
We Had No Choice (dlm)

Helena Lestrange, the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange, is attending her third year at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy is her best friend, along with the golden trio and many others. But will happen when Draco and Helena realize their fate is very similar? Will they find each other and stand up before it's too late?

mayamalfoy · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 7

✨Helena Lestrange✨

About a month and a half went by since my fight with Draco and we still haven't spoken a word to each other.  It's now Halloween.  Pansy and Blaise both heard about the argument and what we said, so they know I'm dating Harry.  They were both shocked, but weren't too surprised for I have been friends with the three since first year, and they knew that.  So as much as they didn't like Harry, they were pretty supportive.

It's been... a crazy couple of weeks, to say the least.  Normally after school, Pansy, Blaise, Draco and I will all go to the common room to do our homework.  Then, we all hang out for the rest of the day before we're sent off to bed.  Now, I go to the Gryffindor common room to hang out and do homework with Hermione, Ron, and Harry.  I still talk to Pansy and Blaise a lot, but I leave as soon as Draco joins our conversation.  I already know he's going to make some stupid remark about our fight, and I don't want to hear it.

Harry and I are, in his words, brilliant.  He takes me on dates almost every weekend and we really enjoy our company around each other.  It's not awkward anymore between us and honestly, it doesn't even feel like we're going on dates anymore.  It feels more like two really good friends going to hang out.  Despite the argument (which the three also heard about), Harry, Ron, and Hermione have really been cheering me up.

Fred and George have also been cheering me up as well.  We continue to pull pranks to whoever falls in our trap.  One time, we put a spell in some chocolate frogs that make you turn green and Ron ended up eating them.  He was in the hospital for two days!

Back to Draco, it feels weird being without him all the time.  Although, slightly relieving.  Don't get me wrong, I miss him so much with his sarcastic responses and witty humor, but I've recently been doing things that he would hate to see me do, and it feels great.  Sometimes, he'll even catch me in the act, and the look on his face is priceless.  For example, hanging out with everyone but him for a while.  Harry, Ron, and Hermione were my first friends when coming to Hogwarts, besides Draco.  Us four always liked to hang out a lot with each other until Draco started getting very protective of me.  He would say, "Those three are nothing but trouble, always getting into some sort of life or death situation," which was true, but I didn't care.  I love adventures.  Since then, whenever I hung out with the three for "too long," he'd try to find ways to make me leave and go hang out with him.  Another thing was my love for pranks.  He told me that as much as he enjoys them, I'm going to get caught one day, which will only happen if I'm not careful.  So, I've had a lot of fun pulling pranks with the twins recently.  Those were just two examples of what Draco gets upset at, he basically hates all things that could put me in danger.  He treats me like a child, so I'm glad I'm getting a little break from him right now.

✨Draco Malfoy✨

She's been reckless.  Ever since our argument, she's been doing all the things I hate her doing.  I want to hate her, really I do.  But there's something about her, and I just can't do it.  In class, I find myself staring at her... a lot.  I miss her and hate her at the same time and it drives me mad.  Every time I see Pansy and El walking together, I try to catch up to them, in hopes I can have a conversation with her.  Instead, she just walks off.  I've also tried talking to Pansy about her, but she's no use.  Pansy will not tell me a single word El says about me.  I want to apologize for the way I acted that night, but I won't do it until she talks to me.

✨Helena Lestrange✨

This morning at breakfast, Harry came up to me and Hermione with a big smile on his face.  Right behind him was Ron.

"Hey, guess what the Gryffindor common room's doing tonight?" Harry said, sitting down next to me.

"What?" Hermione replied.

"They're having a costume party!" Ron exclaimed, excited about the news.

"That should be fun, but I don't have a costume." I told them.

"Madam Malkin's is open.  She's having a costume sale as well." Hermione said.

"Perfect!  Do you guys want to head over now or later?" I replied.

"Well, we don't have anything to do for the rest of the day.  So we can go now." Harry said, getting up.

The four of us headed to Madam Malkin's and picked out our costumes.  Hermione and I decided to dress up together, and chose the angel/devil duo.  Pretty basic in the muggle world apparently.  Harry chose a werewolf and Ron is going as an inflatable dinosaur.  We paid and walked back to our dorms to drop off our stuff (I left mine in Hermione's dorm since we'd be getting ready together) before hanging out until we had to start getting ready.

✨Draco Malfoy✨

"A party tonight? Where?" I asked Pansy.  A party did sound fun tonight, hopefully it would get my mind off things.  Usually every year, El and I would stay in and watch scary movies all night and eat candy we bought earlier that day from Honeydukes.  But since we're not the best of friends right now, I could really use this time to party.

