
We Had No Choice (dlm)

Helena Lestrange, the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange, is attending her third year at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy is her best friend, along with the golden trio and many others. But will happen when Draco and Helena realize their fate is very similar? Will they find each other and stand up before it's too late?

mayamalfoy · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 5

✨Draco Malfoy✨

A few days later

I get up and get dressed for school, and so does Blaise. While we're getting ready, Blaise starts questioning me.

"I heard you leave the dorm last night, where'd you go?"

"Just downstairs to the common room."

"Really? Cause I heard you talking with El."

"She was down there as well." I said, clearly annoyed.

Blaise was quiet before he spoke up once more. "Do you like her, El?"

"Why do you think that?" I wanted nothing more for the conversation to be over, but I still had a few things to do before I could leave our room.

"You guys are just so close that anyone would think you two are dating."

"What? No, El and I are friends. Just friends." As I replied, I just realized how unconvincing that sounded.

"Alright, Draco." Even Blaise knew it sounded odd.

"Shut up, Blaise." I picked up my bag and left.

After school

We finished classes for the day and I was so relived it was Friday. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are having a Quidditch game later and the winning team usually has a party, so I'm hoping Gryffindor loses. I'd rather party in a room full of Hufflepuff's and Gryffindor's. I made my way to the common room and found my friends scattered on the couches.

"It's about time." Blaise said, noticing me enter.

I ignored his comment and sat next to El.

"Hey." She said with a smile, but it looked as though something was on her mind.

"Hey." I replied.

We talked for a bit before El got up and said she was going to go watch the Quidditch game. She went up to her room to freshen up and came back down 5 minutes later.

"Alright, I'm leaving!" She said, heading to the door.

No one else wanted to watch the game, so we waved goodbye and continued talking.

✨Helena Lestrange✨

I headed to the game early to talk to Harry. I hadn't spoken to him at all except when we were working on the essay, but other than that, nothing. I needed to talk to him about what happened, because that's all that was on my mind. I told Hermione the next day and she said she wouldn't say anything. She also said that if I liked him, I should go for it. I'm not sure though, I mean, do I like him like that? All I know is that when he kissed me, I never wanted it to end. I felt that I should at least talk to Harry about it so it's not awkward between us anymore.

I entered the locker room and looked around for Harry. I walked up to Fred and George and asked if they knew where Harry was. They didn't, so I walked up to Oliver, captain of the Gryffindor team.

"Hey Wood, have you seen Harry anywhere?"

Surprised that I was even talking to him, he replied, "Uh, yeah. Right there." He pointed to Harry standing by a locker, tying his shoes. I thanked Oliver and sat next to Harry.

"Hey, can we talk? If it's not too much trouble, or course."

Harry, shocked that I was here, said, "Sure. Let's go outside, though."

"Okay." I followed Harry right outside the locker room.

He closed the door as I turned to him and said, "Look, we need to talk about what happened a few nights ago. I just can't stop thinking about it."

"Uh, yeah, me either." We were now in an awkward silence with only the sounds of students making their way towards the field in the background.

I don't really know what came over me, but to break the silence, I told him, "Harry, I like you, and not just as a friend."

The look in Harry's eyes showed that he was not expecting that answer.

"Are you serious, El?" He asked as I nodded.

"Wow, I like you too, El. I just didn't want to tell you because I thought you didn't like me in that way."

Honestly, I didn't know either, but once I said it, it just felt right. I laughed and Harry joined in. After, Harry asked me, "El, would you like to go on a date sometime?"

Without wondering about what my friends would think, I replied, "Yes, Harry."

"Brilliant. I'll pick you up around 6 then?"

"Sure." We smiled at each other before heading off in opposite directions. Internally, I was screaming. I was going on a date with Harry! I found Ron and Hermione in the stands and whispered Hermione the news. We both got excited as Ron looked at us curiously. After a moment, Ron said, "You know I know about you and Harry, right?"

"He told you about the kiss?" I asked, surprised.

"Right when he entered the dorm, actually. So, what are you two so excited about?"

"Harry asked El on a date!" Hermione said loudly.

"Shush! No one knows except you two. Not even Draco."

"Draco doesn't know? Bloody hell, El, are you trying to get Harry killed? 'Cause that's exactly what Draco's going to do to Harry when he finds out you went on a date with him!" Ron looked shocked that I hadn't told Draco yet, since they know I tell him everything.

"That's exactly why I won't tell him about the date, for now. Eventually, I'll have to tell him."

"El's right, I would definitely wait to tell Draco." Hermione told me, as we all laughed afterwards. Then, the game begun.

Everything went well until we saw Harry falling, hundreds of feet, down. The three of us were in complete shock and didn't know what to do. Luckily, Dumbledore saved Harry and the three of us made our way to the hospital wing. When the game was over, Harry was still unconscious and the team came to visit Harry as well. They told us that with Harry gone, the other seeker caught the snitch within a few minutes. It was totally unfair that they won. They also said that the dementors caused Harry to fall and Dumbledore sent them off. A few minutes later, Harry woke up. We explained what happened and soon, everyone left to eat dinner. Everyone, but me. We continued talking and laughing, trying to make him feel better.

"I think I might have to postpone our date tonight." He said smiling.

I laughed, "Yeah, maybe another time when you aren't laying in a hospital bed."

He chuckled and replied, "Perhaps when I'm able to walk again."

