
We Had No Choice (dlm)

Helena Lestrange, the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange, is attending her third year at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy is her best friend, along with the golden trio and many others. But will happen when Draco and Helena realize their fate is very similar? Will they find each other and stand up before it's too late?

mayamalfoy · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 2

✨Helena Lestrange✨

It's been a few months since my birthday and tomorrow I start school again.  I visited Diagon Alley to buy the books I would need last week and packed my stuff right after.  I  was all set to go.  I spent the days sleeping, eating, and moping about my mother.  You never realize what you have until it's gone.  I'm only allowed to write letters to her, but I can't visit her.  My mother would hate to see me acting like this, so tomorrow at school, I'll have to pretend like nothing's wrong.

The next day

I brought my suitcase downstairs and waited for the Malfoys to get here.  We were all going to apparate to the train station.  Once they got here, I got my stuff, and we apparated.

"Alright, do you have everything?" Narcissa asked to the both of us.  We nodded and she continued, "Good.  Well, have a safe trip.  Love you!"  She gave us both a hug while Lucius stood behind her, quietly watching us.

"Bye!"  We said.  Draco and I both got on the train and took a seat in an empty compartment.

"Did you hear about your uncle, Sirius?" Draco asked, holding a newspaper that he found on the seat.

"No, I haven't been keeping up with the newspapers lately.  What happened?"

"He escaped."

"What?  That can't be.  It's impossible to break out of there."  I was completely shocked.  No one had ever escaped from Azkaban before, so how'd he do it?  I grabbed the newspaper from his hand and started to read.

"Mass murderer, Sirius Black, has escaped Azkaban earlier this morning.  No one is exactly sure how he did it, but officials are working on that right now.  If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the ministry immediately."  I read aloud to Draco.  Unbelievable.

Draco scooted closer to me as he whispered, "This means there's a chance at getting your mother back."

"Yeah.  I actually might be able to see her again."  Just the thought of that had completely put me in a better mood.  I was about to talk again when Pansy walked in.

"Hey El, Malfoy." She said with a bright smile.

"Hey." Draco said with a small wave.

"Hi Pansy!"  I told her as I got up to hug her.  A few seconds later, Blaise walks in.

"Hello ladies, gentleman."  He said, with a smirk on his face.

"Hey Blaise." Draco said, smirking.

The two took their seats and we all started talking about what we did for the rest of summer, what we're excited about for the new school year, and other things like that.  We didn't even realize the train left the station a while ago.  In the middle of our conversation, we got interrupted by Crabbe and Goyle.

"We were looking for you guys everywhere!" Crabbe says, clearly out of breath.  He takes a seat next to Blaise while Goyle sits next to me.

"How was your summer?"  Goyle asks, looking at everyone.

"Alright, I went to America.  Nasty place over there.  I see why muggles live there: they're living in their own filth, honestly.  But it was better when I came back."  Pansy said, making us laugh.

"Why were you even there in the first place?" I asked.

"My dad thought it'd be a good idea to travel this year.  What a mistake that was."  She replied.

Blaise joined in saying, "Well, sucks to suck.  I went to a bunch of Quidditch games and now I'm thinking of trying out for our house team.  I want to be a chaser."

"Sounds fun.  And you Draco?"  Goyle asked.

"Nothing much, just hung out with El." He said.

"Cool.  Happy belated birthday, by the way, El."  Goyle continued, "I forgot to get you a present, so do you want anything from the trolley?"

I laughed, appreciating how honest and kind we has to me.

"Thank you and no thanks, Goyle."

Crabbe cut in, unaware about what happened to my mother and asked, "What did you do this summer, Helena?"

Silence.  That's all that was heard.  And it was an awkward one at that.  Crabbe looked confused as hell, and Draco just gave him a death stare.

Draco knew I wasn't comfortable talking about it, so with an attitude he said, "We hung out this summer, I said that earlier, remember?"

"Oh, right." Was all Crabbe could say, confused as to why Draco was giving him an attitude all of a sudden.

"I'm going to get some fresh air." I said, leaving my seat.  I walked out of the compartment and shut the door behind me.  No one argued or insisted that I stay, thankfully.  So, I went to go find some friends that I had been missing: Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

They weren't far from the compartment I was at previously.  I walked in and said hello as I hugged everyone.  I was about to sit when an unfamiliar body was in the compartment.