"In the Gryffindor common room." She told me.  "Look, I know it's not the place we would've wanted the party to be at, but this will be fun.  It's Halloween after all and I'm not going to let you two stay in tonight." Pansy pointed at both Blaise and I.  Sometimes, Pansy acted like our mother, and we hated it.  She'd start telling us what to do and what not to do and we just stood there, agreeing with everything she said in hopes she would stop talking.

As much as I didn't want to go to the Gryffindor common room, it was the only party there'd be tonight.  And I was positive El would be there as well, so I agreed and so did Blaise.  The three of us went to Madam Malkin's to pick out some costumes for tonight.  Pansy's going as a pirate, Blaise is going to be a zombie, and I would be a vampire.  We walked back to the Slytherin common room to start getting ready.

✨Helena Lestrange✨

"Are you still not talking to Draco?" Hermione asked me as we were getting ready.

"No.  I really want this fight to be over between us.  Even though he's pretty annoying, he's one of my best friends, and I wouldn't want to lose him." I replied, adding my eyeliner at the same time.

"I hope you two work things out.  I may not like him very much but I know how much he means to you.  Maybe he'll show up to the party tonight." She responded, fixing her bushy hair into nice curls.

"Draco Malfoy at a Gryffindor party?  I doubt that, but Pansy probably pushed them to go, so maybe."

We continued to get ready, talking to each other as well.  During this, we heard some of the older students testing the music, setting up the tables, and moving around the furniture so it wouldn't get in the way of people dancing.  Once we heard some students start to arrive, we decided to head down there as well.

(Thought this would be a nice outfit for the girls.  They're 13, so I wanted them to dress more modestly.  This was the closest I got to that, lol.  Feel free to change it to a cuter costume or anything that you like:))

Ron and Harry were in the common room once we arrived.  And let's just say, Ron is going to be very easy to spot in the crowd.  We talked for a bit as more and more students from different houses started arriving.  Soon, the music began to play.

"Come on, Hermione!  I love this song!" I said, grabbing her arm and leading her to the crowd of people dancing.  Hermione and I danced till our feet were numb.  Meanwhile, I noticed Ron and Harry by the snacks.  It wasn't long until the boys came to join us, having fun dancing.  Ron was showing off his "moves" when he suddenly stopped, looking at the door.

"Well look who decided to join." Ron said, getting back to his dancing afterwards.

I couldn't see through the wave of people, so I excused myself with Hermione following after me as we went to see who walked in.  My attitude completely changed when Draco walked through the door.

✨Draco Malfoy✨

We locked eyes before Pansy brushed my shoulder to go say hi to El.  This was the first time she's shown me any recognition at all.  Her red dress and black hair made her look intimidating, in a way.  Her dress fit her nicely and the curls in her hair framed her face.  She looked beautiful.  But what made me stare the most at her, were her eyes.  Her hazel eyes that looked like honey when the sun hit her face.  Her hazel eyes that I would get lost in from just one look.  Her hazel eyes, one of the things I missed most.

"Want a drink?" Blaise asked.

"Sure, I'll go with you." I replied, as we walked over to the food table.

El was introducing Hermione to Pansy as I took a sip from my soda.  It looked like they were getting along pretty well, for they were all smiling and laughing.  Her laugh, I miss that too.  I miss making her laugh everyday and hearing her say, "You're an idiot," or "You're stupid" right after.  I miss when she would laugh until she fell off the bed (which we would laugh even more at) or had tears in her eyes and told me her stomach hurt from laughing so much.  I miss her.

✨Helena Lestrange✨

Our quick eye contact almost made me run to him and hug him, apologizing for everything and wanting to go back to how we were.  No.  I have to stand my ground.  I'm not giving in so easily.  And yet, I couldn't take my eyes off him.  I want things to go back to normal so badly.  But then I wonder if he'll accept my apology or not.  I don't want to look like an idiot if he doesn't.  But, apologizing would give me a reason to talk to him.  Wait, what am I saying.  He has to apologize first.  He's the one who wants to control everything I do in life.  But still, I miss him.  I miss him making me laugh.  I miss him watching movies with me in his dorm until we both fell asleep.  I miss everything, but most importantly, him.

I introduced Pansy and Hermione to each other, which went well.  We're even planning on having a sleepover over the weekend!  Until then, Hermione, Pansy, and I went to the dance floor to party some more.

It was about 2 in the morning when Hermione decided to go to bed.  Some of the other students had left as well and Pansy and I also left shortly after.  Draco and Blaise saw that we were leaving and head off as well.  Just what I needed, an awkward conversation between the four of us.  Pansy was on my right with Blaise walking up to the other side of me.  Draco was on the other side of Blaise.  I was pretty tired so I stayed quiet for most of the conversation.

"You know, Hermione's not so bad when she's partying."  Pansy said, leaving Draco and Blaise a surprised look.  She continued, "I'm serious.  She may be a little know-it-all in class, but she's pretty funny when she's not worried about her Potions work."