We laughed and continued talking until we saw it was getting late.

"I should get back to my common room now. My friends are probably wondering where I am." I told Harry, getting up.

"Okay. I'll hopefully be out tomorrow, so maybe we can have our date then? Same time?"

"Definitely." I walked out the hospital wing and down to my common room. As soon as I walked in, Pansy, Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle were all dressed up and ready to leave.

"Woah, where are you guys going?" I asked.

"We're going to the Hufflepuff party. We thought you were there already so we were just about to leave. Go upstairs and get dressed!" Pansy replied.

Draco cut in, "Where were you anyway?"

"Oh, I was with Fred and George. We were going over more pranks for later." I said, surprised by my own lie.

"Can't wait to see what's next." Blaise told me. He continued, "Loved the prank on Filch, by the way."

"Thanks." I said, giggling.

My friends didn't mind that I hung out with Fred and George, they even liked them. Obviously, they weren't going to tell the twins that, but they admired their love for pranks since it gave them some entertainment throughout the school year.

"I'll go get dressed, you guys go on without me." I said, making my way upstairs to my room to put on a nice dress and fix my hair and makeup. Meanwhile, the group left to the Hufflepuff common room.

I quickly changed into a nice, black dress with black heels, touched up my face and went back downstairs.

(Here's what your natural hair, dress, and shoes look like. Feel free to change it to your liking.)

I was about to leave when I saw a familiar face sitting on the couch: Draco.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were at the party?" I asked, walking up to him.

"I was waiting for you. I know you don't like walking into parties alone." I giggled and sat down next to him.

"Thanks. Well, come on, we have a party to attend." I got up and nodded towards the door, signaling that we go. Instead, he looked at me and turned his direction towards the fire.

"I know you were in the hospital wing with Harry." He said, catching me completely off guard. "I walked by looking for you and saw you two together."

"Well, he was hurt. I wanted to check up on him to see if he was okay." I told him calmly. I sat back down and kept my eyes on him.

"Do you like him?" He asked me. There was no expression on his face as he continued looking at the fire in front of us.

"Draco, Harry's a really good friend to me and-" I tried to explain, but he cut me off and asked again.

"El, do you like him?"

I was silent before admitting, "Yes, Draco, I like him. Look, I was planning on telling you but I didn't know how-"

"It's fine, El. I may not like him, but if you do, then it's okay with me. I can't control who you like and who you don't."

I was shocked at what came out of his mouth. He was actually okay with it?

"Seriously? You're not going to blackmail me with this later, are you?" I asked, knowing he probably would.

He laughed and finally looked at me as he said, "No. I'm not going to blackmail you." He got up, reached his hand out, and said, "Now, let's go to that party."

I grabbed his hand as we walked out the door and headed to the Hufflepuff common room.

✨Draco Malfoy✨

Once El told me about her feelings toward Potter, I wanted nothing more than to hurt him even more. Something inside me just made me grow angry and jealous, even. But then I remembered what I told myself about wanting El to be happy, no matter what. Maybe this was just a phase that she'll get over. I know she was going through a tough time right now, so I needed to be there for her, even if I didn't want to. Plus, if he breaks her heart, I get to kill him.

When I responded, I noticed her shocked expression. Even I was surprised I said that, but I wanted to be supportive of her even if I hated her decision. Soon after, we walked to the Hufflepuff common room, holding hands the entire way.

✨Helena Lestrange✨

Draco and I entered the Hufflepuff common room with his arm around my waist. We found our friends near the dance floor and we joined them, having fun dancing. We all had a good time even though I knew Hermione and Ron were in their dorms and Harry was in the hospital. My friends and I stayed at the party until midnight. Pansy and Blaise were the first to leave, while Draco and I were the last. We walked back to our rooms together and while walking down the steps, I stopped Draco.

"Hold on! I want to take off my shoes, they've been killing me!" I say as I take a seat on the nearest bench.

He laughed and waited for me to unlace my shoes. I grabbed my heels and we continued walking back up. Once I entered my dorm, I waited for Draco to go to his before quietly leaving the common room again. I went upstairs to the hospital wing and checked on Harry. When I entered to see him, though, he was still up, reading a book.

"Harry, what are you doing up? Shouldn't you be asleep?" I asked as I took a seat at the edge of the bed.

"El, what are you doing here?" Surprised from my appearance. His hair was messy and was wearing a handmade sweater, probably from Molly.

"Just came to see you. Although, I thought you'd be asleep. Why are you up reading?"

"Why are you up in a nice dress?" He said, noticing my outfit.

I laughed and replied, "I was actually at the Hufflepuff party. My friends made me come with them."

"Well, you look really nice El."

"Thank you Potter." We talked for a while before we both got tired and decided to go to sleep.

I quickly walked into my dorm and noticed Pansy was back, meaning she was probably kicked out when Draco walked into his dorm. I put on some pajamas and fell asleep thinking about tomorrow, mainly about the date I would have with Harry.

I hope you liked that chapter!! I now am realizing El is dressing pretty grown up for her being only 13, but I really can't turn back now, so sorry about that! Go ahead and modify the clothing to how you like it. I also want to point out that with every outfit El wears (including her school robes), she wears gold jewelry like rings, necklaces, and earrings. I'll try to put more toxic Draco and El in the next few chapters, because you're really only seeing their soft side. That's all for now, though!

Much love,