"Who's that?"  I asked, pointing to the person.

"Professor R.J Lupin" Hermione says.

Confused and curious, I sit down in between Harry the man, trying to get a good look at his face.  But he had covered himself with a jacket.

The four of us catch up for a bit before the train starts to slow down.  Harry pokes his head outside the door, to see what's going on, and so are other students.  Harry was then pushed back by the force of the train stopping.  Shortly after, the lights turned off.  Ron looks out the window, more scared than Harry, Hermione, and I combined.  The rest of the lights on the train turn off and it's starts getting really cold.  It feels as though it's winter time already.  The train moves once more before we see a dark, shadowy figure walk by.  At this point, the four of us were terrified.  The figure slowly opens our compartment door and looks at all of us before looking at Harry and starts to inhale deeply.  Meanwhile, Harry looks like he's being sucked in by the figure.  Suddenly, the man who was once sleeping gets up, points his wand to shine a bright light, and the figure leaves.  I didn't know what to do until I felt something hit my legs.  I look down to see Harry unconscious with his head resting on my lap.  All I could think of doing was trying to wake Harry up, so Hermione continuously said his name while I ran my fingers through his hair and shook him just a bit.  While this was happening, the lights came back on and the train started moving again.  Lupin pulled a chocolate bar from his suitcase and broke a piece of it.  After a few moments, Harry awoke and Hermione gave him his glasses.

"Here, eat this.  It'll help." Lupin said, handing Harry the piece of chocolate.  Lupin continued, "It's alright, it's chocolate."

"What was that thing?" Harry asked, taking the chocolate and looking at the compartment door.

"It was a dementor, one of the guards of Azkaban, it's gone now.  It was searching the train for Sirius Black.  If you'll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver."  As he left he said to Harry, "Eat.  You'll feel better."

"I think I'm going to go check on some other people and see if something happened to them."  I said, getting up.

"Good idea." Hermione said.  I gave Harry a smile before walking out of the compartment to go find my friends.

✨Draco Malfoy✨

Once Helena left the compartment, I immediately gave Crabbe a piece of my mind.

"Are you stupid?  Don't you know what happened to her?"  I asked him.

"No, what happened?"  He told me, looking scared.

Before I could answer him, though, Pansy spoke up.

"Her mother was put in Azkaban, you idiot."

"She was?  No way!"  Crabbe said, obviously amused from the story.

"When El gets back, don't you dare ask her any questions or bring up the subject.  She's had a rough summer and I don't need you to make her school year bad.  Got it?"

Crabbe simply nodded, obviously intimidated by my threat.  I was about to change the subject when train slowed down and stopped.  The lights turned off and it was freezing now.  Then I remembered, "Helena." I whispered to myself.  Who knows where she is.  I was about to get up to look for her when a black, tall figure walked by our compartment, in the same direction El left.  All I wanted to do was run out of the compartment to find her, but my legs didn't want to move, so I just kept hoping I wouldn't hear Helena scream.  After what felt like hours of being paranoid and thinking El was in danger, the figure left, the lights turned on, and the train started moving again.  Right after, I got out of my seat and went to go look for her, but as I opened the door, I bumped into her.

"El, I was just about to go look for you.  Are you alright?" I asked her.

"Yes, I'm fine.  But that dementor made Harry faint.  Anyway, what about you? Are you guys okay?"  She said to me.  If I wasn't so worried about Helena, I would've laughed knowing that Harry fainted from seeing that creature.  Sure, it was scary, but I didn't faint because of it.  Helena continued, "Hermione and Ron are taking care of him right now.  I just wanted to come back and check on you to make sure you guys are okay."

"Yeah, we're fine.  Want to come sit?  I already had a talk with Crabbe."  I told her, hoping she'd join me for the rest of the ride instead of those bloody Gryffindors.

"Sure."  She said with a smile.  I always liked her smile, probably because I didn't didn't see it a lot, especially during this time.  But even before her mother was taken, she always smirked, so when I saw her smile, I enjoyed it.