Talking about Hermione with the three made me remember the time back in first year when Draco had a thing for Hermione.  It didn't last long, though.  I just remember Draco sitting next me on the train ride there, when Hermione walked in, asking if we'd seen a toad or something.  When she left, he told me that he had just fallen in love.  He then came to the Slytherin common room that night, upset that she was muggle-born.  So like I said, it didn't last long.  I got to know her as joke and now we're best friends.  I also told Hermione and she just laughed about it, amused from the story.

✨Pansy Parkinson✨

Before the party started, I went to find Blaise.

"Hey, we need to talk." I asked him.  Blaise was reading a book on his bed.  Draco was eating lunch with Crabbe and Goyle, so we had the room to ourselves.

"Sure, what is it?"

"It's about El and Draco."

"Pansy, leave them alone.  They'll work things out when they want to, you can't force them to." Blaise replied, knowing that I would want to help them.

"Look, I'm not saying we force them to work things out.  I'm just saying they need small push.  I hate that they're not friends right now, and so do you.  I mean, it's so awkward now that they're not talking.  Come on, let's help them!"

Blaise thought about it before answering, "I hate that you're right.  Fine, what do you want to do?"

So we came up with a plan.  After El and I decided to leave the party, Blaise and Draco would follow us out.  Then, we'd talk for a bit before Blaise and I remembered we had to go to the library to finish an assignment we left till last minute.  We'd leave both El and Draco alone to hopefully talk and forgive each other.  And so we did.

✨Draco Malfoy✨

Did they really have to wait until the last day to do their assignment?  Honestly, I'm glad they both left.  Now, I have a chance to talk to El and hopefully we can make up.

✨Helena Lestrange✨

I knew what Blaise and Pansy were up to once she said they had a last minute assignment to complete.  I know Pansy, and she would never leave anything last minute.  I knew this was just a trick to get Draco and I to talk again.

I ignored it and saw Pansy and Blaise run off to the "library."  I continued walking, pretending Draco wasn't there.  Although, I wanted nothing more than to have a normal conversation with him again.  We walked in silence for a bit, hearing nothing but the crickets chirping and the soft wind blowing.

"So...this Halloween was different from the past few years." Draco said, looking anywhere but at me.

"Yup." I said, acting like I didn't want to speak to him.

"How have you been?" He asked, just trying to make conversation.

"Fine."  This was probably the most awkward talk I've had with him...ever.

"How are you and your little boyfriend?"

"What's your deal?" I said, getting annoyed now.

"What do you mean?  I'm just trying to talk to you."

"We haven't talked in weeks and now you want to talk?  You could've at least apologized first."

"Apologized?!  For what?  Getting upset that you're dating my enemy?  Oh sure, I'm not going to get mad at that!"  We both stopped walking to look at each other.

"You said that you were fine with me liking Harry and now that he likes me back, that's changed?  Look, I know he's not the first person you would've imagined me with but I thought you would at least be supportive of me!  This is exactly why I debated on telling you!  I had hoped that when I told you, you would be there for me.  I hoped that I could talk to you about my relationship like you talked to me when you liked a girl.  Draco, this fight between us is exactly what I didn't want to happen."  And with that, I stormed off to my dorm.

When I entered my dorm, I found Pansy and Blaise talking.  They were shocked to see I had made it to my dorm so soon.  At that moment, I didn't care who was there, the tears that were once held back had all been let go.

Pansy rushed over to me, asking, "What happened El?!"

I took a seat on Pansy's bed, with Blaise on my left comforting me as well.

"I miss him.  I miss him so much and he probably hates me!" I choked out.

"Hey, he doesn't hate you." Blaise responded.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"He told me, okay?  Look, he would kill me if he knew I was telling you this, but he misses you too El.  He really does.  He wants to apologize but he's worried you won't forgive him."

"Why would he think that?  Of course I would forgive him!  I just want him to apologize for trying to control my life so much." I let out a small laugh as I continued, "He's just so protective of me, like I can't take care of myself or something.  'You can't date him,' 'Don't do that you'll get hurt,' like does he think I'm a child or something?"

Pansy and Blaise chuckled and agreed at my statement.

"Yeah, we know.  We see how he protects you El.  But he's only doing it so you don't get hurt in any way."

"I know, but I like the thrill of that.  I like getting myself into all sorts of adventures.  Although, that would be the thing Draco hates most about me." We laughed and continued talking.  A few moments later, we heard the common room door open and close.  Draco.

"Should we tell Draco about this?" Pansy asked.

"No.  I want him to find out on his own why he needs to apologize.  I don't want him being told.  I guess after he apologizes I will too."

And with that, Blaise left to his dorm and Pansy and I got ready for bed.