, I was waiting for him, if it was true that what I saw was Senem, then he also saw me and knew that I was back here. I waited for him, awake even though my eyes were closed, because I was anxious to see him.

The night breeze blew in, I finally fell asleep peacefully. As I fell asleep, Senem came over, stroking my hair and touching my neck slowly. Had I been awake, I would have met him but unfortunately, I had fallen asleep first before Senem came along.

The next day, I caught a cold. I left the window of my room open, and it made me have a cold and itchy throat. Nurse Dory had already administered me medicine before nurse Dory went to work to a hospital some distance away from here. Puskesmas is the nearest place for treatment. I'm grateful that now my relationship with nurse Dory has gotten better than it was two years ago.

"Eir? If you feel unwell, you shouldn't need to go to school first. I'll get a permit," Lavin said, feeling a little strange that I was sick within a day, even though I was fine yesterday.

"No need, I can bear it," I replied not eating much.

We both went to school, and I had already prepared a notebook along with my other stationery, also I brought my favorite novel. Today, I don't plan to go to the canteen, and will just take a break in the classroom.

Wow, the two of us came too early, there are still few who come. In my new class I came myself, after I saw that the clock was indeed still half past seven, and the study started at about half past eight. It's okay, after all, Mr. Harto is also rushing to his place of work, it's still good because Mr. Harto wants to take us. It's good if I take Lavin for a driving course, so there is no need to trouble Mr. Harto anymore. Well, if Lavin's hand is completely healed, I will invite you.

I didn't have anything to do, so I went to Lavin's class, and saw Lavin talking to his friend, Lavin had already made new friends, it was good that Lavin could get along well. Seeing her like that, I didn't want to disturb, so I just went back to my class. When he walked into the classroom, Galter was already inside. Our eyes met, but there was no conversation whatsoever. I just went back to sit in my seat, and felt awkward. My head was also a little heavy, so I sat down and put my head to sleep on the table, with my hands the pillows of my head.

I closed my eyes and opened them, then peered from between my hands, Galter just sat down and didn't do anything. Even though I didn't mean to joke like that, it's just that what he said can't be said to be a seriousness. I had doubts about Galter's story, but he didn't seem to be joking with what he said.

Again I closed my eyes, and by the time I opened it Galter was already near me with his chair being held close to me. Suddenly I awoke and his hand touched my forehead, checking something. Immediately I held his hand holding my forehead.

"Why?" I asked still holding his hand.

"Fool, why did you leave the window of your room open. Now you're sick, coughing. Your body is also a bit warm," Galter said then holding my cheek and indeed I felt that my body was hot.

"You know?" I asked somewhat confused.

"I told you that I am this—"

"You stalk me? How dare you! I guess you're a good person, it turned out to be just a stalker. You want something. Fuck!" cut me not letting Galter finish his words.

"I told you I'm Senem, I saw you yesterday night chasing me, but you didn't go into the woods. You're terrified, scared because of me. You're afraid of me," Galter said again mocking himself as Senem. It's possible for Galter to stalk me, even when I'm chasing something that's just a myth.

"You've even stalked me since in the lake?! Boy, I'm disappointed in you. I thought you were a good person, it turned out to be just a stalker," I said completely disappointed with Galter which made me unable to believe him, even though I thought I could get a good life again, let alone have Galter with me.

"Eiryana! Listen to me!" snapped Galter holding both of my shoulders so I could focus on him, but it scared me instead knowing how delinquent this Galter was.

I was silent, my eyes filled with tears, trying to hold back from crying. Galter who saw my condition like that let go of the grip on me. Then didn't say anything more, just looked at me with annoyance.

"I didn't mean to yell at you," Galter said his voice lowered.

Nicholas got to the classroom and heard Galter shaping me. Soon Nicholas came to me and saw me who was tearing up.

"Galter! What did you do to Eiryana?" asked Nicholas knowing that Galter was a jerk, but wouldn't be rude to girls, in fact his thinking was wrong.

"It's none of your business, don't interfere," Galter said not like someone interfering in his affairs, especially when it comes to personal matters that people don't need to know.

"Help me," I said now somewhat terrified in a loud voice.

Nicholas heard me ask for help and took me away from Galter. Galter had been reluctant to let go of me, but saw me who didn't turn to him at all, so Galter let go of me. Nicholas took me out of the classroom after putting away his bag. I felt more relieved after coming out of class.

"Here," Nicholas said buying drinking water for me.

"How much is it?" I asked.

"No need," Nicholas replied smiling kindly.

"I'm sorry to trouble you. I... sorry I don't want to discuss it just yet," I said not wanting to talk about Galter, or spread something uncertain. I was just angry because I really didn't like stalkers, some of the time I had trouble with journalists or stalkers who some of them terrorized me.

"There is no need to tell. Now calm yourself down first. Let's wait until the bell comes in, and then we get into the classroom. I should have taken care of you, surely your impression has been bad about this school," Nicholas said it should have been to keep the new students until they could adapt, that's his job now besides the assignments in the classroom.

"You've taken care of me so much. It's something unpredictable. I was familiar with Galter before coming in here, and then there was an unresolved problem. Who would have thought that I was reunited with him here. This is my business as well as Galter. Then thank you for helping me earlier. I'm very helped by your existence," I told Nicholas because it was true. Had there been no Nicholas, maybe I would have cried like a weak man.

Galter from afar noticed us. Galter felt very guilty for me, but couldn't get close to me because there was Nicholas with me. Two days of school, I have already encountered another unresolved problem. Do I have to move again? Look for other schools that are around here.