We sat down next to each other like before, and this time, Crabbe didn't say anything, good.  I knew it'd be another couple of hours before we got to Hogwarts, so I rested my head on the window and fell asleep.

I was woken up when I felt something hit my shoulder, though.  I sit up, thinking my friends are just messing with me, but I look around at the compartment and see everyone asleep.  I turn to my shoulder and see El resting her head, sleeping.  I really didn't know what to do at that moment, because I didn't want to wake her, so I turned to face her a bit so her head was now on my chest and I brushed her hair with my fingers.  Suddenly, I didn't feel the urge to go back to sleep, so I stayed up, comforting El.

Later, everyone woke up and we made our way to Hogwarts.  Helena went to go find some friends, probably Fred and George.  On the first night at Hogwarts, every year, they pull a prank on Filch.  It's always fun seeing Filch run into the Great Hall complaining that something happened in his office or to him.  I went to go take a seat at the Slytherin table while Dumbledore waited for everyone to sit before making a speech about the dementors that are going to be on school grounds.  That's when I remembered what El told me about Harry: he fainted.  I scanned the room for Potter and found him right behind me, so I thought it would be a fun moment to tease him.

"Potter!" I whispered, "Potter! Is it true you fainted?  I mean you actually fainted?!"  I laughed.

"Shove off, Malfoy."  Weasley told me, grabbing Harry by the arm to turn him away.

My friends and I talked about Harry fainting for a while, ignoring Dumbledore's speech, and then started to eat.  We were in the middle of enjoying our dinner when El, Fred, and George quietly ran into the Great Hall without any teachers noticing.  She waved at the twins and took a seat next to me.

"Did you do it?"  I asked her quietly.

She nodded, and kept her eyes glued to the doors of the Great Hall until Filch burst through the doors with pimples all over his face.

✨Helena Lestrange✨

I turned the corner by the boys bathroom and saw Fred and George with their back against the wall waiting for me.

"Fred!  George!  Good to see you!" I said, giving them both hugs.

"Good to see you too, El."  They replied in unison.

"This year, I say we give Filch some nasty pimples all over his face!" George said, grabbing some chocolates that were in his pockets.

"And how are we going to do that?" I said, confused.

Fred responded, "George and I have been working on a potion that'll do the trick.  We put the potion in these chocolates this morning.  One bite, and he'll look like a boy going through puberty!"

We laughed and made our way to Filch's office.  I quietly snuck in while Fred and George kept an eye out for me.  I put the chocolates on his desk and quickly wrote a little note:

To Filch, 

always thinking about you

- L.W♡

(as in Lestrange.Weasleys, haha)

I folded the paper up and we ran around the corner to get a good view of Filch's reaction.  A few seconds later, Filch walked in to his office and looked at the note.

George whispered to me, "Hey, what'd you write on the paper.  We didn't plan that."

"I know,"  I said. "But I knew Filch wouldn't eat the chocolates for no reason.  He would've wanted to know why they were there. If not, he would've thrown them away."

"Good thinking." George responded.

Filch stared at the note until looking down at his chocolates.  Within a second, Filch ate every piece of chocolate we gave him.  I almost felt bad for how desperate Filch was.  Fred tapped my shoulder to signal that we should go back to the Great Hall.  So, we ran back and took our seats at our tables, waiting for Filch to burst through the doors.

✨Draco Malfoy✨

As Filch ran to Dumbledore, the pimples on his face started to pop.  Everyone was dying of laughter, especially El.  I'd never seen her so happy.  Professor McGonagall stood up from her seat and told Filch to follow her so she could help him.

"That was absolutely brilliant El!" Ron said.

"Thank you, but it was Fred and George who made the potion.  I just snuck it into his office."  She replied.

Now, Harry and Hermione had turned to face our table and kept talking to Helena.  I couldn't help but feel angry.  Angry that she's friends with them and angry that they're talking to her right now.  I would say I'm even jealous.  But why?  In the middle of their conversation, I spoke up.

"Come on, El.  I have to show you something."

She was confused as to why but said goodbye and followed me out the doors of the Great Hall.  Other students were leaving as well to go to their dorms, but I was taking her where we could be alone together: the astronomy tower.

Done with the second chapter!!  

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Next chapter will be up soon!

Much love,
